



  • 軟體名稱:神葉片
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:133.55MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.0及以上
屍王升起!成為光譜戰士已經回到捍衛自己的星球,對狂暴的厄運邪教和他們所服務的宇宙恐怖的吞噬觸摸。痛苦的這個世界從遺忘的把握,無名國王揮動幻象葉片鍛造的傳說和一個垂死的世界遺產。 提高你的刀片,衝進黑暗! 特點: 整個一個陌生的世界的戰鬥 - 10個令人驚嘆的,手工製作的環境(Retina顯示屏支持!)和藝術靈感由紙漿小說的封面,經典RPG模組,以及20世紀70年代的搖滾 - 廣泛的運動模式包括華麗的過場動畫和史詩般的在幻想傳奇過去的傳統故事。 揮動一個神聖的阿森納 - 一個數組,解開武器,每一個獨特的外觀,手感,力量,和歷史學習他們的故事和開發自己的戰鬥策略。放逐其他尺寸,你的敵人火焰,緩慢的時間來實現是不可能的打擊,召喚來勢洶洶的風暴,大衣的靈魂吞噬蠕蟲和覆蓋! - 上癮的,新興的,物理驅動作戰獨特的粉碎使每一個決鬥的武器,裝甲,並傳送你的敵人飛行。沒有兩個決鬥是相同的。 永遠不會結束的戰爭 - 爬上排行榜!永恆的模式提供了白熱化的生存玩法如何你能持續多久,包括無效瘋狂的部落不同的戰士嗎? - 坑你對滔天Voidchosen程式生成的主戰士的swordfighting實力。 令人驚嘆的舜 The dead king rises! Become a spectral warrior who has returned to defend his planet against a rampaging doom-cult and the devouring touch of the cosmic horrors they serve. Wrenching this world from the grasp of oblivion, the Nameless King wields phantom blades forged from the legends and heritage of a dying world. Raise your blade, and rush into the darkness! FEATURES: BATTLE ACROSS AN ALIEN WORLD - 10 Breathtaking, handcrafted environments (Retina display supported!) and art inspired by pulp novel covers, classic RPG modules, and 1970s rock - Extensive Campaign mode includes gorgeous cinematics and an epic story in the tradition of fantasy sagas past. WIELD A GODLIKE ARSENAL - An array of unlockable weapons, each with a unique look, feel, power, and history— learn their tales and develop your own fighting strategies. Banish your enemies to other dimensions, cover them in flames, slow time to achieve impossible blows, summon raging storms, coat them in soul-devouring worms and more! - Addictive, emergent, physics-driven combat makes every duel unique—shatter weapons, armor, and send your foes flying. No two duels are the same. A WAR THAT NEVER ENDS - Climb the leaderboards! Eternal mode offers white-knuckle survival gameplay- how long can you last the different warriors that comprise the void-crazed horde - Pit your swordfighting prowess against the monstrous Voidchosen—procedurally generated master warriors. STUNNING SOUN


