- 中文名:石德智
- 畢業院校:浙江大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:環境工程
- 任職院校:重慶大學
2011年至今 重慶大學城市建設與環境工程學院環境工程系 講師、副教授
2006年 美國Cornell University康奈爾大學 學習交流
2003年-2009年 浙江大學環境與資源學院 環境工程專業 工學博士
1999年-2003年 同濟大學環境科學與工程學院 環境工程專業 工學學士
巴塞爾公約亞太區域中心化學品和廢物環境管理智庫專家、重慶市“無廢城市”建設專家庫專家、重慶市環境技術評估專家庫專家;國際水協IWA(International Water Association)會員、美國化學學會ACS(American Chemical Society)會員、國際Society of Chemical Industry學會會員、中國環境科學學會會員、註冊清潔生產審核師;國際SCI期刊Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health青年編委;SCI學術期刊Journal of Hazardous Materials、Science of the Total Environment、Bioresource Technology、Chemosphere、Waste Management、Energy & Fuels、Fuel、Materials & Structures等審稿人
1、Shi DZ, Wu WX*, Lu SY, Chen T, Huang HL, Chen YX, Yan JH. Effect of MSW source-classified collection on the emission of PCDDs/Fs and heavy metals from incineration in China.Journal of Hazardous Materials.2008, 153(1-2): 685-694.(SCI一區IF =10.588)
2、Tang XJ, Shen CF,Shi DZ*, Cheema SA,et al. Heavy metal and persistent organic compound contamination in soil from Wenling: an emerging e-waste recycling city in Taizhou area, China.Journal of Hazardous Materials.2010, 173(1-3): 653-660.(SCI一區IF =10.588)被引:266次ESI高被引論文
3、Shen KL, Shen CF, Yu J, Yu CN,Shi DZ*, Chen YX. PCB congeners induced mitochondrial dysfunction in Vero cells.Journal of Hazardous Materials.2011, 185: 24-28.(SCI一區IF =10.588)
4、Tang H, Xu XY, Wang B, Lv CP,Shi DZ*.Removal of ammonium from swine wastewater using synthesized zeolite from fly ash.Sustainability. 2020, 12(8): 3423.(SCI二區IF=3.251)
5、Shi DZ*, Hu CY, Zhang JL, Li PF, Zhang C, Wang XM, Ma H. Silicon-aluminum additives assisted hydrothermal process for stabilization of heavy metals in fly ash from MSW incineration.Fuel Processing Technology. 2017,165:44-53.(SCI一區IF =7.033)
6、Shi DZ*,Ma JY,Wang HL,Wang P,Hu CY,Zhang JL,Gu L. Detoxification of PCBs in fly ash from MSW incineration by hydrothermal treatment with composite silicon-aluminum additives and seed induction.Fuel Processing Technology. 2019,195:106157.(SCI一區IF=7.033)
7、Shi DZ*, Lv MY, Tong HH, Liu JY, Cai HY, et al. Effect of magnetite on the catalytic oxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fly ash from MSW incineration: A comparative study of one-step and two-step hydrothermal processes.Journal of Environmental Management. 2022, 303: 114238. (SCI二區IF =6.789)
8、Shi DZ, Zhang C, Zhang JL, Li PF, Wei YM.Seed-assisted hydrothermal treatment with composite silicon-aluminum additive for solidification of heavy metals in municipal solid waste incineration fly ash.Energy & Fuels.2016, 30 (12): 10661-10670.(SCI二區)
9、Shi DZ, Tong HH, Lv MY, Zhang HB, Wang HL, et al. Effect of Ca-Si-Al element proportion on formation of aluminosilicate minerals and detoxification of PAHs in fly ash from MSW incineration during hydrothermal process.Energy & Fuels. 2021, 35(11):9474-9488.(SCI二區)
10、Shi DZ, Tong HH, Lv MY, Luo D, Wang P, Xu XX, Han ZY. Optimization of hydrothermal synthesis of hydroxyapatite from chicken eggshell waste for effective adsorption of aqueous Pb(II).Environmental Science & Pollution Research. 2021, 28(41): 58189-58205.(SCI二區)
11、Shi DZ*, Li PF, Zhang C, Tang XJ. Levels and patterns of polychlorinated biphenyls in residues from incineration of established source-classified MSW in China.Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry.2015, 97(10): 1337-1349.(SCI )
12、Shi DZ, Tang XJ, Wu WX*, Shen CF, McBride BM, Chen YX. Effect of MSW source-classified collection on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in residues from full-scale incineration in China.Water, Air & Soil Pollution.2009, 198: 347-358.(SCI)
13、Shi DZ*, Wang P, Xu XY, Gu L, Li L, Ma H, Hu CY. Effect of source-classified collection of municipal solid waste on heavy metals and pozzolanic properties of incineration residues.International Journal of Environmental Research. 2018.12(5):661-670.(SCI)
14、Shi DZ*, Zhang JL, Zhang C, Hu CY, Li PF. Seed-induced hydrothermal synthesis of tobermorite from municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash.Journal of Residuals Science & Technology.2017,14(1):11-19.(SCI )
15、Shi DZ*, Zhang JL, Hu CY, Zhang C, Li PF. Research and application progress of the supercritical water oxidation technology on waste sludge treatment.Journal of Chemical Industry & Engineering.2017, 68(1): 37-49.( EI )
16、Shi DZ*, Wang P, Hu CY, Li PF, Zhang C, Wei YM, Gu L. Synergistic effect of silicon-aluminum addition and seed-induced on stabilization of heavy metals in MSW incineration fly ash during hydrothermal process.Journal of Chemical Industry & Engineering.2018,69(8): 3651-3661.( EI )
17、TongHH,Shi DZ*,Liu JY,Cai HY,Luo D,Chen F. Research progress on dark fermentative bio-hydrogen productionfrom lignocellulose assisted by metal nanoparticles.Journal of Chemical Industry & Engineering,2022.( EI )
18、Shen CF, Huang SB,Shi DZ, Zhu YF, Shi JY, Chen XC, Setty K, Chen YX*. Identification of Ah receptor agonists in soil of E-waste recycling sites from Taizhou area in China.Environmental Science & Technology.2008, 42(1): 49-55.(SCI一區IF =9.028)
19、Shen CF, Tang XJ, Yao J,Shi DZ,et al. Levels and patterns of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in municipal waste incinerator bottom ash in Zhejiang province, China.Journal of Hazardous Materials.2010,179:197-202.(SCI一區IF =10.588)
20、Peng XY,Zhang SY, Li L*, Zhao XF, Ma Y,Shi DZ. Long-term high-solids anaerobic digestion of food waste: effects of ammonia on process performance and microbial community.Bioresource Technology. 2018,262: 148-158.(SCI一區IF =9.642)
21、Zou HJ, Chen YD, Shi JH, Zhao T, Yu Q, Yu SK,Shi DZ, Chai HX, Gu L*, He Q*, Ai HN. Mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion of residual sludge with lignocellulosic biomass in the batch digester.Bioresource Technology. 2018, 268: 371-381.(SCI一區IF =9.642)
22、Chen YD, Zhao ZY, Zou HJ, Yang HF, Sun T, Li MX, Chai HX, Li L, Ai HN,Shi DZ, He Q, Gu L*. Digestive performance of sludge with different crop straws in mesophilic anaerobic digestion.Bioresource Technology. 2019, 289: 121595.(SCI一區IF =9.642)
23、Chen YD, Yang HF, Zhao ZY, Zou HJ, Jiang Q, Sun T, Li MX, Li L,Shi DZ, et al. Comprehensively evaluating the digestive performance of sludge with different lignocellulosic components in mesophilic anaerobic digester.Bioresource Technology. 2019, 293: 122042.(SCI一區IF =9.642)
24、Zhu RL. Chen YD, Zhao T, Jiang Q, Wang HQ, Zheng LS,Shi DZ, et al. Enhanced mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion of waste sludge and food waste by using hematite (alpha-Fe2O3) supported bentonite as additive.Bioresource Technology. 2020, 313:123603.(SCI一區IF =9.642)
25、Cao XK, Jiang L, Zheng H, Liao Y, Zhang Q, Shen QS, Mao YX, Ji FY*,Shi DZ. Constructed wetlands for rural domestic wastewater treatment: A coupling of tidal strategy, in-situ bio-regeneration of zeolite and Fe(Ⅱ)-oxygen denitrification.Bioresource Technology. 2022, 344:126185.( SCI一區IF =9.642)
26、Yu XZ, He DF, Zhang XM*,Shi DZ, Luo GX, Deng J*. Surface-adaptive and initiator-loaded graphene as a light-induced free-radical generator for drug-resistant bacteria eradication.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2019,11(2): 1766-1781. (SCI一區IF =9.229)
27、Wei YM*, Du L, Deng X, Liu XY, Mei XY,Shi DZ. Alkaline-assisted leaching of iron-cyanide complex from contaminated soils.Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018, 354:53-61.( SCI一區IF =13.273)
28、Ao LG, Xia F, Ren Y, Xu J,Shi DZ, Zhang S, Gu L*, He Q*. Enhanced nitrate removal by micro-electrolysis using Ferric and Surfactant modified activated carbon.Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019, 357: 180-187.( SCI一區IF =13.273)
29、Huang X,Shi DZ, Sun FQ, Wu WX*. Efficacy of sludge and manure compost amendments against fusarium wilt of cucumber.Environmental Science & Pollution Research.2012, 19(9):3895-3905.(SCI二區IF=4.223)
30、Ma H*, Huang LP, Zhang J,Shi DZ,et al. Optical properties of straw-derived dissolved organic matter and growth inhibition ofMicrocystis aeruginosaby straw-derived dissolved organic matter via photo-generated hydrogen peroxide.Environmental Pollution. 2018,242:760-768.(SCI一區IF=8.071)
31、Wei YM*, Li JY,Shi DZ, Liu GT, Zhao YC, Shimaoka T. Environmental challenges impeding the composting of biodegradable municipal solid waste: A critical review.Resources, Conservation & Recycling.2017,122: 51-65.(SCI一區IF=10.204)
32、Chen XY*, Huang XD, Hu B,Shi DZ, Wu WX. Effects of bamboo charcoal and bamboo vinegar on nitrogen conservation and heavy metals immobility during pig manure composting.Chemosphere.2010, 78(9): 1177-1181.(SCI一區IF =7.086)
33、Song NF,XuJ, CaoYP, XiaF, ZhaiJ, AiHN,ShiDZ, GuL*, HeQ. Chemical removal and selectivity reduction of nitrate from water by (nano) zero-valent iron/activated carbon micro-electrolysis.Chemosphere.2020, 125986.(SCI一區IF =7.086)
34、Wei YM*, Wang F, Liu X, Fu PR, Yao RX, Ren TT,Shi DZ, Li YY. Thermal remediation of cyanide-contaminated soils: process optimization and mechanistic study.Chemosphere. 2020. 239: 124707.(SCI一區IF =7.086)
35、Xu YX*, He ZM, Tang H, Sun YD, Zhang SY,Shi DZ, Ji FY*. Removal of diclofenac and oxytetracycline from synthetic urine by furfuryl alcohol-derived mesoporous carbon.Chemosphere. 2022. 132317.(SCI一區IF =7.086)
36、Zou HJ, Jiang Q , Zhu RL, Chen YD , Sun T , Li MX, Zha J,Shi DZ,Ai HN, Gu L*, He Q. Enhanced hydrolysis of lignocellulose in corn cob by using food waste pretreatment to improve anaerobic digestion performance.Journal of Environment Management. 2020,254:109830.(SCI一區IF=6.789)
37、Gao M, Li SQ, Zou HJ, Wen FS, Cai AR, Zhu RL, Tian WJ,Shi DZ, Chai HX, Gu L. Aged landfill leachate enhances anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludgeJournal of Environmental Management. 2021, 293:112853. (SCI二區IF =6.789)
38、Zhu RL, He LY, Li QY, Huang TX, Gao M, Jiang Q, Liu JY, Cai AR,Shi DZ, Gu L*, He Q. Mechanism study of improving anaerobic co-digestion performance of waste activated sludge and food waste by Fe3O4.Journal of Environmental Management. 2021:113745.(SCI二區IF =6.789)
39、Xu XY*, Jin ZX, Wang B,Shi DZ. Treatment of high-strength ammonia nitrogen wastewater by polyvinyl alcohol–sodium alginate immobilization of activated sludge.Process Biochemistry. 2017, 63:214-220. (SCI二區IF =3.757)
40、Tian WJ, Chen YD, Shen YQ, Zhong C,Gao M, Shi DZ, He Q, Gu L*. Effects of hydrothermal pretreatment on the mono- and co -digestion of waste activated sludge and wheat straw.Science of the Total Environment. 2020,732: 139312.(SCI一區IF =7.963)
41、Gao M, Zou HJ, Tian WJ,Shi DZ, Chai HX, He Q, Gu L*. Co-digestive performance of food waste and hydrothermal pretreated corn cob.Science of the Total Environment.2021, 768:144448.(SCI二區IF =7.963)
42、Song NF, Chen ZH, Shi JH,Shi DZ, Gu L*. Performance and mechanism of chelating resin (TP-207) supported Pd/Cu bimetallic nanoparticles in selective reduction of nitrate by using ZVI (Zero Valent Iron) as reductant.Separation and Purification Technology. 2021, 272:118974. (SCI一區IF =7.312)
43、Wang S, Yan C, Zhang XM,Shi DZ, Chi LX*, Luo GX*, Deng J*. Antimicrobial peptides modification enhances the gene delivery and bactericidal efficiency of gold nanoparticles for diabetic wound healing.Biomaterials Science. 2018, 6(10):2757-2772. (SCI一區IF =6.843)
44、Zhao T, Chen YD, Yu Q,Shi DZ, Chai HX, Li L, Ai HN, Gu L*, He Q. Enhancement of performance and stability of anaerobic co-digestion of waste activated sludge and kitchen waste by using bentonite.PLoS One. 2019.14(7): e0218856. (SCI一區IF=3.240)
45、Ding Y, Liu YX, Wu WX*,Shi DZ, Yang M. Evaluation of biochar effects on nitrogen retention and leaching in multi-layered soil columns.Water, Air & Soil Pollution.2010, 213(1-3): 47-55.(SCI)被引頻次:352次
46、Wei YM*, Mei XX,Shi DZ, Liu GT, Li L, Shimaoka T. Separation and characterization of magnetic fractions from waste-to-energy bottom ash with an emphasis on the leachability of heavy metals.Environmental Science & Pollution Research. 2017, 24(17):14970-14979.(SCI二區IF=4.223)
47、Xia F, Yang HF, Li L, Ren Y,Shi DZ, Chai HX, Ai HN, He Q, Gu L*. Enhanced nitrate adsorption by using cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC) pre-loaded activated carbon.Environmental Technology. 2020,41(27):3562-3572. (SCI)
48、Chen YD, Jiang Q, Zhu RL, Shi JH, Chai HX, Li L, Ai HN,Shi DZ, He Q, Gu L*. Effects of green waste addition on waste activated sludge and fat, oil and grease co-digestion in mesophilic batch digester.Environmental Technology. 2021,42(18):2870-2884. (SCI)
49、Tian WJ, Li JH, Zhu LR, Li W, He LY, Gu L*, Deng R*,Shi DZ, Chai HX, Gao M. Insights of enhancing methane production under high-solid anaerobic digestion of wheat straw by calcium peroxide pretreatment and zero valent iron addition.Renewable Energy. 2021,177:1321-1322. (SCI一區IF =8.001)
50、Ding Y, Han ZY, Wu WX,Shi DZ, Chen YX, Li WH*. Performance evaluation of biofilters and biotrickling filters in odor control of n-butyric acid.Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A -Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental. 2011, 46(5): 441-452.(SCI)
51、Luo L, Zhu LY ,Hong W, Gu JD,Shi DZ, He Y, Xiao YL, Tian D, Zhang SR, Deng SH, Lan T, Deng OP*. Microbial resource limitation and regulation of soil carbon cycle in Zoige Plateau peatland soils.Catena. 2021, 205: 1054787. (SCI一區IF =5.198)
52、Salam M*, Alam F,Shi DZ, Nabi G, Shahzadi A, UI Hassan S, Ali M, Saeed MA, Hassan J, Ali N, Bilal M*.Exploring the role of Black Soldier Fly Larva for sustainable management of municipal solid waste in developing countries.Environmental Technology & Innovation. 2021, 24:101934.(SCI二區IF =5.263)
53、Li NY, Han ZY*, Zeng ZJ, Guo NF, Wang J,Shi DZ, Wang XM. Influencing environment factors on the spatial succession of the bacterial community in municipal solid waste landfills.Journal of Environmental Engineering. 2022. (SCI)
54、石德智*,張金露,胡春艷,張超,李鵬飛.超臨界水氧化技術處理污泥的研究與套用進展.化工學報. 2017, 68(1): 37-49.(權威期刊,EI)
55、石德智*,王攀,胡春艷,李鵬飛,張超,等.矽鋁調控與晶種誘導對水熱穩定飛灰中重金屬的協同影響.化工學報. 2018,69(8): 3651-3661.(權威期刊,EI)
56、童海航,石德智*,劉嘉宇,蔡樺伊,等.金屬納米顆粒輔助木質纖維素暗發酵生物制氫的研究進展.化工學報. 2022(權威期刊,EI)
57、石德智*,李鵬飛,張超,等.水熱法外加矽鋁添加劑穩定垃圾焚燒飛灰中重金屬的研究.環境工程學報. 2017, 11(1):582-588.
58、石德智*,張金露,張超,李鵬飛.粉煤灰水熱法合成沸石的研究進展.安全與環境學報. 2016, 16(3): 273-279.
59、石德智*,馬靖元,張涵博,王海林,等.廁所惡臭物質組分及檢測分析技術的研究進展.環境衛生工程. 2021, 29(3): 44-51.
61、魏雲梅,周英,石德智*.垃圾焚燒爐渣鐵磁性物質提取及特性表征.環境工程學報. 2015, 9(10): 5037-5044.
62、周英,石德智*,向先熙,李鵬飛.基於能量分析的生活垃圾分類收集方式探討.環境科學與技術. 2014, 37(6): 300-303.
63、黃向東,韓志英,石德智*,黃嘯,等.畜禽糞便堆肥過程中氮素的損失與控制.套用生態學報. 2010, 21(1): 247-254.
64、王成賢,石德智*,沈超峰,等.畜禽糞便污染負荷及風險評估—以杭州市為例.環境科學學報. 2011, 31(11): 2562-2569.
65、聶明建,張涵博,石德智*,童海航,等.基於CiteSpace的疏浚底泥全球研究態勢可視化分析.環境保護科學. 2022.
66、賴生平,張涵博,石德智*,童海航,等.重慶長生河河道底泥污染特徵分析及生態風險評價.能源與環保. 2022.
67、劉晶靜,吳偉祥*,丁穎,石德智,等.氨氧化古菌及其在氮循環中的重要作用.套用生態學報.2010, 21(8): 2154-2160.
68、郭曉慧,吳偉祥*,韓志英,石德智.嗜酸產甲烷菌及其在厭氧處理中的套用.套用生態學報. 2011, 22(2): 537-542.
69、張蕊,韓志英*,陳重軍,石德智,等.生物膜型污水脫氮系統中膜結構及微生物生態研究進展.生態學雜誌. 2011, 30(11): 2628-2636.
70、谷萌,魏瀟瀟,李偉,石德智,張鵬,王小銘*.垃圾填埋場與焚燒廠滲濾液全(多)氟化合物賦存特徵.中國環境科學. 2020, 40(4), 1555-1562(權威期刊,EI)
71、朱立超,劉元元*,王婉玉,石德智,等.施氏礦物的化學合成及其對含Ce(Ⅵ)地下水吸附修復.環境科學. 2017, 38(2): 629-639.( EI )
72、石德智*,劉國濤,等.準好氧填埋在固廢綜合實驗中的體系設計.實驗科學與技術, 2017, 15(5): 69-72.
73、石德智*,劉元元,劉國濤,等.套用導向下的案例式教學在清潔生產審核課程中的實踐.課程教育研究. 2016, 15: 9-10.
74、石德智*,劉元元,等.《清潔生產與清潔生產審核》課程建設與教學改革探索.教育教學論壇. 2017,4:112-115.
75、石德智*,李莉,袁榮煥.固廢綜合實驗中探究性實驗的教學設計—以eggshell-derived HAP製備及其吸附性能研究為例.高教學刊. 2021, 7(13): 75-79
76、石德智*,林慶,袁榮煥,等.市政污泥好氧堆肥在固廢綜合實驗中的教學設計與實踐.科教導刊. 2022
77、魏雲梅*,高俊敏,石德智,等.面向混合教學模式的課程知識點碎片化管理——以“固體廢物處理與處置”課程為例.教育教學論壇. 2021,8: 137-140.
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1、Southern Extension and Research Activity Group-17. 2006. Ithaca, NewYork.USA
2、中日KSI International Symposium The 1st Young Researchers’ Session Sustainability - from "Now" to the "Future" . 2007.杭州
3、浙江大學-富士電機システムズ研究開発センター. 2010 Tokyo. Japan
4、International Symposium on Science, Technology and Policy for Water PollutionControlat Watershed Scale. 2009
5、Symposium on Science and Technology for Water Pollution Control in China, Japan,and US. 2010
6、InternationalSymposium on Environmental Behavior and Effects of Biomass-derived Charcoal. 2010