



  • 中文名:畢路拯
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:山東文登
  • 出生日期:1975年12月
  • 職業:副教授、博導
  • 畢業院校:北京理工大學
  • 研究方向:腦控智慧型機器人與車輛


2007-2008在University of Michigan, Ann Arbor做訪問學者。研究領域包括腦控智慧型機器人與車輛、智慧型人機系統等。
現為IEEE 會員和中國人類工效學學會會員,也是國際權威期刊IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 和IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics的審稿人,國家自然基金、教育部留學歸國基金以及浙江省自然基金的通訊評審專家。


近五年以第一作者或通訊作者在包括國際權威期刊IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems、IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics和IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems等發表或錄取論文30篇。在國際人機工程大會,德國柏林工業大學機械與交通學院和美國通用先進技術研究中心-以色列等做過多個特邀報告,多次擔任國際會議的分會主席。第一申請人申請國家發明專利8項。




1. L. Bi, O. Tsimhoni, Y. Liu, "Using Image-Based Metrics to Model Pedestrian Detection Performance With Night-Vision Systems,"IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 155-164, 2009.
2. L. Bi, O. Tsimhoni, Y. Liu, "Using the Support Vector Regression Approach to Model Human Performance,"IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and CyberneticsPart A-Systems and Humans, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 410-417, 2011.
3. L. Bi, X. Fan, Y. Liu, "Effects of Symmetry and Number of Compositional Elements on Chinese Users' Aesthetic Ratings of Interfaces: Experimental and Modeling Investigations,"International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 245-259, 2011.
4. L. Bi, G. Gan, J. Shang, and Y. Liu, “Queuing Network Modeling of Driver Lateral Control With or Without a Cognitive Distraction Task,”IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 1810-1820, 2012.
5. L. Bi, X. Fan, N. Luo, K. Jie, Y. Li, and Y. Liu, “AHead-UpDisplay-basedP300Brain-ComputerInterfaceforDestinationSelection,”IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 14, no.4, pp. 1996-2001, 2013.
6. L. Bi, X. Fan, Y. Liu, "EEG-Based Brain-controlled Mobile Robots: A Survey,"IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 161-176, 2013.
7. L. Bi, G. Gan, and Y. Liu, “Using Queuing Network and Logistic Regression to Model Driving with a Visual Distraction Task,”International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 32-39, 2014.
8. L. Bi, X. Fan, K. Jie, T. Teng, H. Ding, Y. Liu, “Using a Head-up Display-Based Steady-State Visually Evoked Potential Brain–Computer Interface to Control a Simulated Vehicle,”IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 959-966, 2014.
9. X. Fan, L. Bi, T. Teng, H. Ding, and Y. Liu, ”A Brain-computer Interface-based Vehicle Destination Selection System Using P300 and SSVEP Signals”IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014.
10. L. Bi, J. Lian, K. Jie, R. Lai, and Y. Liu, “A Speed and Direction-based Cursor Control System with P300 and SSVEP”,Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol.14, pp. 126–133, 2014.
11. L. Bi, C. Wang, X. Yang, M. Wang, and Y. Liu, “Detecting Driver Normal and Emergency Lane-changing Intentions With Queuing Network-based Driver Models”,International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, In press 2014.




