



  • 中文名稱:盧貢家族的家運
  • 作者:左拉
  • 出版社:人民文學出版社
  • 出版日期:1958
  • 譯者:林如稷



The idyll of Miette and Silvhre is a very touching one, and quite in accord with the conditions of life prevailing in Provence at the period Emile Zola selects for his narrative. Miette is a frank child of nature; Silvhre, her lover, in certain respects foreshadows, a quarter of a century in advance, the Abbi Pierre Fromont of "Lourdes," "Rome," and "Paris." "The Fortune of the Rougons" is the initial volume of the Rougon-Macquart series. Though it was by no means M. Zola's first essay in fiction, it was undoubtedly his first great bid for genuine literary fame, and the foundation of what must necessarily be regarded as his life-work. The idea of writing the "natural and social history of a family under the Second Empire," extending to a score of volumes, was doubtless suggested to M. Zola by Balzac's immortal "Comidie Humaine." He was twenty-eight years of age when this idea first occurred to him; he was fifty-three when he at last sent the manuscript of his concluding volume, "Dr. Pascal," to the press. He had spent five-and-twenty years in working out his scheme, persevering with it doggedly and stubbornly, whatever rebuffs he might encounter, whatever jeers and whatever insults might be directed against him by the ignorant, the prejudiced, and the hypocritical. Truth was on the march and nothing could stay it; even as, at the present hour, its march, if slow, none the less continues athwart another and a different crisis of the illustrious novelist's career.




愛米爾·左拉(法語:Émile Zola,1840.4-1902.9),法國自然主義小說家和理論家,自然主義文學流派創始人與領袖。1840年,左拉誕生於法國巴黎。主要作品為《盧貢-馬卡一家人的自然史和社會史》,該作包括20部長篇小說,登場人物達1000多人,其中代表作有《盧貢家族的家運》《小酒店》《萌芽》《娜娜》《金錢》等。左拉是19世紀後半期法國重要的批判現實主義作家,其自然主義文學理論,被視為19世紀批判現實主義文學遺產的組成部分。


