部分發表論文 1. Effect of Quench Process on Mechanical Properties and Conductivity of 7475 Alloy. Materials Transactions, 2015, (SCI) 2. Polarization analysis of green sand and parameter optimization under exciting electric field. Applied Clay Science, 2014, 87(1): 66-72. (SCI) 3. Temperature control system of resistance-heated furnace based on variable fuzzy-PI control. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 8768(2013) 87682S-1 (EI) 4. Nonlinear rectification for capacitance method measuring the moisture of green sand based on functional link neural network. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 380-384 (2013)pp.806-810.(EI) 5. Temperature controller of heating furnace based on fuzzy neural network technology. 4th International Conference on Material and Manufacturing Technology, Seoul, pp.820-825. (EI) 6. 在高速滑動接觸條件下磁層退磁現象的試驗研究. 機械工程學報, 2013, 49(1) ,123-128. (EI) 7. Defects detection system for steel tubes based on electromagnetic acoustic technology. Procedia Engineering, vol. 29(2012)pp.252-256. (EI) 8. The feasibility of acquiring a thermal analysis cooling curve by wet sample cup made of green sand, JOM, 2011, 63(5), 35-38. (SCI) 9. Experimental study on fatigue crack identification of 7075 aluminum alloy plate using combination NEWMS and TRA, Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, 2011,18(5), 377-380. (SCI) 11. Effect of the degassing on surface tension of Al-Si alloys, Kovove Materialy, 2009, 47(1), 51-54.(SCI)