白恩健,信息科學與技術學院副教授、碩士生導師。研究方向為保密通信 網路安全 密碼學 神經網路等。
- 中文名:白恩健
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:教師
- 職務:碩士生導師
- 職稱:副教授
1.En-Jian Bai and Xiao-Juan Liu. Some notes on prime-square sequences. J. Compu. Sci. & Technol. vol.22(3): 81-486, 2007. (SCI: 176IJ EI: 072310644618)
2.Enjian Bai, Xiaojuan Liu, Guozhen Xiao. Linear complexity of new generalized cyclotomic sequences of order two of length pq. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 51(5): 1849-1853, 2005. (SCI 000228650900019; EI 05219114367)
3.Enjian BAI, Zhihua NIU, Guozhen XIAO. On the randomness of the editing generator. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E87-A(6): 1570-1575, 2004. (SCI 000221983900043; EI 04298264556)
4.Enjian BAI, Xiaotong FU, Guozhen XIAO. On the linear complexity of generalized cyclotomic sequences of order four over Zpq. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E88-A(1): 392-395, 2005. (SCI 000226443500055)
5.Dong Qingkuan, Bai Enjian, Xiao Guozhen. Thesubliminalchannel and its capacity in proxy signatures. Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol.13(1): 66-68, 2004. (SCI 000188251300015; EI 04068008515)
6.Zhihua NIU, Enjian BAI, Guozhen XIAO. The stability of the lattice structure of pseudorandom number sequences. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E88-A(4): 1096-1098, 2005. (SCI 000228412600039; EI 05369349460)
7.Tongjiang Yan, Xiaoni Du, Enjian Bai, Guozhen Xiao. Some Notes on dform Functions with Difference-Balanced Property. International Workshop on the Arithmetic of Finite Fields (WAIFI) 2007. Madrid, Spain, June 21-22, 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4547, 11-17, 2007. (ISTP BGJ97)
8. 白恩健, 董慶寬,肖國鎮. 自縮控生成器. 西安電子科技大學學報, Vol.31(2): 264-268, 2004. (EI 04298266685)
9.白恩健, 譚示崇, 肖國鎮. 確定周期為pn的q元序列k-錯複雜度曲線的一個快速算法. 西安電子科技大學學報, Vol.31(3): 388-393, 2004. (EI 04358329874)
10.白恩健, 張斌, 肖國鎮. 二元周期序列的線性複雜度與k-錯複雜度的關係. 電子與信息學報, Vol.24(12): 1821-1824, 2002. (EIP 03087370535)
11.董慶寬, 白恩健, 肖國鎮. 牛頓信道的頻寬研究. 計算機學報, Vol.27(6): 849-853, 2004. (EI 04318296860)
12.白恩健,劉曉娟, 肖國鎮. 確定周期為pn的二元序列k-錯複雜度曲線的快速算法. 通信學報, Vol.25(10): 1-7, 2004.
13.肖國鎮, 白恩健, 劉曉娟. AES密碼分析的若干新進展. 電子學報, Vol.31(10): 1549-1554, 2003.
14.牛志華, 白恩健, 肖國鎮. 周期為pmqn的q元序列線性複雜度與k-錯複雜度的關係. 通信學報, Vol.25(11): 84-89, 2004.
15. 牛志華, 白恩健, 肖國鎮. 周期序列線性複雜度與k-錯複雜度的數學期望. 電子與信息學報, Vol.26 (11): 1787-1791, 2004. (EIP 05028786092)
信號與線性系統作業系統 網路安全技術
5.Dong Qingkuan, Bai Enjian, Xiao Guozhen. Thesubliminalchannel and its capacity in proxy signatures. Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol.13(1): 66-68, 2004. (SCI 000188251300015; EI 04068008515)
6.Zhihua NIU, Enjian BAI, Guozhen XIAO. The stability of the lattice structure of pseudorandom number sequences. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E88-A(4): 1096-1098, 2005. (SCI 000228412600039; EI 05369349460)
7.Tongjiang Yan, Xiaoni Du, Enjian Bai, Guozhen Xiao. Some Notes on dform Functions with Difference-Balanced Property. International Workshop on the Arithmetic of Finite Fields (WAIFI) 2007. Madrid, Spain, June 21-22, 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4547, 11-17, 2007. (ISTP BGJ97)
8. 白恩健, 董慶寬,肖國鎮. 自縮控生成器. 西安電子科技大學學報, Vol.31(2): 264-268, 2004. (EI 04298266685)
9.白恩健, 譚示崇, 肖國鎮. 確定周期為pn的q元序列k-錯複雜度曲線的一個快速算法. 西安電子科技大學學報, Vol.31(3): 388-393, 2004. (EI 04358329874)
10.白恩健, 張斌, 肖國鎮. 二元周期序列的線性複雜度與k-錯複雜度的關係. 電子與信息學報, Vol.24(12): 1821-1824, 2002. (EIP 03087370535)
11.董慶寬, 白恩健, 肖國鎮. 牛頓信道的頻寬研究. 計算機學報, Vol.27(6): 849-853, 2004. (EI 04318296860)
12.白恩健,劉曉娟, 肖國鎮. 確定周期為pn的二元序列k-錯複雜度曲線的快速算法. 通信學報, Vol.25(10): 1-7, 2004.
13.肖國鎮, 白恩健, 劉曉娟. AES密碼分析的若干新進展. 電子學報, Vol.31(10): 1549-1554, 2003.
14.牛志華, 白恩健, 肖國鎮. 周期為pmqn的q元序列線性複雜度與k-錯複雜度的關係. 通信學報, Vol.25(11): 84-89, 2004.