

作者: 蔣慧傑[1,2] 李麗紅[3] 梁曉琴[3]
論文題名: 英文題名:Analysis on the Mechanism of Knowledge Sharing to Enlarge Knowledge Capital
作者機構: [1]天津大學管理學院,天津300072 [2]深圳出入境檢驗檢疫局,深圳518045 [3]天津理工大學管理學院,天津300384
題名、責任者附註: JIANG Hui-jie, LI li-hong, LIANG Xiao-qin (1.School of Management ,Tianjin University ,Tianjin 300072; 2.Shenzhen Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Shenzhen518045; 3.School of Management ,TianJin University of Technology,Tianjin 300384)
語種: Chinese 漢語
分類: 中圖分類:F123
期刊收錄: 0;CSA;CSSCI
作者簡介: 作者簡介:蔣慧傑(1978-),男,博士研究生,註冊造價工程師,註冊諮詢工程師,註冊一級建造師。
期刊收錄: 基金項目:國家自然科學基金項目(70772058)
來源: 北京理工大學學報:社會科學版, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition),2010,003
標識號: ISSN:1009-3370CN:11-4083/C
中文關鍵字: 知識共享 知識資本 放大 人力資本
英文關鍵字: knowledge sharing; knowledge capital; enlargement; human capital
中文摘要 知識在共享過程中的增長性是知識共享促進知識資本放大的基本原理。通過研究知識資本構成,發現知識共享與知識資本的關係密切,知識共享分別促進了知識資本的人力資本、結構資本、關係資本即H—S—C三者構成的放大,最終促進知識資本的放大。知識共享對知識資本的放大效果可以用來衡量知識共享的績效。
英文摘要 [The growth of knowledge in its sharing process is the principle of how knowledge capital could be increased by knowledge sharing. With the three main parts of knowledge capital- human capital, relationship capital, and structure capital, knowledge sharing could enlarge knowledge capital relatively because of their close relationship. Finally the result of enlargement is proved by empirical study, and it also could be used for the measurement of the performance of knowledge sharing.]


