


  • 中文名:盧星
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:香港科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職務:中山大學碩士生導師


2010.09 – 2014.11 香港科技大學 電子及計算機工程學系 博士
2006.09 – 2010.06 復旦大學 微電子學系 學士




  • 國家自然科學基金青年項目
  • 廣東省前沿與關鍵技術創新專項資金粵港合作專題項目
  • 廣州市科技計畫對外科技合作項目



  • Z. Liu, T. Huang, Q. Li, X. Lu, and X. Zou, “Synthesis Lectures on Emerging Engineering Technologies: Compound Semiconductor Materials and Devices”, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2016.


  • L. Zhou, X. Lu*, J. Wu, H. Jiang, L. Chen, X. Ouyang and K. M. Lau, “Self-Powered Fast-Response X-Ray Detectors Based on Vertical GaN p-n Diodes”, Electron Device Letters, IEEE. 40, 7, 1044-1047, 2019.
  • X. Lu, S. Yang, H. Jiang, J. Wu, “Monolithic integration of GaN LEDs with vertical driving MOSFETs by selective area growth and band engineering of the p-AlGaN electron blocking layer through TCAD simulation”, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 34, 064002, 2019.
  • L. Zhou, X. Lu*, L. Chen, X. Ouyang, B. Liu, J. Xu and H. Tang, “Leakage Current by Poole–Frenkel Emission in Pt Schottky Contacts on (-201) β-Ga2O3 Grown by Edge-Defined Film-Fed Growth”, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 8, Q3054-Q3057, 2019.
  • X. Lu, L. Zhou, L. Chen, X. Ouyang, H. Tang, B. Liu and J. Xu, “X-ray Detection Performance of Vertical Schottky Photodiodes Based on a Bulk β-Ga2O3 Substrate Grown by an EFG Method”, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 8, Q3046-Q3049, 2019.
  • X. Lu, L. Zhou, L. Chen, X. Ouyang, B. Liu, J. Xu, and H. Tang, “Schottky x-ray detectors based on a bulk β-Ga2O3 substrate”, Applied Physics Letters, 112, 103502, Mar 2018.
  • X. Lu, C. Liu, H. Jiang, X. Zou, and K. M. Lau, “High performance monolithically integrated GaN driving VMOSFET on LED”, Electron Device Letters, IEEE. 38, 6, 752-755, 2017. (Featured in SemiconductorToday)
  • X. Lu, K. Yu, H. Jiang, A. Zhang, and K. M. Lau, " Study of Interface Traps in AlGaN/GaN MISHEMTs Using LPCVD SiNx as Gate Dielectric", Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on, 64, 3, 2017.
  • X. Lu, C. Liu, H. Jiang, X. Zou, A. Zhang and K. M. Lau, “Monolithic integration of enhancement-mode Vertical driving transistors on InGaN/GaN light emitting diodes”, Applied Physics Letters, 109, 053504, Aug 2016.
  • X. Lu, H. Jiang, C. Liu, X. Zou and K. M. Lau, “Off-state leakage current reduction in AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors by combining surface treatment and post-gate annealing”, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 31, 055019, 2016.
  • X. Lu, C. Liu, H. Jiang, X. Zou, A. Zhang and K. M. Lau, “Ultralow reverse leakage current in AlGaN/GaN lateral Schottky barrier diodes grown on Bulk GaN substrate”, Applied Physics Express, 9, 031001, Jan 2016.
  • X. Lu, J. Ma, H. Jiang, C. Liu, P. Xu and K. M. Lau, “Fabrication and characterization of gate-last self-aligned AlN/GaN MISHEMTs with in-situ SiNx gate dielectric”, Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on. 62, 6, 1862, June 2015.
  • X. Lu, J. Ma, H. Jiang and K. M. Lau, “Low trap states in in situ SiNx/AlN/GaN metal-insulator- semiconductor structures grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition”, Applied Physics Letters, 105, 102911, Sept 2014.
  • X. Lu, J. Ma, Z. Liu, H. Jiang, T. Huang, and K. M. Lau, "In-situ SiNx gate insulator by MOCVD for low- leakage-current ultra-thin-barrier AlN/GaN MISHMETs on Si," Physica Status Solidi A, 211, 4, 775-778, Mar 2014.
  • X. Lu, J. Ma, H. Jiang, and K. M. Lau, "Characterization of in situ SiNx thin film grown on AlN/GaN heterostructure by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition," Applied Physics Letters, 104, 032903, Jan 2014.
  • X. Lu, J. Ma, C. P. Yue, and K. M. Lau, "A GaN-based Lamb-wave oscillator on silicon for high-temperature integrated sensors," Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE, 99, 6, 318, May 2013.
  • X. Lu, C. M. Lee, S. Y. Wu, H. P. Ho and K. M. Lau,"GaN-based S0-wave sensors on silicon for chemical and biological sensing in liquid environments," Sensors Journal, IEEE, 13, 4, 1245, April 2013.
  • J. Ma*, X. Lu*, X Zhu, T. Huang, H. Jiang, P. Xu “MOVPE growth of in situ SiNx/AlN/GaN MISHEMTs with low leakage current and high on/off current ratio,” Journal of Crystal Growth, 414, 243, 2015. (co-first author)
  • H. Jiang, X. Lu, C. Liu, Q. Li and K. M. Lau, "Off-state drain leakage reduction by post metallization annealing for Al2O3/GaN/AlGaN/GaN MOSHEMTs on silicon", Physica Status Solidi A, n/a, Dec 2015.
  • J. Ma, X. Lu, H. Jiang, C. Liu and K. M. Lau, “In situ growth of SiNx as gate dielectric and surface passivation for AlN/GaN heterostructures by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition”, Applied Physics Express, 7, 091002, Aug 2014.
  • X. Zou, X. Lu, R. Lucas, T. F. Kuech, J. W. Choi, P. Gopalan, and K. M. Lau, “Growth and characterization of horizontal GaN wires on silicon”, Applied Physics Letters, 104, 262101, June 2014.
  • X. Zhang, X. Zou, X. Lu, C. W. Tang, and K. M. Lau, " Fully- and quasi-vertical GaN-on-Si p-i-n diodes: high performance and comprehensive comparison", Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on, 64, 3, 2017.
  • X. Zou, X. Zhang,X. Lu, C. W. Tang and K. M. Lau, “Fully vertical GaN p-i-n diodes using GaN-on-Si epilayers”, Electron Device Letters, IEEE. 37, 5, 636-639, 2016.
  • X. Zou, X. Zhang,X. Lu, C. W. Tang and K. M. Lau, “Breakdown ruggedness of quasi-vertical GaN-based p-i-n Diodes on Si substrates”, Electron Device Letters, IEEE. 37, 9, 1158-1161, 2016.
  • Q. Li, Y. Han, X. Lu, and K. M. Lau, " GaAs-InGaAs-GaAs fin-array tunnel diodes on (001) Si substrates with room-temperature peak-to-valley current ratio of 5.4 ", Electron Device Letters, IEEE, 37, 1, Jan 2016.
  • T. Huang, J. Ma, X. Lu, Z. Liu, X. Zhu and K. M. Lau, “Self-aligned gate-last enhancement- and depletion-mode AlN/GaN MOSHEMTs on Si,” Physica Status Solidi C, 11, 3-4, 890, April 2014.
  • H. Jiang, C. Liu, Y. Chen, X. Lu, C. W. Tang, and K. M. Lau, " Investigation of in situ SiN as gate dielectric and surface passivation for GaN MISHEMTs", Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on, 64, 3, 2017.
  • T. Huang, Z. Liu, X. Zhu, J. Ma, X. Lu, and K. M. Lau, "DC and RF performance of gate-last AlN/GaN MOSHEMTs on Si with regrown source/drain", Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on, 60, 10, 3019, Aug 2013.
  • A. M. H. Kwan, S. Song, X. Lu, et al. "Improved designs for an electrothermal in-plane microactuator," Microelectromechanical Systems, Journal of, IEEE, 21, 3, 586, June 2012.


