



  • 中文名:白建超
  • 國籍中國
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:線性互補問題
  • 任職院校:西北工業大學數學與統計學院


2019.03 至今:西北工業大學,理學院
2017/09--2018/09 聯合培養博士,路易斯安那州立大學/數學系, 導師:張洪超
2015/09--2018/12博士,西安交通大學/數學, 導師:李繼成
2012/09--2015/06碩士,桂林電子科技大學/計算數學, 導師:段雪峰
2008/09--2012/06學士,延安大學/數學與套用數學, 導師:郭金寶




[20]J.C. Bai,W.W. Hager, H.C. Zhang.Accelerated stochastic ADMM for separable convex optimization,(2020) Under review
[19]J.C. Bai,J.L. Liang, K. Guo, Y. Jing, H.C. So.Accelerated symmetric ADMM and its applications in signal processing, (2019) Under review
[18]X.K.Chang, S.Y. Liu,J.C. Bai(通訊作者),J. Yang.Proximal extrapolated gradient methods with larger step size for monotone variational inequalities, (2019), (Major revision)
[17]J.C. Bai,X.K.Chang, J.C. Li, F.M. Xu.Convergence revisit on generalized symmetric ADMM, Optimization, Published Online, (2020)
[16]J.C. Bai,J.C. Li,Z.E. Wu.Several variants of the primal-dual hybrid gradient algorithm with applications, Numerial Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, 13(1): 176-199 (2020) (JCR-2)
[15]J.C. Bai,K.Guo, X.K. Chang.A family of multi-parameterized proximal point algorithms, IEEE Access, 7(1): 164021-164028 (2019) (JCR-2)
[14]P.F.Dai,J.C. Li,J.C.Bai,L.Q. Dong, New errorbounds for linear complementarity problems of S-Nekrasov matrices and B-S-Nekrasov matrices, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 38: 61(2019)(JCR-3)
[13]P.F. Dai, J.C. Li,J.C. Bai, L.Q. Dong. Notes on new error bounds for linear complementarity problems of Nekrasov matrices, B-Nekrasov matrices and QN-matrices,Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications,12: 1191-1212 (2019)(JCR-2)
[12]J.C. Bai, J.C. Li, P.F. Dai, J.F. Li.General parameterized proximal point algorithm with applications in the statistical learning, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 96(1): 199-215 (2019) (JCR-3)
[11]P.F. Dai, J.C. Li,J.C. Bai, J.M. Qiu.A preconditioned two-step modulus-based matrix splitting iteration method for linear complementarity problem,Applied Mathematics andComputation,348: 542-551 (2019) (JCR-2)
[10]J.C. Bai, H.C. Zhang, J.C. Li,A parameterized proximal point algorithm for separable convex optimization, Optimization Letters, 12(7):1589-1608 (2018) (JCR-3)
[9]J.C. Bai, J.C. Li, F.M. Xu, H.C. Zhang. Generalized symmetric ADMM for separable convex optimization, Computational Optimization and Applications, 70(1):129-170 (2018)(JCR-2)
[8]J.C. Bai, J.C. Li, F.M. Xu, P.F. Dai. A novel method for a class of structured low rank minimization with equality constraint, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 330:475-487 (2018) (JCR-2)
[7]J.C. Bai, J.C. Li, J.K. Deng.A class of multilevel structured low-rank approximation arising in material processing, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 95(2): 329-340 (2018) (JCR-3)
[6]J.C. Bai, J.C. Li, P.F. Dai.Novel alternating update method for low rank approximation of structured matrices, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 121:223-233 (2017) (JCR-2)
[5]P.F. Dai, J.C. Li, Y.T. Li,J.C. Bai.A general preconditioner for linear complementarity problem with an M-matrix, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 317:100-112 (2017) (JCR-2)
[4]J.C.Bai, J.C.Li, F.M.Xu. Accelerated method for optimization over density matrices in quantum state estimation, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 66(5):869-880 (2018)(JCR-3)
[3]Z.S. Liu, J.C. Li, Guo Li,J.C. Bai, X.N. Liu. A new model for sparse and low rank matrix decomposition, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 7(2):600-616 (2017)(JCR-3)
[2]X.F. Duan,J.C. Bai, J.F. Li, J.J. Peng. On the low rank solution of the Q-weighted nearest correlation matrix problem, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 23(2):340-355 (2016)(碩導為一作,JCR-2)
[1]X.F. Duan,J.C. Bai(通訊作者),, M.J. Zhang, X.J. Zhang. On the generalized low rank approximation of the correlation matrices arising in the asset portfolio, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 461:1-17 (2014) (碩導為一作,JCR-3)


美國 Math Review 特邀評論員,中國運籌會會員
3. 碩博研究生國家獎學金 (2014/12, 2018/10)
2. 教育部建設高水平大學出國留學獎學金 (2017-2018)
1. 郝建學理科獎學金一等獎 (2016-2017)


