白涌滔,博士,重慶大學教授、博士生導師,重慶市政協委員。2013年博士畢業於日本九州大學,之後赴京都大學防災研究所(DPRI)進行博士後研究工作,其間入選了日本學術振興會JSPS特別研究員;2015年進入西安交通大學從事科研工作,擔任副教授、土木工程系副系主任;2018年獲得德國洪堡基金會資助,分別在波鴻魯爾大學和漢諾瓦萊布尼茲大學進行鋼結構與不確定性相關的研究工作(期間赴義大利米蘭理工大學DICA訪問交流);2020年全職進入重慶大學,現兼任高層建築領域國際知名SCI期刊《The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings》編委。

- Bai, Y. et al. Seismic collapse analysis of high‐rise reinforced concrete frames under long-period ground motions, The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 2019, 28(1): e1566.
- Bai, Y. et al. Modeling on collapse behaviour of high-rise concrete-filled steel composite frames under over-design seismic excitations, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2017, 13(12): 1563-1575.
- Bai, Y., Shi, Y., Deng, K. Collapse analysis of high-rise steel moment frames incorporating deterioration effects of column axial force–bending moment interaction, Engineering Structures, 2016, 127: 402-415.
- Bai, Y., Lin, X. Numerical simulation of collapse behavior of steel moment resistant frame considering post local buckling behavior, Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier, 2015, 94: 424-434.

- Bai, Y., Guan, S., Florez-Lopez, J. Development of a damage model for assessing fracture failure of steel beam-to-column connections subjected to extremely low-cycle fatigue, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2017,82: 823-834.
- Bai, Y., Kurata, M., Florez-Lopez, J., Nakashima, M. Macro modelling of crack damage in steel beams subjected to non-stationary low cycle fatigue, Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 2016, 142(10): 04016076.
- Bai Y., Kurata M , Nakashima M . Prediction of Fracture Propagation of Steel Beam-Column Connections due to Low Cycle Fatigue, Summaries of Technical Papers of AIJ Annual Meeting. Architectural Institute of Japan, 2015, 22385.
- Mou,B., Bai, Y.*(corresponding author), Patel, V. Post-local buckling failure of slender and over-design circular CFT columns with high-strength materials, Engineering Structures, 2020, 210: 110197.
- Mou,B., Li, X., Bai, Y.*(corresponding author), Wang, L., Shear behavior of panel zones in steel beam-to-column connections with unequal depth of outer annular stiffener, Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 2018, 154(2): 04018247.
- Bai, Y., Kawano, A., Odawara, K., Matsuo,S. Constitutive models for hollow steel tubes and concrete filled steel tubesconsidering the strength deterioration, Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering (AIJ), 2012, 77(677), 1141-1150.