

《研究生英語系列教程文獻閱讀與翻譯》一書的出版社是高等教育出版社,出版時間是第1版 (2007年1月1日)。


  • 書名:研究生英語系列教程文獻閱讀與翻譯
  • ISBN:7040089351, 9787040089356
  • 頁數:281頁
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 出版時間:第1版 (2007年1月1日)
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本: 32




Unit 1 General Description of Literature Readinq and Tranalotion
Topical Highlights
Theme Presentation
1.Definition of Literature
2.Classification of Literature
3.Linguistic Features of Scientific Literature
4.Search for Relevant Literature
Reflections and Practice (1)
Supplementary Readings on Informational Retrieval
Translation Skills (1): Translation in General and Translation of Special Literature
Special Attention: The Translation of Documentation
Reflections and Practice (2)
Unit 2 Standards
Topical Highlights
Theme Presentation
1.Definition of Standard
2.Classification of Standards
3.Linguistic Features of Standards
4.Search for International Standards,
Sample Analysis
Reflections and Practice (1)
Supplementary Readings on Standards
Translation Skills (2): Diction
Special Attention: The Translation of Standards
Reflections and Practice (2)
Unit 3 Patents
Topical Highlights
Theme Presentation
1.Definition of Patent
2.Classification and Formation of Patents
3.Linguistic Features of Patents
4.Search for Patents
Sample Analysis
Reflections and Practice (1)
Supplementary Readings on Patents
Translation Skills (3): Amplification
Special Attention: The Translation of Patents
Reflections and Practice (2)
Unit 4 Trademarks
Topical Highlights
Theme Presentation
1.Definition of Trademark
2.Classification of Trademarks
3.Linguistic Features of Trademarks
4.Search for Trademarks
Sample Analysis
Supplementary Readings on Trademarks
Reflections and Practice (1)
Translation Skills (4): Omission
Special Attention: The Translation of Trademarks
Reflections and Practice (2)
Unit 5Copyrights
Topical Highlights
Theme PreSentatiOn
1.Definition of Copyright
2.Classification of Copyrights
Sample Analysis
Supplementary Readings on Copyrights
Reflections and Practice(1)
Translation Skills(5):Convemion
Special Attention:The Translation of Copyrights
Reflections and Practice(2)
Unit 6 Contracts and Aqreements
Topical Highlights
Theme PreSentatiOn
1.Definition of Contract
2.Classification of Contracts and Agreements
3.Linguistic Features of Contracts and Agreements
Sample Analysis
Supplementary Readings on Contracts and Agreements
Reflections and Practice(1)
Translation Skills(6):Restructuring
Special Attention:The Translation of Contracts and Agreements
Reflections and Practice(2)
Unit 7 Tender Documents
Topical Highlights
Theme Presentation
1.Definition of Tender Document
2.ClassifiCation of Tender Documents
3.Linguistic Features of Tender Documents
4.Search for Tender Documents
Sample Analysis
Supplementary Readings on Tender Documents
Reflections and Practice(1)
Translation Skills(7):Passive Voice
Special Attention:The Translation of Tender Documents
Reflections and Practice(2)
Unit 8 Proposals
Topical Highlights
Theme Presentation
1.Definition of Proposal
2.Classification of Proposals
3.Format of Proposal
Sample AnalysiS
Supplementary Readings On Proposals
Reflections and Practice(1)
Translation Skills(8):Affirmative vs.Negative
Special Attention:The Translation of ProIposals
Reflections and Practice(2)
Unit 9 Abstracts
Topical Highlights
Theme PreSentatiOn
1.Definition of Abstract
2.Classification of Abstracts
3.Linguistic Features of Abstracts
4 Search for Abstracts
Unit 10 Reports
Unit 11 Professional Papers
Unit 12 Coference Documents
Unit 13 Reviews
Unit 14 Indexes
Unit 15 Bibliography


