1996/10-2000/05:法國蒙彼利埃第二大學,病毒學專業,博士。Ph.D. in Virology, Montpellier University II, France.
1995/10-1996/06:北京語言學院(現北京語言文化大學),法語培訓。Intensive training in French in Beijing Language College, Beijing, China. 1987/09-1990/07:中科院武漢病毒所,病毒學專業,碩士。 M.S. in Virology, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. 1983/09-1987/07:武漢大學,遺傳學專業,學士。B.S. in Genetics, Wuhan University, China.
2012/01-至今:中科院武漢病毒所,鄭店生物安全三級實驗室,主任。Director, Zheng Dian Laboratory of BSL-3, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
2011/07-至今:中科院武漢病毒所,新發傳染病研究中心,主任。Director, Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. 2000/10-2011/06:中科院武漢病毒所,分子病毒研究室,主任。Director, Laboratory of Molecular Virology, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. 2000/10-至今:中科院武漢病毒所,研究員。Senior research scientist, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. 2006/10: 法國立昂P4實驗室培訓。Training course in P4, Lyon, France. 2006/02-2006/05:澳大利亞動物健康研究室,高級訪問學者。Senior Visiting Scholar, Australian Animal Health Laboratory, Australia. 1998/07-2000/09:中科院武漢病毒所,副研究員。Associate research fellow, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. 1993/07-1998/06:中科院武漢病毒所,助理研究員。Research scientist, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. 1990/07-1993/06:中科院武漢病毒所,研究實習員。Research assistant, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
2011/10-2016/10:中國微生物學會病毒專業委員會,委員。Member of Virology Committee of the Chinese Society for Microbiology.
2000/09-至今:湖北省暨武漢市生化與分子生物學學會,常務理事。Member of the Chinese Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Hubei Province and Wuhan City.
2001/09-2007/08:湖北省暨武漢市微生物學會,理事。Member, Chinese of the Society for Microbiology in Hubei Province and Wuhan City.
2004/10-2016/10:《病毒學報》,第三編委、第四屆責任編委。Editorial, Board of Virologica Sinica.
2006/10-2012/10:《中國病毒學》,第五、六屆編委。Editorial, Board of Chinese Journal of Virology.
2005/10-2010/10:《中國水產科學》,第五、六屆編委。Editorial, Board of Journal of Fishery Sciences of China.