



  • 書名:研究生英語讀寫互動教程
  • 又名:Interactive English Reading and Writing for Graduate Students
  • 作者:劉愛軍、朱莜雯
  • ISBN:7300141013, 9787300141015
  • 類別:教輔
  • 頁數:154
  • 出版社:中國人民大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2011年6月1日
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16


出版社: 中國人民大學出版社; 第1版 (2011年6月1日)
外文書名: Interactive English Reading and Writing for Graduate Students(Book One)
平裝: 154頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 7300141013, 9787300141015
條形碼: 9787300141015
尺寸: 23.8 x 18.2 x 0.8 cm
重量: 281 g




Unit one cultivating your mind and nurturing your capabilities for a brighter future
part one: reading workshop
1. pre-reading
2. focus on reading
text a: five minds for the future: mental building blocks for the new century
intake practices
text b: how the lessons, skills, and values you develop in college prepare you
for the job market
output practices
part two: writing workshop
section a: writing skills training
1. paragraph writing
2. essay writing
model essay: what i have lived for
3. sentence writing
section b: writing practice
part three: expansion
ideas store
connecting your experience and life
appendix 1
appendix 2
Unit two different ways of thinking and cultural awareness in global communication
part one: reading workshop
1. pre-reading
2. focus on reading
text a: east meets west: how the brain Unites us all
intake practices
text b: toyota head faces culture shock in u.s.
output practices
part two: writing workshop
section a: writing skills training
1. paragraph writing
2. essay writing
model essay: american space, chinese place
3. sentence writing
section b: writing practice
part three: expansion
ideas store
connecting your experience and life
appendix 1
appendix 2
Unit three career planning & career change
part one: reading workshop
1. pre-reading
2. focus on reading
text a: with finance disgraced, which career will be king?
intake practices
text b: moving on: going back to work
output practices
part two: writing workshop
section a: writing skills training
1. paragraph writing
2. essay writing
model essay: a career change could be as good as a holiday
3. sentence writing
section b: writing practice
part three: expansion
ideas store
connecting your experience and life
appendix 1
appendix 2
Unit four career development & career success
part one: reading workshop
1. pre-reading
2. focus on reading
text a: success stories that inspire
intake practices
text b: steve jobs' speech at stanford university
output practices
part two: writing workshop
section a: writing skills training
1. paragraph writing
2. essay writing
model essay a: my own little world
model essay b: my third story is about death
3. sentence writing
section b: writing practice
part three: expansion
ideas store
connecting your experience and life
appendix 1
appendix 2
Unit five creative technologies that surprise you
part one: reading workshop
1. pre-reading
2. focus on reading
text a: biomimicry: why the world is full of intelligent design
intake practices
text b: robot wars: the rise of artificial intelligence
output practices
part two: writing workshop
section a: writing skills training
1. proces / problem-solving
2. essay writing
model essay: how to do well on a job interview
3. sentence writing
section b: writing practice
part three: expansion
ideas store
connecting your experience and life
appendix 1
appendix 2
Unit six interesting arguments that challenge the traditional science
part one: reading workshop
1. pre-reading
2. focus on reading
text a: clever fools: why a high iq doesn't mean you're smart
intake practices
text b: survival of the fittest theory: darwinism's limits
output practices
part two: writing workshop
section a: writing skills training
1. paragraphs writing
2. essay writing
model essay: taming the anger monster
3. sentence writing
section b: writing practice
part three: expansion
ideas store
connecting your experience and life
appendix 1
appendix 2


