



  • 軟體名稱:禱告抓
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:4.44MB


拋出一個祈禱。趕祈禱。丟給上帝。 祈禱漁獲的目的很簡單 - 扔一個禱告請求出給朋友或鄰居,祈禱其他人,並跟蹤結果。建立一個團隊球員祈禱,看在視覺上,你正在祈禱世界各地。達到更廣泛的淨人比你將永遠有自己滿足,或加強朋友間,教會或機構預先存在的禱告小組。 為了幫助滿足你的禱告生活中一個簡單而有效的方法,祈禱漁獲,您可以: - 直接拋出一個禱告請求其他用戶 - 輕鬆添加禱告請求到您的日曆,並設定提醒警示 - 保持和整理自己的個人祈禱私人名單 - 搜尋禱告類型的國際申請(即癒合,財務,人際關係) - 獲得通知時,祈禱你承諾得到回答 - 輕鬆分類並創建自己的禱告蒙應允的見證 - 鼓勵通過私人郵件的其他用戶提供對他們的祈禱 - 管理人士列出了更好的私密性的祈禱和團體禱告請求 - 加入祈禱團(隊),並祈求組內的特定需求 插入一個團隊,看上帝的舉動。Throw a prayer. Catch a prayer. Toss it to God. Prayer Catch's purpose is simple - Throw a prayer request out to a friend or neighbor, pray for other people, and keep track of the results. Build a team of prayer players and see visually where you are being prayed for throughout the world. Reach a wider net of people than you would ever have met by yourself, or strengthen pre-existing prayer groups among friends, churches or organizations . To help serve your prayer life in a simple and effective way, Prayer Catch lets you: - Throw a prayer request directly to another user - Easily add prayer requests to your calendar and set reminder alerts - Keep and organize private lists of your own personal prayers - Search international requests by type of prayer (ie healing, finances, relationships) - Get notified when a prayer you've committed to gets answered - Easily sort through and create your own testimonies of answered prayers - Encourage other users through private messages an on their prayers - Manage lists of people for better prayer privacy and group prayer requests - Join a prayer group (team) and pray for specific needs within the group Plug into a team and watch God move.




