



  • 書名:研究生新階英語閱讀教程(學生用書)
  • 作者:謝福之
  • ISBN:9787811248050
  • 頁數:249頁
  • 定價:30元
  • 出版社:北京航空航天大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2009年8月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開


全書由十個單元的教學參考和輔導資料組成。各單元按以下內容編寫:1.課文注釋 (Explanatory Notes):主要包括課文中出現的背景知識如人物、事件或專有名詞等。2.參考答案 (Key to Exercises):教材中所有練習的答案,供教師輔導學生練習時參考。3.參考譯文 (Translation of Texts):包括每個單元3篇課文的譯文,我們翻譯時儘量忠實原文,便於教師講課時使用。


Unit 1 Educational Fairness
Text A How the “ZList” Makes the AList: Harvard’s Payback for Big Donors
Text B Bring Our Schools out of the th Century
Text C Intellectual: Clever Dick
Unit 2 American Minorities
Text A Latino America
Text B The Torchbearer: Rosa Parks
Text C The Assimilation of NonProtestant and NonWestern Europeans
Unit 3 Health and Food
Text A Young Survivors
Text B No Miracle Diets for Heart Disease or Cancer
Text C You and Your Brain are What You Eat
Unit 4 Human Emotions
Text A The Love you Want— Secrets to a Sexy Marriage
Text B My Father’s Sweater
Text C This Little Girl of Mine
Unit 5 Planning Your Career
Text A My Brilliant Interim Career
Text B The Pause That Refreshes9
Text C Close That Culture Gap
Unit 6 New and Mainstream Media
Text A Web Users Open the Gates9
Text B What is “New Media”?
Text C State of the Blogosphere
Unit 7 Sportsmanship
Text A Gold Rush
Text B Sport Needs to Bite Back
Text C Wimbledon’s Special Friendship
Unit 8 Eliminating Wars from the World
Text A New Report Casts Doubt on Gulf War Syndrome
Text B Bush’s BlueCollar War
Text C The Reality of Civil War
Unit 9 Culture and Communication
Text A Monochronic and Polychronic Time
Text B Space as a Factor in Intercultural Contact
Text C Imagery and Memory9
Unit 10 Global Economy and Trade9
Text A Economic Outlook: How Robust is the Recovery?9
Text B Bears in the Woods—The markets and the world economy
Text C The New Powers in Giving
Appendix1 Glossary
Appendix2 Suggested Key to Some Exercises


