



  • 書名:研究生英語聽說教程(上)(第2版)
  • 作者:羅德芬
  • 出版社:中南大學出版社 
  • 出版時間:2006年08月
  • 頁數:218 頁
  • 定價:23 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:7810618830




Unit1 Language and Language Learning1
Part Ⅰ Warmingup Practice:Short Conversations3
Part Ⅱ Topiccentered Listening Practice4
Section A English World Wide4
Section B Vocabulary Building6
Section C Levels of Language6
Part Ⅲ Topicbased Speaking Practice7
Successful Language Learners7
Unit2 Consumers Today9
Part Ⅰ Warmingup Practice:Short Conversations11 Part Ⅱ Topiccentered Listening Practice12
Section A Changes in Americans Spending Patterns12
Section B Supermarket and Consumers13
Section C How to Make the Most Effective Complaint14
Part Ⅲ Topicbased Speaking Practice15
Complaint and Its Settlement15
Unit3 Computers17
Part Ⅰ Warmingup Practice:Short Conversations19 Part Ⅱ Topiccentered Listening Practice20
Section A New Development in Computer Technolo
Section B The Uses of Computers22
Section C Computer Crime23
Part Ⅲ Topicbased Speaking Practice24
Computer Security24
Unit4 Words and Their Stories25
Part Ⅰ Warmingup Practice:Short Conversations27 Part Ⅱ Topiccentered Listening Practice28
Section A Colors28
Section B Dark Horse29
Section C Muckraker31
Part Ⅲ Topicbased Speaking Practice33
Our Changing Language33
Unit5 Marriage35
Part Ⅰ Warmingup Practice:Short Conversations37 Part Ⅱ Topiccentered Listening Practice38
Section A The Virtues of Marriage38
Section B Arranged Marriages40
Section C SINDIs — the21st Century Divorced Women41 Part Ⅲ Topicbased Speaking Practice42
Stay in Love42Unit6 Job45
Part Ⅰ Warmingup Practice:Short Conversations47 Part Ⅱ Topiccentered Listening Practice48
Section A Employeeship48
Section B Job Opening Available to New College Graduates50
Section C How to Avoid Joblessness52
Part Ⅲ Topicbased Speaking Practice53
The Gloomy Prospects of MBA Graduates53
Test155Unit7 Sports59
Part Ⅰ Warmingup Practice:Short Conversations61
Part Ⅱ Topiccentered Listening Practice62
Section A Out of Africa62
Section B The Spirit and Philosophy of the Olympic Games63 Section C Ultimate Frisbee64
Part Ⅲ Topicbased Speaking Practice65
About Sports65Unit8 Arts67
Part Ⅰ Warmingup Practice:Short Conversations69 Part Ⅱ Topiccentered Listening Practice70
Section A A Famous Painting70
Section B Henri Matisse71
Section C Our Singing72
Part Ⅲ Topicbased Speaking Practice73
The Beatles73Unit9 News Reports75
Part Ⅰ Warmingup Practice:Short Conversations77 Part Ⅱ Topiccentered Listening Practice78
Section A BBC News78
Section B VOA News79
Section C Report on Chinas First Manned Space Mission80
Part Ⅲ Topicbased Speaking Practice81
A Middle East Military Experts Comment81Unit10 The American Civil War83
Part Ⅰ Warmingup Practice:Short Conversations85 Part Ⅱ Topiccentered Listening Practice86
Section A A Glimpse of the American Civil War86
Section B The Union and the Confederate Armies88 Section C A Secret Route89
Part Ⅲ Topicbased Speaking Practice90
Congress and President after the Civil War90Unit11 How to Interview People93
Part Ⅰ Warmingup Practice:Short Conversations95 Part Ⅱ Topiccentered Listening Practice96
Section A How to Interview People96
Section B An Interview on the Problem of the Aged97 Section C Interiew with Bill Clinton99
Part Ⅲ Topicbased Speaking Practice100
Shyness and Ability to Function before Audiences100Unit12 Outstanding Personalities103
Part Ⅰ Warmingup Practice:Short Conversations105Part Ⅱ Topiccentered Listening Practice106
Section A Lincoln106
Section B Interview with Bill Clinton108
Section C An Interview about Benjamin Franklin109 Part Ⅲ Topicbased Speaking Practice110
Martin Luther King Jr.110
Test2112Scripts and Keys117


