



  • 書名:研究生英語自主閱讀1
  • 頁數: 235頁
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 裝幀:平裝


正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787040309256
條形碼: 9787040309256
尺寸: 22.6 x 16.8 x 1.2 cm
重量: 299 g




Unit One
General Reading: You Are What You Wear
Special Purpose Reading: What Is Academic Writing?
Test-based Reading
Pleasure Reading: We're Just Beginning
Unit Two
General Reading: The Final Stage of Growth
Special Purpose Reading: How to Single out a Topic
Test-based Reading
Pleasure Reading: Facing the Enemy Within
Unit Three
General Reading: The Chaser
Special Purpose Reading: How to Quote and Paraphrase
Test-based Reading
Pleasure Reading: Paradox of Our Times
Unit Four
General Reading: The Theme of the Three Caskets
Special Purpose Reading: How to Compose a Strong Thesis Statement
Test-based Reading
Pleasure Reading: Ten Valuable Tips of Albert Einstein
Unit Five
General Reading: Eat Yourself Fitter
Special Purpose Reading. How to Outline an Academic Paper
Test-based Reading
Pleasure Reading: Youth
Unit Six
General Reading: Relationships: What We All Want
Special Purpose Reading: How to Draft an Abstract
Test-based Reading
Pleasure Reading: Ambition
Unit Seven
General Reading: The Russell-Einstein Manifesto
Special Purpose Reading: How to Formulate an Introduction
Test-based Reading
Pleasure Reading: When Love Beckons You
Unit Eight
General Reading: The Selfish Gene
Special Purpose Reading: How to Compose a Central Part
Test-based Reading
Pleasure Reading. Be Happy
Unit Nine
General Reading: Stop Blaming Working Moms
Special Purpose Reading: How to Round off a Conclusion
Test-based Reading
Pleasure Reading: To Be or Not to Be
Unit Ten
General Reading: Success Means Never Feeling Tired
Special Purpose Reading: How to Write a Summary
Test-based Reading
Pleasure Reading: Gettysburg Address
Answer Keys & Translation
Unit One
Unit Two
Unit Three
Unit Four
Unit Five
Unit Six
Unit Seven
Unit Eight
Unit Nine
Unit Ten


