盧諒,女,1978 年生於山西省長治市,博士,重慶大學土木工程學院副教授,博士生導師。主要從事土木工程領域土力學與基礎工程教學與岩土工程領域科研工作。自2005年以來,先後開展了地基承載力、邊坡穩定與加筋土機理等岩土工程領域研究,參與了日本文部省重點領域科研項目一項,主持重慶市科委自然科學基金計畫面上項目一項,留學回國人員科研啟動基金項目一項,參與重慶市科技攻關項目一項,在國內外期刊公開發表論文十餘篇。
- 中文名:盧諒
- 畢業院校:日本福井大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:岩土工程
- 職務:重慶大學土木工程學院博士生導師
·1. Lu, L., Wang, Z.J. and Arai, K. Numerical and experimental analysis for bearing capacity of rigid strip footing subjected to eccentric load, Journal of Central South University, 2014. (SCI-E/EI 檢索,已錄用待刊登)
·2. Arai, K. and Wang, Z.J Laboratory model test and numerical analysis of bearing capacity of rigid strip footing, J. of Appl. Mech., JSCE, Vol. 10, pp. 351-362, 2007.
·3. Lu, L., Arai, K., Wang, Z.J. and Nishiyama, R. Laboratory model test and numerical analysis of bearing capacity of rigid strip footing on slope, J. of Appl. Mech., JSCE, Vol.11, pp. 399-410,2008.
·4. Lu, L., Arai, K., Wang, Z.J., Machihara, H. and Kadokawa Y. Laboratory model test and numerical analysis of bearing capacity of rigid strip footing on slope, Proc. of 43th annual symp. on the Jap. Geotech. Society, pp. 1323-1324, 2008.
·5. Lu, L., Arai, K. and Ueki, M. Numerical analysis of bearing capacity of deep foundation, Proc. of 44th annual symp. on the Jap. Geotech. Society, pp. 1241-1242, 2009.
·6. Lu, L., Arai, K., Wang, Z.J. and Ueki, M. Bearing capacity of rigid strip footing on various ground and loading conditions, 4th Japan-China Geotechnical Symposium, pp. 454-461, 2010.
·7. Arai, K., Wang Z.J. and Lu, L. Model test and numerical analysis of slope stability during earthquake, Performance-based design in earthquake geotechnical engineering, pp. 873-880, 2009.
·8. Arai, K., Machihara, H., Lu, L. and Tsuji, S. Model tests and numerical analysis of active earth pressure against concrete block retaining wall , 9th international conference on geosynthetics-9ICG, pp.1785-1790, 2010.
·9. 荒井克彥, Lu Liang, 上木美菜子. 種々の載荷條件での帯基礎の支持力に関する室內模型実験と數値解析, 第54回地盤工學シンポジュウム論文集,307-314, 2009.
·10. 上木美菜子, 荒井克彥, Lu Liang, 加藤智之, 町原秀夫.偏心荷重を受ける帯基礎の極限支持力に関する室內模型実験と數値解析,第43回地盤工學研究発表會, 1325-1326, 2008.
·11. 上木美菜子,荒井克彥,Lu Liang. 地震時の帯基礎の極限支持力に関する數値解析, 第44回地盤工學研究発表會, 1239-1240, 2009.
·2. Arai, K. and Wang, Z.J Laboratory model test and numerical analysis of bearing capacity of rigid strip footing, J. of Appl. Mech., JSCE, Vol. 10, pp. 351-362, 2007.
·3. Lu, L., Arai, K., Wang, Z.J. and Nishiyama, R. Laboratory model test and numerical analysis of bearing capacity of rigid strip footing on slope, J. of Appl. Mech., JSCE, Vol.11, pp. 399-410,2008.
·4. Lu, L., Arai, K., Wang, Z.J., Machihara, H. and Kadokawa Y. Laboratory model test and numerical analysis of bearing capacity of rigid strip footing on slope, Proc. of 43th annual symp. on the Jap. Geotech. Society, pp. 1323-1324, 2008.
·5. Lu, L., Arai, K. and Ueki, M. Numerical analysis of bearing capacity of deep foundation, Proc. of 44th annual symp. on the Jap. Geotech. Society, pp. 1241-1242, 2009.
·6. Lu, L., Arai, K., Wang, Z.J. and Ueki, M. Bearing capacity of rigid strip footing on various ground and loading conditions, 4th Japan-China Geotechnical Symposium, pp. 454-461, 2010.
·7. Arai, K., Wang Z.J. and Lu, L. Model test and numerical analysis of slope stability during earthquake, Performance-based design in earthquake geotechnical engineering, pp. 873-880, 2009.
·8. Arai, K., Machihara, H., Lu, L. and Tsuji, S. Model tests and numerical analysis of active earth pressure against concrete block retaining wall , 9th international conference on geosynthetics-9ICG, pp.1785-1790, 2010.
·9. 荒井克彥, Lu Liang, 上木美菜子. 種々の載荷條件での帯基礎の支持力に関する室內模型実験と數値解析, 第54回地盤工學シンポジュウム論文集,307-314, 2009.
·10. 上木美菜子, 荒井克彥, Lu Liang, 加藤智之, 町原秀夫.偏心荷重を受ける帯基礎の極限支持力に関する室內模型実験と數値解析,第43回地盤工學研究発表會, 1325-1326, 2008.
·11. 上木美菜子,荒井克彥,Lu Liang. 地震時の帯基礎の極限支持力に関する數値解析, 第44回地盤工學研究発表會, 1239-1240, 2009.
(2)中央高校基本科研業務費科研專項自然科學類項目資助(CDJZR 12 20 00 11):新型土工合成材料加筋土技術研究及其機理分析,2013-2015(6.0萬元)
(2)中央高校基本科研業務費科研專項自然科學類項目資助(CDJZR 12 20 00 11):新型土工合成材料加筋土技術研究及其機理分析,2013-2015(6.0萬元)
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