



  • 書名:當代中國政治(英)
  • 作者:溫樂群、陳堅
  • ISBN:9787508527918
  • 定價:108元
  • 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
  • 出版時間:2014年6月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開


The Contemporary China Series focuses on introducing the ways, systems, thoughts and charm of China to foreign readers who are interested in contemporary situation of China.
With impressive Chinese values as the theoretical basis, the eight-volume series, covering the overall strategies on the five construction aspects, namely, economy, politics, culture, society and ecological civilization, elaborated in the Report of the 18th CPC National Congress, gives a comprehensive introduction to the general situation of main fields of contemporary China and the socialist development road with Chinese characteristics, and establishes a good country image.
Members of the editorial committee and authors are experts from the Institute of Contemporary China Studies, the Party History Research Center of the CPC Central Committee, Peking University and Renmin University of China etc.
The series’ targeted readership includes foreign adults who pay close attention to China’s status quo and future and hope to learn about the country, and extensive Chinese readers as well. The series can also serve as a reference book for foreign students who are learning Chinese language and culture to study China’s contemporary situation and development.
After 2000-year-plus feudal society and 100-year-plus semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, socialist democratic politics has been gradually established under the leadership of the CPC. The book introduces not only China’s basic political system and operation mechanism but also the practice of contemporary China’s politics, including administrative system reform, construction of legal China, political participation of citizens, anti-corruption and clean government efforts, reflecting the achievements of contemporary China’s political civilization.


Wen Lequn, LLD, has been engaged in studying the history of the Communist Party of China, Chinese Politics and International Politics. His works include Deng Xiaoping and Contemporary China, China’s Road to Modernization in the 20th Century (Political Volume 1949-2000) (coauthored).
Chen Jian, LLD, specializes in studying Chinese parties and politics. His works include Development and Progress of Democratic Politics and The 90 Years of the Communist Party of China (coauthor).


