
痘樂仕(Doules)是由亞洲精油大師 Dr.Dean Leman 首先發現多種植物精油成份對於強化肌膚免疫系統、祛痘排毒有神奇的治療效果;後經海內外醫學美容皮膚專家多年臨床和醫學測試;由Zsysw實驗室立項研究開創的專業藥妝祛痘品牌;Doules系列藥妝一直以祛痘的專業、高效、全面、安全而聞名世界,並逐步確立了其在專業藥妝祛痘領域的領先地位。




  • 中文名:痘樂仕
  • 外文名:Doules
  • 發現者: Dr.Dean Leman
  • 祛痘理念:清、護、固、防
痘樂仕(Doules)品牌發展歷程,痘樂仕(Doules)快速祛痘機理,精油排毒祛痘機理,精油消炎祛痘機理,精油祛疤還原機理,痘樂仕完美的綠色祛痘理念,[產品名稱] 抗痘控油潔面乳,痘速消精華,強力痘膠膏,消印祛疤修復液,


● 1980年亞洲精油大師dr.dean Leman 首先發現多種植物精油成份對與消炎、祛痘、排毒、平疤、護膚具有神奇護理效果。
● 1986年LEMAN公司將超臨界萃取技術和透皮吸收技術運用於美容護理產品的全面開發。
● 1999年zsysw醫藥集團首次與leman公司合作,將純植物精油運用於祛痘護理產品中,並成功研製中精油祛痘護理系列。
● 2006年zsysw醫藥集團革命性“防再生技術”成功運用於精油祛痘護理系列中,品質獲得空前的提升。
● 2008年於zsysw實驗室將中國中醫傳統的綠色無過敏配方與doules針對性的祛痘、祛黑頭、控油三重複合淨化均衡配方相結合推出適合東方人膚質的doules精油祛痘品牌,從而走上品牌發展的全球區域化道路,並成功的打入藥妝市場,迅速確立了痘仕藥妝祛痘領域的國際領先地位。











[產品名稱] 抗痘控油潔面乳

[專櫃價格] 68.00元
[主要特點] 抗痘控油祛除角質、均衡油脂、疏通毛孔
[主要成分] 天然保濕因子、甘油、TCC殺菌劑、胺基酸皂基、珍珠及茶樹、薰衣草、金縷梅、玫瑰、人參、蘆薈、等多種純植物精油
[作用用途] 清潔面部油脂污垢、祛除角質、均衡油脂分泌、疏通毛孔內的阻塞物,使皮膚恢復正常的酸鹼值,預防和抵禦因油脂分泌過多使毛孔阻塞等因素產生的粉刺和青春痘;
[使用方法] 每天使用,取適量加水搓揉出泡沫,輕柔按摩面部,然後用清水徹底沖洗乾淨
[適用膚質] 適用任何膚質,特別是油性膚質
[保質期限] 三年
[商品規格] 60克/支
[溫馨提示] 本品質地清新細膩,迅速滲入肌膚、補充水份、均衡肌膚的水份和油份。如配合痘樂仕系列產品使用,可獲得更佳的護膚效果
[注意] 本品抗痘控油效果極強,每天使用次數不超過2次(早晚使用),以免使用次數太多,破壞臉部角質層,即使使用別品牌的洗面乳也一樣要記得這個護理常識喔!本品泡沫細膩豐富,用後皮膚感覺清爽不油膩,皮膚不緊繃,給你一整天的清爽和舒適,並能有效預防痘痘的孳生!如果你經常使用洗面乳的話,你就會明顯對比感覺出來,是多么超值的一款洗面乳呀!
[Product Name] acne oil control facial cleanser
[Counter price]68.00 yuan
[Main features] get rid of acne oil control skin, balance oil and unblocking pores
[Main ingredients]natural moisturizing factor, glycerol, TCC fungicides,amino acid soap, pearl and tea tree, lavender, witch hazel, rose, ginseng,aloe, and other pure essential oils
[Role of the use of]the clean face grease dirt, wipe skin, balance oilsecretion, and clear obstructions within the pores, the skin pH back to normal, to prevent excessive oil secretion and resist by blocking the poresgenerated by factors such as acne and youth pox;
[Use]every day use, rub out the appropriate amount of water bubblesgently massage the face, then rinse thoroughly with water
[Apply skin]applies to any skin types, especially oily skin
[Shelf Life]three years
[Product Specification]60 g / branch
[Tips]to the quality of fresh and delicate, quickly penetrate the skin, add moisture to the skin's moisture balance and oil. Such as products with theuse of smallpox LVC, provide better skin care results
[Note]This product acne oil control effect of a strong, daily frequency of use does not exceed 2 times (morning and evening), so as not to use too many times, destroy the face cuticle, do not even use the same brand of cleanser to remember this care knowledge Oh! This product is rich in finefoam, after using the skin feeling fresh and not greasy, the skin is not tight,give you fresh and comfortable all day, and can effectively prevent the breeding ground for acne! If you often use facial cleanser, you will feel it in sharp contrast, how value is a cleanser it!


[主要成分] 精選上等的茶樹、薰衣草、金縷梅、金銀花、玫瑰、蘆薈、人參、薄荷等多種純植物祛痘、防痘精油。
[作用用途] 具有清除青春痘、粉刺、暗瘡、防止復發之作用,並對青春痘和暗瘡癒合後留下的痘印、痘痕、痘坑、毛孔粗大發黑、粗糙老化等多種肌膚問題有修復作用;本品適用於任何膚質。
[使用方法] 將所需部位用溫水洗淨、晾乾,輕度者每日將本品均勻塗抹3次(早、中、晚各一次),中、重度者每日使用4-5次(早、中、晚及臨睡前各一次)。
[溫馨提示] 本品結合“抗痘控油潔面乳”和”保濕平衡爽膚水“使用效果更佳。
[Product Name]pox speed consumer the essence
[Main features] fix clear acne acne, acne, acne, prevent recurrence, repairskin pock
[Main ingredients]selection of the finest tea tree, lavender, witch hazel,honeysuckle, rose, aloe vera, ginseng, mint and other pure plant acne, anti-acne oil.
[The role purpose] have clear acne, acne, acne and prevent recurrence of the role, and the healing of acne and acne left after acne, pock, pox pits, large pores, black, rough skin aging and other problems repair; this is suitable for all skin types.
[Use]the required parts with warm water wash, dry, mild a day to three times the product evenly (early, middle and late each time), and severe use4-5 times a day (early, middle, late, and before going to sleep each time).
[Tips]with the product "Acne Oil Control Cleanser" and "moisture balancetoner," with better results.


[產品名稱] 強力痘膠膏
[專櫃價格] 68.00元
[主要特點] 祛痘拔毒清除粉刺、青春痘、暗瘡、調理肌膚
[主要成分] 精選上等的茶樹、薰衣草、金縷梅、春黃菊、丁香、檸檬、蘆薈、薄荷等多種純植物祛痘、防痘精油
[作用用途] 具有清除粉刺、青春痘、暗瘡之作用,滲入毛囊深處,持久作用,調理肌膚,修復毛孔粗大發黑、粗糙老化等多種肌膚問題;
[適用膚質] 適合混合性和油性皮膚
[保質期限] 三年
[商品規格] 20克/支
[溫馨提示] 本品結合“抗痘控油潔面乳”以及“冰爽淨白泥”和“毛孔緊縮精華液”使用效果更佳
[注意] 本品是一款強效祛痘、消痘的精油膏體,她的附著能力超強,能在非常短的時間內,就給你戰痘勝利後的驚訝感,如果痘痘已經消除,請再使用一段時間後鞏固抗痘的成果,本款是專為想要快速去痘的朋友們研製,使用後有舒爽的清涼感,痘痘在不經意間就消失了!快來體驗這款專業的痘膠膏把,她讓你的各種頑痘和成年老痘無處遁形(新痘就更不用說了呀)!24小時就讓你的痘痘倒下,三天痘痘消失,還你乾淨無暇的自信臉盤;快來做痘樂仕快樂達人吧!
[Product Name]strong glue paste pox
[Counter price]68.00 yuan
[Main features] Sida clear acne acne, acne, acne, skin conditioning
[Main ingredients]selection of the finest tea tree, lavender, witch hazel,chamomile, clove, lemon, aloe vera, mint and other pure plant acne, anti-smallpox oil
[The role purpose]have clear acne, acne, acne on the role, into the hair follicle deep, lasting effect, conditioning the skin, repair, black pores, roughskin aging and other problems;
[Use] the clean face, apply the required amount of dry after using this product, gently massage, making plants acne, anti-acne ingredients to better penetrate the skin, essential oils, a day early, middle and late time
[Apply skin] for mixed and oily skin
[Shelf Life]three years
[Product Specification]20 g / branch
[Tips]with the product "Acne Oil Control Cleanser" and "Icy net Nai" and "pore tightening essence" with better results
[Note]This product is a powerful acne, eliminate acne oil paste, hersuperior adhesion, in a very short period of time, give you a war pittingafter the surprise victory of sense, if the acne has eliminated, pleasere-use for some time to consolidate the results of acne, this paragraph is designed for friends who want a quick acne development, use after thecool feeling of freshness, acne inadvertently disappear! Come andexperience this acne gel cream to a professional, she let all of your oldstubborn adult acne pox and no place to hide (not to mention the new poxah)! 24 hours let your acne down, three days acne disappear, you alsohave time to clean, self-confidence Basin; Come pox LVC happy to do itup people!


[產品名稱] 消印祛疤修復液
[專櫃價格] 78.00元
[主要特點] 消印祛疤修復痘疤、痘坑、印痕、凹洞、恢復光滑
[主要成分] 維他命C、E、A和薰衣草、茶樹、金縷梅、蘆薈、玫瑰、人參、銀杏等多種消疤祛印美白植物精油
[作用用途] 修復青春痘和粉刺愈後留下的痘疤、痘坑、印痕、毛孔粗大、粗糙凹洞等肌膚問題。幫助肌膚逐步恢復光滑平整、健康彈性;
[使用方法] 早、晚潔面後,取適量本品塗於印痕和痘痕部位,充分按摩至完全吸收
[適用膚質] 適用於任何膚質
[保質期限] 三年
[商品規格] 20ML/瓶
[溫馨提示] 本品結合水劑吸附滲透原理、通過透皮補給、進入皮膚裡層細胞,結合“痘速消精華”和“強力痘膠膏”使用效果更佳。
[Brand name] pox LVC
[Product name]to cancel printing remove scar repair solution
[Counter price]78.00 yuan
[Main features]to cancel printing remove scar repair acne, chicken poxpits, prints, pit and restore smooth
[Main ingredients]vitamin C, E, A, and lavender, tea tree, witch hazel, aloe vera, rose, ginseng, ginkgo and other consumer print white scar removeessential oils
[The role purpose]repair acne and acne pock left after healing, acne pits,prints, large pores, rough pit and other skin problems. Help restore the skinto gradually smooth, healthy elasticity;
[Use]morning and evening after cleansing, apply proper amount applied to the prints and pocked area, full massage until completely absorbed
[Apply skin]for all skin types
[Shelf Life]three years
[Product Specification]20ML / bottle
[Tips]penetration of the product with aqueous adsorption principle, throughtransdermal supply, into the inner layer of skin cells, combined with the"pox speed consumer the essence" and "strong glue paste pox" with better results.


