1990~1993山東師範大學化學系讀書 學士
1993~1996 濟南醫學高等專科學校,助教
美國西北大學Northwestern University 博士後
Zhiqiang Shi, Jian Jin, Yuliang Li, Zhixin Guo, Shu Wang, Lei Jiang, Daoben Zhu, C60 based nanoparticles: self-assembly of a novel fullerene derivative, New. J. Chem. 2001, 25, 670-672.
Zhiqiang Shi, Yuliang Li, Shu Wang, Zhixin Guo, Chimin Du, Na Sun, Yaan Cao, Jiannian Yao, Daoben Zhu, Enqin Gao, Shengmin Cai, Self-assembled film of a new C60 derivative covalently linked to TiO2 nanocrystalline, Chem. Phys. Lett. 2001, 336, 19-23.
Zhiqiang Shi, Yuliang Li, Haofei Gong, Minghua Liu, Shengxiong Xiao, Huibiao Liu, Hongmei Li, Shengqiang Xiao, Daoben Zhu, Self-assembly and characterization of supramolecular [60]Fullerene-containing 2,6-diacylamidopyridine with uracil derivative by hydrogen-bonding interaction, Organic Letters, 2002, 4(7), 1179-1182.
Zhiqiang Shi, Yuliang Li, Shu Wang, Chimin Du, Shengxiong Xiao, Hongjuan Fang, Yunshen Zhou, Daoben Zhu, Formation and properties of the nanoparticles based on salt-derivatived C60, Solid State Communications, 2001, 120(7-8), 269-272..
Zhiqiang Shi, Yuliang Li, Shu Wang, Hongjuan Fang, Daoben Zhu, Synthesis and antioxidative properties of polyphenol-fullerenes, Chinese science bulletin, 2001, 46(21), 1790-1792.
Shi Zhiqiang, Li Yuliang, Ge Zhongxin, Zhu Daoben, Synthesis and magnetic property of a nitroxide based on C60, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2000, 45(10), 896-898.
Zhiqiang Shi, Yuliang Li, Juhua Xu, Zhongxin Ge, Daoben Zhu, Covalently linked [60, 70] fullerenes-nitroxide unit for synthesis and characterization, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2000, 61, 1095-1099.
Yuliang Li, Shu Wang, Fengying Li, Chimin Du, Zhiqiang Shi, Na Sun, Zhixin Guo, Daoben Zhu, Yinglin Song, Preparation and Optical Limiting Properties of Polycarbonates Containing Fullerene unit, Chem. Phys. Lett., 2001, 337, 403-407.
Chimin Du, Yuliang Li, Shu Wang, Zhiqiang Shi, Shengxiong Xiao , Daoben Zhu, Synthesis and Characterization of [60]Fullerene-Substituted Oligopyridines Ruthenium Complexes, Synth. Met. 2001, 124(2-3), 287-289.
Shu Wang, Yuliang Li, Zhiqiang Shi, Chimin Du, Hongjuan Fang, Shengxiong Xiao, Daoben Zhu, Synthesis of new C60-based dyads containing carbazole and benzothiazole moieties, Synth. Commun. 2002, 138, 299-304.
Shu Wang, Junlin Yang, Yuliang Li, Hongzhen Lin, Zhixin Guo, Shengxiong Xiao, Zhiqiang Shi, Daoben Zhu, Hyung-Suk Woo, David L. Carroll, In-Seo Kee, Ji-Hoon Lee, Composites of C60 based poly(phenylene vinylene) dyad and conjugated polymer for polymer light-emitting devices, Apply Phys. Lett., 2002, 80 (20) 3847-3849
Hongjuan Fang, Shu Wang, Shengxiong Xiao, Yuliang Li, Zhiqiang Shi, Chimin Du, Daoben Zhu, Synthesis and properties of an organo-[C60]fullerene containing PPV unit, Synth. Met., 2002, 128,253-259.
Zhongxin Ge, Yuliang Li, Zhiqiang Shi, Fenglian Bai, Daoben Zhu. Synthesis and Photophysical characterization of a new crown ether-bearing [70]fulleropyrrolidine derivative, Journal of physics and chemistry of solids, 2000, 61, 1075-1079.
H. Fang, S. Wang, S. Xiao, J. Yang, Y. Li, Z. Shi, H. Liu, S. Xiao, D. Zhu, Three-point hydrogen bonding Assembly between a conjugated PPV and a functionalized fullerene, Chemistry of Materials, 2003, 15(8), 1593-1597.
D. Zhu, Y. Li, S. Wang, Z. Shi, C. Du, S. Xiao, H. Fang, Y. Zhou, Design, synthesis and properties of functional materials based on fullerene, Synthetic Metals, 2003, 133-134, 679-683.
H. Liu, Y. Li, H. Luo, H. Fang, H. Li, S. Xiao, Z. Shi, S. Xiao, D. Zhu, Controlled synthesis of CdS nanowires using diamines, European physical journal D, 2003, 24(1-3), 405-408.
職稱: 高級工程師
性別: 男
1994 - 1997
重慶大學 套用數學系 獲理學碩士學位
1992 - 1994 重慶市公路運輸總公司
主持 軟體所資助項目 下一代光交換網路的研究。
1.石志強,網際網路中的服務質量保證 通信學報,Vol.25, No.4A, 2004
2.石志強,基於乙太網的寬頻社區網路管理系統 北京郵電大學學報,第26卷增刊,2003
3.石志強,SPJBQ : Start Potential-based Jitter Bounded Queueing IEEE SoftCom 2001
4.石志強,基於參數估計的隨機早期探測(RED)改進算法 電子學報, Vol.28, No.11A, 2000
5.石志強,The Routing Enhancements in WDM Networks Based on MPLS,第29屆亞洲信息通信大會,東京,2003