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  • 中文名:社交英語口語 
  • 作者:張曉燕、張萍
  • 出版社:經濟管理出版社
  • ISBN:9787509607367




Part 1 The Whirl of Society 社交應酬
 Unit One Greetings 打招呼
 Unit Two Introduction 熱情介紹
 Unit Three Pay a Visit 拜訪
 Unit Four Appointments 約會
 Unit Five Giving Presents 贈物
 Unit Six Invitation 邀請
 Unit Seven Receiving a Guest 接待客人
 Unit Eight Farewells 送別
Part 2 Express Emotion 表情達意
 Unit One Expressing Thanks 表示感謝
 Unit Two Comfort Encouragement 安慰鼓勵
 Unit Three Annoyance and Anger 惱怒氣憤
 Unit Four Good Wishes and Congratulations 祝願祝賀
 Unit Five Making an Apology 表達歉意
 Unit Six Request 請求
 Unit Seven Complaining 抱怨
 Unit Eight Disappointed 失望
Part 3 Communicative Situation 情景交際
 Unit One Go Shopping 購物
 Unit Two At a Laundry 在洗衣店
 Unit Three At the Post Office 在郵局
 Unit Four At the Hospital 在醫院
 Unit Five At School 在學校
 Unit Six At the Hotel 在旅館
 Unit Seven Ask/Give Directions 問路/指路
 Unit Eight At the Bank 在銀行
Part 4 The Telephone Exchange 電話交流
 Unit One Connection 請求接線
 Unit Two Call Transfer 轉接電話
 Unit Three Phone Call is Cut off 線路不通
 Unit Four Wrong Number 打錯電話
 Unit Five Telephone Message 電話留言
 Unit Six Call for Help 電話求助
 Unit Seven Making Telephone Appointments 電話預約
Part 5 Social Etiquette 社交禮儀
 Unit One Amenity & Wedding 婚嫁禮儀
 Unit Two Dance Etiquette 舞會禮儀
 Unit Three Celebrate Festivals 節日禮儀
 Unit Four Table Manners 就餐禮儀
 Unit Five Commercial Etiquette 商務禮儀
 Unit Six Interview Etiquette 面試禮儀
 Unit Seven Visit Patient 探病禮儀
 Unit Eight Office Etiquette 辦公禮儀
Part 6 Talk with People 與人交談
 Unit One Talk about Interests and Hobbies 談論興趣和愛好
 Unit Two Talking about Work 談論工作
 Unit Three Talking about the Weather 談論天氣
 Unit Four Chatting about Traveling 談論旅遊
 Unit Five Talking about Family 談論家庭
 Unit Six Talking about Food 談美食
 Unit Seven Talk about Sports 談論運動
Part 7 Business Conversation 商務會話
 Unit One Meeting Somebody at the Airport 機場接人
 Unit Two Tour. Arrangement 安排遊玩
 Unit Three Hotel Arrangement 安排住宿
 Unit Four Business Lunches and Dinners 商務會餐
 Unit Five Company Introduction 公司介紹
 Unit Six Trade Show 參加商展
 Unit Seven Show Around 帶人參觀
 Unit Eight Business Cooperation 業務合作
Part 8 Networked Communication 網路交往
 Unit One Internet Friendship 網上交友
 Unit Two Hunting for a Job on Intemet 網上求職
 Unit Three Online Game 網路遊戲
 Unit Four Network Sales 網路銷售
 Unit Five E-mail 電子郵件
 Unit Six Shopping on the Internet 網上購物


