本品用於治療園翳內障,瞳神散大,慢 性單純性青光眼,青盲等病。套用本丸的基本指征是陰虛火旺之頭目眩暈,視物模糊,或瞳仁散大,或眼前出現黑花,迎風流淚,舌紅,脈細數。凡屬元氣已傷,肝腎兩虧,兼挾火邪者,皆可套用。
Wintex Tong Ming Yan Wan
Traditional Chinese medicine considers that the liver stores blood, the kidney stores essence, and blood and essence nourish the eye. Insufficiency of liver-yin may lead to hyperfunction of liver-yang and consumption of kideny-yin may cause flamming-up of asthenic fire, thus eye diseases results. This prescription has the action of benefiting qi, supporting essence, nourishing the liver and kidney, and suppressing liver-fire and liver-yang, so it is suitable for treating internal oculopathy and restoring vision.
The capsule is indicated for cataract, mydriasis, coronic simple glaucoma, optic atrophy, etc. and the evidences for it application are dizziness, poor vision, irritated epiphora with red tongue and thready rapid pulse. It is applicable to those with damage of primordial qi, deficiency of liver and kidney and affection of fire evil.
Actions And Indications:
Nourish yin, invigorate kidney, purge liver-fire, and improve vision, indicated for internal oculopathy and poor vision, etc. which are attributive to deficiency of liver and kidney, yin-deficiency and fire hyperactivity.
Four capsules three times daily for oral use.
Specification: Sixty capsules per bottle
Storage: Hermetically sealed and keep away from moisture.
產品編號﹕WT054 售價︰95元 (港幣/人民幣)(網上訂肯奔艱促購)
永達堂“石斛明眼丸”產品已透過香港標準及檢定中心(The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.) 測試報告(Testing Report)為合格產品。
Nourish yin, invigorate kidney, purge liver-fire, and improve vision, indicated for internal oculopathy and poor vision, etc. which are attributive to deficiency of liver and kidney, yin-deficiency and fire hyperactivity.
Four capsules three times daily for oral use.
Specification: Sixty capsules per bottle
Storage: Hermetically sealed and keep away from moisture.
產品編號﹕WT054 售價︰95元 (港幣/人民幣)(網上訂購)
永達堂“石斛明眼丸”產品已透過香港標準及檢定中心(The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.) 測試報告(Testing Report)為合格產品。