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盧浩博士,教授、博士生導師,新疆傑出青年科學基金獲得者。新疆大學智慧型科學與技術學院(未來技術學院)學術副院長,西北能源碳中和教育部工程研究中心副主任,新疆大學雙一流建設“能源碳中和”創新團隊負責人,廣東省通信防雷及元器件工程技術研究中心技術委員會主任,國家科技專家庫評審專家,國家自然科學基金評審專家,國家社科基金評審專家,新疆大學電氣工程學院學術委員會委員。盧浩教授於2009年和2014年分別獲得武漢大學和清華大學能源與動力工程專業學士和博士學位,2014年至2018年在香港理工大學可再生能源研究中心和英國諾丁漢大學Rolls-Royce研究中心擔任博士後研究員(Research Fellow),2019年至2020年任華南理工大學長聘副教授,併入選“興華學者”人才計畫,2021年全職進入新疆大學工作。


  • 中文名:盧浩
  • 國籍中國
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 職務:博士生/碩士生導師
  • 招生信息:課題組每年招收博士後、博士生和碩士生若干名,熱忱歡迎能源動力、電氣工程、建築環境、航天航空、化工材料等專業學生諮詢和報考。
  • 職稱:教授


在國內外期刊及會議上發表學術論文180餘篇,其中本領域國際知名期刊International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Physics of Fluids, International Journal of Refrigeration, Applied Energy, Energy, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Chemical Engineering Science, Fuel, Applied Thermal Engineering, Building and Environment, Energy and Buildings等發表SCI論文90餘篇(第一/通訊作者80餘篇,國際JCR一區論文70餘篇),累計SCI影響因子總和達到500,論文引用次數2000餘次,發表EI收錄論文30餘篇,申請/授權國家發明專利20餘項,參與撰寫學術專著2部。
作為主研人員參與完成《新疆維吾爾自治區碳達峰碳中和科技創新行動方案》的編制工作並獲得新疆自治區領導批示。作為主研人員參與完成國家科技部和新疆科技廳聯合委託《科技促進新疆“兩高”行業高質量發展的對策建議》並通過院士專家組論證。作為主要人員組織完成《新疆能源碳中和教授大講堂》系列講座,獲得學術界和企業界同行的正面反響。擔任國際SCI二區期刊《Journal of Hydrodynamics》和中文核心期刊《水動力學研究與進展》編委,國際期刊《Frontiers in Built Environment》客座編輯,中文期刊《當代化工研究》編委,中文期刊《能源環境保護》青年編委,新疆大學學報《碳中和目標下能源轉型關鍵技術》專題學術負責人。擔任國際多相流大會(ICMF)和國際套用能源大會(ICAE)的分會主席(Session Chair),國際智慧型電網與可再生能源大會Workshop主席,中國煤炭學會能源環境保護大會執行主席,以及二十多個國際知名SCI期刊的長期審稿專家。




[1] 中國機械工業教育協會新能源與儲能工程專業委員會委員
[2] 新疆氫能產業聯盟副秘書長
[3] 廣東省通信防雷及元器件工程技術研究中心首席技術顧問
[4] 國家科技專家庫評審專家
[5] 國家自然科學基金評審專家
[6] 國家社會科學基金評審專家
[7] 廣東省自然科學基金評審專家
[8] 新疆自治區自然科學基金評審專家
[9] 國際JCR二區SCI期刊《Journal of Hydrodynamics》編委
[10] 國際期刊《Frontiers in Built Environment》客座編輯
[11] 中文核心期刊《水動力學研究與進展》編委
[12] 中文期刊《當代化工研究》編委
[13] 中文期刊《能源環境保護》青年編委
[14] 新疆大學學報《碳中和目標下能源轉型關鍵技術》專題學術負責人
[15] 第8屆國際多相流大會(ICMF)分會主席(Session Chair
[16] 第10屆國際套用能源大會(ICAE) 分會主席(Session Chair
[17] 2023年國際智慧型電網與可再生能源大會(SEGRE)Workshop主席
[18] 2023年中國煤炭學會能源環境保護大會執行主席
[19] 擔任International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Physics of Fluids, International Journal of Refrigeration, Applied Energy, Energy, Fuel, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering, Building and Environment, Energy and Buildings等二十多個國際知名SCI期刊審稿專家



[1] Liu Huachen, Lu, Hao*, Hu Heng. CO2 capture and mineral storage: State of the art and future challenges, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2024, 189: 113908. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[2] Lu, Hao*, Wang He, Chang Xiqiang, Zhou Erbiao. Characteristics and mechanism of droplet bouncing on cross-ridge superhydrophobic surfaces: Simulations and theory, Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36, 022114 . (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[3] Lu, Hao*, Tang Xiaole. A flexible optimization study on air-cooled battery thermal management system by considering of system volume and cooling performance, Journal of Energy Storage, 2023, 72: 108527. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[4] Wang He, Lu, Hao*, Zhao Wenjun. A review of droplet bouncing behaviors on superhydrophobic surfaces: Theory, methods, and applications, Physics of Fluids 35, 021301 . (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[5] Zhu Zhu, Lu, Hao*, Zhao Wenjun, et al. Materials, performances and applications of electric heating films, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2023, 184: 113540. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[6] Chen Maozhi, Lu, Hao*, Chang Xiqiang, et al. An optimization on an integrated energy system of combined heat and power, carbon capture system and power to gas by considering flexible load, Energy, 2023, 273: 127203. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[7] Huang Shangjiu, Lu, Hao*, Chen Maozhi, et al. Integrated energy system scheduling considering the correlation of uncertainties, Energy, 2023, 283: 129011. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[8] An Mingyu, Lu, Hao*, Zhao Wenjun, et al. An Experimental Study on Novel Gas Discharge Tubes With Graphene as Electron Emission Material, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2023, 70(4): 1942-1949. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[9] Han Zunshi, Lu, Hao*. Numerical simulation of turbulent flow and particle deposition in heat transfer channels with concave dimples, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 230: 120672. (SCI, JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[10] Zhang Zhu, Lu H. A numerical study on fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of oily wastewater falling film outside an elliptical tube, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 148: 107004. (SCI, JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[11] He Beihua, Lu, Hao*, Zheng Chuanxiao, Wang Yanlin, Characteristics and cleaning methods of dust deposition on solar photovoltaic modules-A review, Energy, 2023, 263, 126083. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[12] Peng Hantao, Lu, Hao*, Chang Xiqiang, Zheng Chuanxiao, Wang Yanlin, 3D CFD modelling of dust deposition characteristics and influences on building-mounted photovoltaic system, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2022, 35, 102138. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[13] Zheng Chuanxiao, Lu, Hao*, Xu Yongzhong, Wang Yanlin, Study on the performance of open-circuit failure gas discharge tube under the context of DC short-circuit, Electric Power Systems Research, 2022, 213, 108777. (SCI,JCR 2區)  
[14] Lu, Hao*, Zheng Chuanxiao. Comparison of Dust Deposition Reduction Performance by Super-Hydrophobic and Super-Hydrophilic Coatings for Solar PV Cells, Coatings, 2022,12, 502. (SCI, JCR 2區)
[15] Lu, Hao*. Effects of Flow Regime and Conjugate Heat Transfer on Particle Deposition in Heat Exchange Duct, 2021, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2021, 28, 101532. (SCI,JCR 1區)  
[16] Lu, Hao*, Quan Yunyun. A CFD study of particle deposition in three-dimensional heat exchange channel based on an improved deposition model. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021,178,121633. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[17] Lu, Hao*, Lu Lin, Gao Xiaoxia. Mass transfer enhancement of falling film liquid desiccant dehumidification by micro-baffle plates. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021,161,120289. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[18] Lu, Hao, Lu Lin*. CFD Simulation of Liquid Desiccant Dehumidifier Performance with Smooth and Rough Plates. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2021,124,1-12. (SCI,JCR 1區)
[19] Lu, Hao*, Liang Shaowei. Reduction of Dust Deposition on Solar Photovoltaic Cells by Self-Cleaning Coating: Experimental Study of Influencing Factors. Energy Technology, 2021, 9 (2), 2000795. (SCI,JCR 2區)
[20] Cai Rongrong, Lu, Hao, Zhang, Lizhi*. Mechanisms of performance degradation and efficiency improvement of electret filters during neutral particle loading. Powder Technology, 2021, 382, 133-143. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[21] Hu Lina, Lu, Hao, Ma Xiaojing, Chen Xiaodong. Heterogeneous nucleation on surfaces of the three-dimensional cylindrical substrate. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2021, 575, 126340. (SCI,JCR 3區)
[22] Lu, Hao*, Ma Tao, Lu Lin. Deposition Characteristics of Particles in Inclined Heat Exchange Channel with Surface Ribs. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020,161,120289. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[23] Lu, Hao, Cai Rongrong, Zhang, Lizhi, Lu Lin*, Zhang Longfei. Experimental investigation on deposition reduction of different types of dust on solar PV cells by self-cleaning coatings. Solar Energy, 2020, 206, 365-373. (SCI,JCR 2區,中科院TOP)
[24] Zhang Shusheng, Lu, Hao*, Zhang Lizhi*, Riffat Saffa, Ure Zafer, Zhang Huaguan. A lattice Boltzmann simulation of oblique impact of a single rain droplet on super-hydrophobic surface with randomly distributed rough structures. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 2020, 15, 443-449. (SCI,JCR 2區)
[25] Lu, Hao, Zhang, Lizhi*, Cai Rongrong. Numerical investigation on thermophoretic deposition of particles in turbulent duct flow with conjugate heat transfer: Analysis of influencing factors. Building Simulation, 2020, 13(2), 387-399. (SCI,JCR 1區)
[26] Lu, Hao*. Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Channel Flows over Rough Walls with Stochastic Roughness Height Distributions. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2020, 32, 570-581. (SCI,JCR 2區)
[27] Pan Anjian, Lu, Hao*, Zhang, Lizhi. Experimental Investigation of Dust Deposition Reduction on Solar Cell Covering Glass by Different Self-cleaning Coatings. Energy, 2019, 181, 645-653. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[28] Zhang, Lizhi, Pan Anjian, Cai Rongrong, Lu, Hao*. Indoor experiments of dust deposition reduction on solar cell covering glass by transparent Super-hydrophobic coating with different tilt angles. Solar Energy, 2019, 188, 1146-1155. (SCI,JCR 2區,中科院TOP)
[29] Lu, Hao; Zhang Lizhi*. Influences of dust deposition on ground-mounted solar photovoltaic arrays: A CFD simulation study. Renewable Energy, 2019, 135, 21-31. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[30] Lu, Hao, Zhang, Lizhi*. Effects of Blockage Ratio and Reynolds number on Particle Deposition in Duct air Flow over a Forward-Facing Step. Building Simulation, 2019, 12(6), 1119-1129. (SCI,JCR 1區)
[31] Lu, Hao; Zhang, Lizhi*. Particle Deposition Characteristics and Efficiency in Duct Air Flow over a Backward-Facing Step: Analysis of Influencing Factors. Sustainability, 2019, 11, 751. (SCI,JCR 2區)
[32] Lu, Hao,Wang Yuanhao*.Particle Deposition in Ventilation Ducts: A Review. Building Simulation, 2019, 12, 723-734. (SCI,JCR 1區)
[33] Cai Rongrong; Lu, Hao; Zhang Lizhi*. Evaluation the effect of fiber alignment on particle collection performance of mechanical/electret filters based on Voronoi tessellations. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 197, 109-119. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[34] Su Qianwen, Lu, Hao, Zhang Jinyao, Zhang Lizhi*. Fabrication and analysis of a highly hydrophobic and permeable block GOPVP/PVDF membrane for membrane humidification-dehumidification desalination, Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 582, 367-380 (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[35] Lu, Hao; Zhang, Lizhi*. Numerical study of dry deposition of monodisperse and polydisperse dust on building-mounted solar photovoltaic panels with different roof inclinations. Solar Energy, 2018, 176, 535-544. (SCI,JCR 2區,中科院TOP)
[36] Lu, Hao, Lu Lin*, Jiang Yu. Numerical Study of Particle Deposition Rates in Variable-section Ducts with Different Expanding or Contracting Ratios. Applied Thermal Engineering 2017; 110: 150-161. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[37] Lu, Hao, Lu Lin*. Investigation of particle deposition efficiency enhancement in turbulent duct air flow by surface ribs with hybrid-size ribs. Indoor and Built Environment 2017; 26: 608-620.(SCI,JCR 2區)
[38] Lu, Hao, Lu Lin*, Wang Yuanhao*. Numerical investigation of dust pollution on a solar photovoltaic (PV) system mounted on an isolated building. Applied Energy 2016; 180: 27-36. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[39] Lu, Hao, Lu Lin*, Luo Yimo, Qi Ronghui. Investigation on the dynamic characteristics of the counter-current flow for liquid desiccant dehumidification. Energy 2016; 101: 229-238. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[40] Lu, Hao, Lu Lin*, Jiang Yu. Numerical Simulation of Particle Deposition in Duct Air Flows with Uniform, Expanding or Contracting Cross-section. Energy and Buildings 2016; 128: 867-875. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[41] Lu, Hao, Lu Lin*. CFD investigation on particle deposition in aligned and staggered ribbed duct air flows. Applied Thermal Engineering 2016;93:697-706. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[42] Jiang Yu, Lu Lin*, Lu, Hao. A novel model to estimate the cleaning frequency for dirty solar photovoltaic (PV) modules in desert environment. Solar Energy 2016; 140: 236-240. (SCI,JCR 2區,中科院TOP)
[43] Lu, Hao, Lu Lin*. Numerical investigation on particle deposition enhancement in duct air flow by ribbed wall. Building and Environment 2015;85:61-72. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[44] Lu, Hao, Lu Lin*. Effects of rib spacing and height on particle deposition in ribbed duct air flows. Building and Environment 2015;92:317-327. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[45] Lu, Hao, Lu Lin*. A numerical study of particle deposition in ribbed duct flow with different rib shapes. Building and Environment 2015;94:43-53. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[46] Lu, Hao, Wang Bing*, Zhang Huiqiang, Wang Xilin. Transports of air particulate matters in the atmospheric boundary layer-numerical studies using Eulerian and Lagrangian methods. Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 2013, 56:645-650. (SCI,JCR 1區,中科院TOP)
[47] Lu, Hao, Wang Bing*, Zhang Huiqiang, Wang Xilin. Analysis of solid particle clusters in coherent structures of turbulent channel flow. Science China-Technological Sciences, 2013, 56:2525-2530. (SCI,JCR 2區)
[48] Zhang Huiqiang, Lu, Hao, Wang Bing*, Wang Xilin. Experimental Investigation of Flow Drag and Turbulence Intensity of a Channel Flow with Rough Walls. Chinese Physics Letters, 2011, 28:084703. (SCI,JCR 3區)
[49] Pan Anjian, Lu Hao*, Zhang Lizhi, Experimental Investigation of Dust Particle Deposition Reduction on Solar Cell Covering Glass by Super-hydrophobic Coatings, Environmental Science and Engineering, 2020, 827-834. (EI收錄)
[50] Lu Hao, Zhang Lizhi*, Lu Lin*, Pan Anjian, Numerical investigation on monodispersed particle deposition in turbulent duct flow with thermophoresis. Energy Procedia, 2019, 158, 5711-5716. (EI收錄)
[51] Lu Hao, Lu Lin*, Zhang Lizhi*, Pan Anjian, Numerical study on polydispersed dust pollution process on solar photovoltaic panels mounted on a building roof. Energy Procedia, 2019,158, 879-884. (EI收錄)
[52] 盧浩,張會強,王兵,王希麟.橫向粗糙元壁面槽道湍流的大渦模擬研究.工程熱物理學報,2012,33(7):1163-1167. (EI收錄)
[53] 盧浩,張會強,王兵,王希麟.展向和流向間距不同的粗糙元壁湍流ADV實驗研究.清華大學學報,2012, 52(1):113-117. (EI收錄)
[54] 盧浩,王兵,張會強,王希麟.壁面不同排列粗糙元對湍流擬序結構的影響.工程熱物理學報,2011, 32(9):1519-1523. (EI收錄)
[55] 盧浩,王兵,張會強,王希麟.不同粒徑粗糙元對壁面湍流擬序結構的影響.工程熱物理學報,2010, 31(7):1143-1147. (EI收錄)


[1] 太陽能建築一體化技術與套用,北京: 中國建築工業出版社, 2015(撰寫第二章)


[1] 一種電網碳排追蹤系統及方法,PCT國際發明專利
[2] 一種發電廠用適應不同煤種使用的配風裝置,國家發明專利.
[3] 一種基於LSGAN-GRU網路的短期光伏功率預測方法,國家發明專利.
[4] 鹼激發固廢固結二氧化碳的建築製品的製備方法及用途,國家發明專利.
[5] 一種基於LSTM組合預測框架的光伏功率預測方法,國家發明專利.
[6] 粉煤灰基發泡材料固結二氧化碳的建築製品的製備方法,國家發明專利.
[7] 一種沙漠取水及滴灌系統及其使用方法,國家發明專利.
[8] 多功能光伏面板清潔裝置、清潔方法及光伏發電設備,國家發明專利.
[9] 一種透明自清潔抗灰塵沉積塗層材料及其製備方法,國家發明專利.
[10] 一種抗結露結霜自清潔塗層及其製備方法,國家發明專利.
[11] 一種具備自清潔功能的膜式海水淡化裝置和方法,國家發明專利.
[12] 一種高透濕高疏水氧化石墨複合膜及其製備方法,國家發明專利.
[13] 一種孔徑可控超疏水聚合膜及其製備方法,國家發明專利.


2023年 中央黨校(國家行政學院)高層次人才國情研修班學習
2023年 國家電網有限公司科學技術進步獎
2023年 新疆大學優秀本科畢業設計論文指導教師
2023年 新疆大學年度考核優秀個人
2022年 中國電機工程學會電力科學技術進步獎
2022年 新疆大學雙一流建設“能源碳中和”創新團隊負責人
2022年 新疆大學優秀本科畢業設計論文指導教師
2021年 新疆大學電氣工程學院“學位與研究生教育先進個人”
2021年 新疆傑出青年科學基金
2020年 中組部國家海外高層次人才
2020年 新疆大學高層次引進人才
2018年 華南理工大學“興華學者”人才計畫
2017年 英國Rolls-Royce研究基金
2015年 香港理工大學博士後研究基金
2009-2014年 清華大學研究生國家獎學金、清華大學綜合二等獎學金、清華大學學生實驗室貢獻二等獎,清華大學學生實驗室貢獻三等獎
2005-2009年 武漢大學國家獎學金、武漢大學甲等獎學金(多次)、武漢大學“優秀學生幹部”、武漢大學“三好學生”、國際大學生數學建模競賽MCM/ICM二等獎、“電工杯”全國大學生數學建模競賽三等獎


[1] 本科生課程《工程流體力學》,64學時
[2] 本科生課程《製冷與低溫原理》,32學時
[3] 本科生課程《動力工程》,32學時
[4] 研究生課程《儲能技術與材料》,32學時
[5] 研究生課程《傳熱強化與節能新技術》,32學時


[1] 培養的畢業研究生進入國家電網公司(浙江電網、冀北電網)、上海電氣、華電電科院杭州總部、中國鐵路集團等能源領域頭部企業工作。
[2] 指導多名博士生和碩士生獲得研究生國家獎學金
[3] 指導博士生獲得新疆大學電氣工程學院“研學達人”稱號
[4] 指導多名博士生和碩士生獲得自治區學業獎學金
[5] 指導研究生獲得中國“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽新疆賽區銀獎和銅獎
[6] 指導本科生獲得大學生創新項目國家級項目和校級項目
[7] 指導本科生獲得新疆大學優秀本科畢業設計論文(多次)


