百老匯世界獎(BroadwayWorld Awards)是由百老匯世界網站主辦的戲劇類獎項,創辦於2004年。
- 中文名:百老匯世界獎
- 外文名:BroadwayWorld Awards
- 國家地區:美國
- 類型:戲劇類獎項
Best Book of A Musical |
Best Choreography |
Best Costume Design |
Best Direction of a Musical |
Best Direction of a Play |
Best Ensemble |
Best Featured Performer in a Musical |
Best Featured Performer in a Play |
Best Lead Performer in a Musical |
Best Lead Performer in a Play |
Best Lighting Design |
Best Long-Running Broadway Show |
Best Musical |
Best Off-Broadway Musical |
Best Off-Broadway Play |
Best Orchestrations |
Best Original Score |
Best Play |
Best Revival of a Musical |
Best Revival of a Play |
Best Scenic Design |
Best Sound Design of a Musical |
Best Sound Design of a Play |
Best Touring Production |
參考資料: |