- 2006.09-2010.07 北京交通大學 理學院 學士學位
- 2010.09-2012.07 北京交通大學 運籌學與控制論 碩士學位
- 2012.09-2015.09 法國里爾中央理工大學(Ecole Centrale de Lille)控制理論與控制工程 博士學位
- 2016.03-2017.12 北京科技大學 數理學院 師資博士後
- 2018.01- 北京科技大學 講師
- 代表性論文:
- 1.Jing Bai, Guoguang Wen, Ahmed Rahmani and Yongguang Yu, Consensus for the fractional-order doubleintegratormulti-agent systems based on the sliding mode estimator. IET Control Theoryand Applications. 12(5), 621-628, 2018.
- 2.Jing Bai, Guoguang Wen and Ahmed Rahmani, Leaderless consensus for the fractional-ordernonlinear multi-agent systems under directed interaction topology. International Journalof Systems Science. 49(5), 954-963, 2018.
- 3.Jing Bai, Guoguang Wen, Ahmed Rahmani and Yongguang Yu, Distributed consensus tracking for the fractional-order multi-agent systems based on the sliding mode control method. Neurocomputing.235, 210-216 (SCI), 2018.
- 4.Jing Bai, Guoguang Wen, Ahmed Rahmani and Yongguang Yu, Distributed formation control of fractional-order multi-agent systems with relative damping and communication delay. International Journal of Control Automation & Systems, 15(1), 85-94,2017.
- 5.Jing Bai, Guoguang Wen, Ahmed Rahmani and Yongguang Yu, Consensus problem with a reference state for fractional-order multi-agent systems. Asian Journal of Control, 2016.
- 6.Jing Bai, Yongguang Yu, Sha Wang and Yu Song, Modified projective synchronization of uncertainfractional order hyperchaotic systems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and NumericalSimulation, pp. 1921-1928, 2012.
- 7.Jing Bai, Guoguang Wen, Ahmed Rahmani and Yongguang Yu, Distributed formation controlof fractional-order multi-agent systems with absolute damping and communication delay , InternationalJournal of Systems Science, 46(13), 2380-2392, 2015.
- 8.Jing Bai, Guoguang Wen, Ahmed Rahmani and Yongguang Yu, Consensus with a referencestate for fractional-order multi-agent systems, International Journal of Systems Science, 47(1), 2380-2392, 2016.
- 科研項目:
- 1、分數階多智慧型體系統的協同控制分析與設計,國家自然科學基金青年基金,2018.1-2020.12,主持
- 2、複雜分數階多智慧型體系統的分散式協同控制研究,中國博士後科學基金,2017.6-2018.12,主持
- 3、基於滑模控制的分數階多智慧型體一致性的研究,2016.6-2018.06,主持
- 2012–2015 “建設高水平大學公派留學生項目”,留基委資助