



  • 中文名:社會萬花筒
  • 作者:黃贇琳
  • 出版時間:2005年9月1日
  • 出版社:重慶大學出版社
  • 頁數:240 頁
  • ISBN:7562434964
  • 開本:32 開




1.What“s Your Emotional IQ?情緒IQ
2.The Day I Got Real真諦之說
3.New Life After Redundancy下崗了,別趴下
4.Better Left Unsaid話別說完了
5.Never Be Nervons Again克服緊張
6.A Manager for All Seasons戴面具的經理
7.How Pursue Happiness幸福處處在
8.Right Way to Get That Pay Rise加薪晉級的密訣
9.How to Get a Better Job幫你找到好工作
10.If You Really Want to Succeed真的想成功?
11.Proof That Life Begins at 40 40歲,新的起點
12.Do Unto Others處世哲學
13.How to Say Sorry說“抱歉”的藝術
14.Your Approach to Life你的生活是否充滿緊張感?
15.The Dream Game釋夢
16.Are You the Right Person for the Job?你是最佳的候選人嗎?
17.How Do You Rate As an Entrepreneur?你適合當老闆還足打工崽?
18.Looks:Appearance Counts with Many Managers貌美=經理?!
19.Interview Stress遭遇面試
20.How DO Interviewers Make Decisions?怎樣決定錄用員工?
21.Be Nice and Smile If You Want to Hire a Hungarian Manager東西歐國家管理人員的異同
22.The Monarchy and the Media英國皇室與媒介
23.Does Honesty Always Pay?誠實與謊言
24.Beware the Professional Worries笑對人生
25.What Makes s Good Secretary?做一位優秀秘書的秘訣
26.The First Mistake of My Life一生中的第一次錯
27.How to Be An Effective Member你要參加會議嗎?
28.The Night I Learned to See醒悟之夜
29.What to Say in That Job Interview面試中的問與答
30.The Honest Mcrchant of Heart誠實的赫拉特商人
31.What Our Children Think孩子們怎么想?
32.What Ever Happened to Customer Service(一)“上帝”,你滿意嗎?(一)
33.What Ever Happened tO Customer Service(二)“上帝”,你滿意嗎?(二)
34.Six Big Career Mistakes and How to Avoid Then職業六大忌
35.Closing the Gap填平“代溝”
36.How to Mend a Broken Friendship重歸於好
37.Your Most Important Decision決策的最佳時機
38.How a Thief Stole My Name?我的名字被盜用了?
39.What Constructive Living Won''t Do for You你就是你
40.On Security安全感
41.On Behalf of Common Courtesy道德視念


