1. Yanli Lu, Jianbing Yan, Claudia T. Guimares, et al. Molecular characterization of global maize germplasm with large-scale single nucleotide polymorphism. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2009, 120: 93-115. (IF:3.930)盧艷麗在田間
2. Yanli Lu, Shihuang Zhang, Trushar Shah, et al. Joint linkage–linkage disequilibrium mapping is a powerful approach to detecting quantitative trait loci underlying drought tolerance in maize. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2010, 107(45): 19585–19590. (IF:9.504)
3. Yanli Lu, Zhuanfang Hao, Chuanxiao Xie, et al. Large-scale screening for maize drought resistance using multiple selection criteria evaluated under water-stressed and well-watered environments. Field Crops Research. 2011, 124: 37-45. (IF:3.127)
4. Yanli Lu, Trushar Shah, Zhuanfang Hao, et al. Comparative SNP and haplotype analysis reveals a higher genetic diversity and rapider LD decay in tropical than temperate germplasm in maize. PLoS ONE. 2011, 6 (9): e24861. (IF:2.766)
5. Farkhari Mohammad, Yanli Lu, Trushar Shah, et al. Recombination frequency variation in maize as revealed by genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms. Plant Breeding. 2011, 130, 533-539. 共同第一作者 (IF:1.392)
6. Jie Xu, Jian Liu, Yanli Lu*, et al. The genetic architecture of flowering time and photoperiod sensitivity in maize as revealed by QTL review and meta analysis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2012, 54 (6): 358-373. (IF:3.129)
7. Yanli Lu, Jie Xu , Zhimin Yuan, et al. Comparative LD mapping using single SNPs and haplotypes identifies QTL for plant height and biomass as secondary traits of drought tolerance in maize. Molecular Breeding. 2012, 30(1): 407–418. (IF:2.077)
8. Jie Xu, Ling Liu, Yanli Lu*, et al. Development and characterization of simple sequence repeat markers providing genome-wide coverage and high resolution in maize. DNA Research. 2013, 20, 497-509. (IF:5.415)
9. Farkhari Mohammad, Alan Krivanek , Yanli Lu*, et al . Root-lodging resistance in maize as an example for high-throughput genetic mapping via single nucleotide polymorphism-based selective genotyping. Plant Breeding. 2013, 132, 90–98. (IF:1.392)
10. Ning Yang, Yanli Lu, Xiaohong Yang, et al. Genome wide association studies using a new nonparametric model reveal the genetic architecture of 17 agronomic traits in an enlarged maize association panel. PLoS Genetics. 2014, 10(9): e1004573.共同第一作者 (IF:5.540)
11. Jie Xu, Fengkai Wu, Yanli Lu*, et al. Identification of candidate genes for drought tolerance by whole-genome resequencing in maize. BMC Plant Biology. 2014, 14(1):1-15. (IF:3.930)
12. Litian Zhang, Jia Li, Yanli Lu* , et al. Large-scale screening maize germplasm for low phosphorus tolerance using multiple selection criteria. Euphytica. 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s10681-014-1079-3. (IF:1.546)
13. Rongyao Li, Yijin Zeng, Yanli Lu*, et al. Genetic variation for maize root architecture in response to drought stress at the seedling stage. Breeding Science. 2015, DOI: 10.1270/jsbbs.65.298. (IF:1.559)
14. Fengkai Wu, Zuoming Liu, Yanli Lu*, et al. Molecular evolution and association of natural variation in ZmARF31 with low phosphorus tolerance in maize. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2016, DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01076. (IF:3.678)
15. Jia Li, Erliang Hu, Yanli Lu*, et al. Evolution of DUF1313 family members across plant species and their association with maize photoperiod sensitivity. Genomics. 2016, (107): 199–207. (IF:2.910)
16. Jie Xu, Qi Wang, Yanli Lu*, et al. Natural antisense transcripts are significantly involved in regulation of drought stress in maize. Nucleic Acids Research. 2017, 1, DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkx085. (IF:11.561)
17. Ling Liu, Yuanqi Wu, Yanli Lu*, et al. Evolutionary conservation and functional divergence of the LFK gene family play important roles in the photoperiodic flowering pathway of land plants. Heredity, 2017, DOI: /10.1038/s41437-017-0006-5. (IF:3.872)
18. Xianjun Lai , James C. Schnable, Yanli Lu*, et al. Genome-wide characterization of non-reference transposable element insertion polymorphisms reveals genetic diversity in tropical and temperate maize. BMC Genomics. 2017, 18:702, DOI: 10.1186/s12864-017-4103-x. (IF:3.730)
1. Jing Wang, YanLi Lu, and Tingzhao Rong*, et al. RNA editing of mitochondrial functional genes atp6 and cox2 in maize (Zea mays L.). Mitochondrion. 2009, 9(5): 364-369. (IF: 3.226)
2. Shibin Gao, Yanli Lu, Yunbi Xu*, et al. Revisiting the Hetero-Fertilization Phenomenon in Maize. PLoS ONE. 2011, 6(1): e16101. (IF: 2.766)
3. Jerming Chia, Chi Song, Peter J Bradbury, Yanli Lu, et al. Maize HapMap2 identifies extant variation from a genome in flux. Nature Genetics. 2012, 44: 803-807. (IF=27.125)
5. Xianjun Lai, Sairam Behera, Yanli Lu, et al. STAG-CNS: An order-aware conserved noncoding sequences discovery tool for arbitrary numbers of species. Molecular Plant. 2017, 10: 990-999. (IF=9.326)
6. Yunbi Xu*, Ping Li, Yanli Lu, et al. Olsen. Enhancing genetic gain in the era of molecular breeding. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2017, 68(11): 2641-2666. (IF=5.354)
7. Xianjun Lai, Lang Yan, Yanli Lu, et al. Largely unlinked gene sets targeted by selection for domestication syndrome phenotypes in maize and sorghum. The Plant Journal. 2018, 93(5): 843-855. (IF=5.775)