


陳社勝 總主編 楊克西 張宏斌 主編
62 元
16 開




Unit 1 Ever-developing Medicine
Lesson 1 New Approach to Beating Diabetes
Lesson 2 Treating Appendicitis in A New Way
Lesson 3 Medicine Changes Women's Life for Better
Unit 2 Frustrations about Medicine
Lesson 4 Unnecessary Tests
Lesson 5 Reliability of Breast Biopsy
Lesson 6 Superbug Scare
Unit 3 Defects in Medical Laws
Lesson 7 A Woman Challenges Bone Marrow Donation Law
Lesson 8 A Fighting Chance
Lesson 9 Plan B Prescription Change
Unit 4 Humanistic Spirit Carried Forward
Lesson 10 A Doctor Passionate about His Patients
Lesson 11 Teaching Doctors to Listen
Lesson 12 Charity Surgeries for Vulnerable People
Unit 5 Bettering The Doctor-Patient Relationship
Lesson 13 Doctor & Patient Annoyances
Lesson 14 Rating Your Doctors
Lesson 15 Bridging The Communication GapUnit 6Improving Medical Services
Lesson 16 Quality of Care
Lesson 17 Making The Grade
Lesson 18 Refunds for Unhappy Patients
Unit 7 The Placebo Effect
Lesson 19 The Placebo Effect
Lesson 20 Placebos to Treat Kids
Lesson 21 Duping Patients Back to Health
Unit 8 Medical Bionics in Progress
Lesson 22 First Brain-controlled Bionic Leg
Lesson 23 New Arm with Real Feelings
Lesson 24 Artificial Retina
Unit 9 Genetic Diagnosis & Therapy
Lesson 25 An Age-old Question
Lesson 26 New Approach to Targeting Cancer
Lesson 27 Chasing The Cure
Unit 10 War on Cancer
Lesson 28 A Closer Look at The Word “Cancer”
Lesson 29 Cancer Treatment Progress
Lesson 30 War on Cancer
Unit 11 Personalized & Precision Medicine
Lesson 31 Genetic Types of Breast Cancer
Lesson 32 Statin Treatments Tailored to Individual Patient
Lesson 33 Immunotherapy Targets Cancer Cells
Unit 12 Promise of Stem Cell Therapy
Lesson 34 Breakthrough in Stem Cell Research
Lesson 35 Can Stem Cells Heal Hearts?
Lesson 36 Stem Cells to Create Human Organs
Unit 13 Advances in Reproductive Techniques
Lesson 37 New Test to Prevent IVF Miscarriages
Lesson 38 Embryoscope, New IVF Technology
Lesson 39 Creating Babies Using DNA from 3 People
Unit 14 Medical Transplant & Humanistic Care
Lesson 40 A Miracle of Bone Marrow Transplant
Lesson 41 Complex Kidney Exchange Offers Hope
Lesson 42 Technology Brings Hope to Organ Transplant
Unit 15 Care for Teens Growth
Lesson 43 The Teen Brain and Electronics
Lesson 44 New Research Finding about Children with ADHD
Lesson 45 New Hope for Kids Anxiety Disorders
Unit 16 Women's Health Promotion
Lesson 46 Women's Health Failing on Many Fronts
Lesson 47 High Alert Warning Signs for Women
Lesson 48 Women & Heart Disease
Unit 17 Coping with Dementia and Alzheimer's
Lesson 49 Alzheimer's New Guidelines
Lesson 50 Steps to Prevent Alzheimer's
Lesson 51 Dealing with Dementia
Unit 18 Exploring Medical Mysteries
Lesson 52 Cystic Fibrosis Treatment
Lesson 53 ALS Research
Lesson 54 Unlocking A Medical Mystery
Unit 19 Promoting Mental Health
Lesson 55 High Anxiety
Lesson 56 Is The Checklist for Clinical Depression Too Broad?
Lesson 57 Controversy over New Guidelines for Mental Disorders
Unit 20 Care for Terminallyill Patients
Lesson 58 Controversy over “Right to Die” Law
Lesson 59 The Endoflife Conversation
Lesson 60 Talking about Death Helps Patients Live Longer


