



  • 書名:留下人類的朋友
  • 作者:錢敏捷
  • ISBN:9787119055411
  • 頁數:143
  • 定價:19.80元
  • 出版社:外文出版社
  • 出版時間:2008-1


With a complex and diversified ecological environment, the vast land of China provides unique conditions for wild animals to live and reproduce. China ranks 8th in the world in term of biodiversity, as home to 104,500 species of animals, accounting for about 10 percent of the world total.


Chapter Ⅰ Layout and Format of Business Letters
Practice Ⅰ
Supplement Electronic Communication
ChapterⅡ Establishment of Business Relations
Lesson One Initiating Business
Prectice Ⅱ
ChapterⅢ Enquiries,Offers and Acceptance
Lesson Two An Enquiry
Lesson Three (A)A Non—firm Offer
(B)A Firm Offer
Lesson Four Counter—offer
Lesson Five Acceptance
Practice Ⅲ
Chapter Ⅳ Orders and Confirmations
Lesson Six (A)An Order for Antennae
(B)A Reply
Practice Ⅳ
Chapter Ⅴ Packing
Lesson Seven Packing Requirements
Practice Ⅴ
Supplement On Packing
Chapter Ⅵ L/C Establishment,Amendment and Extension
Lesson Eight (A)Urging Establishment of an L/C
(B)A Reply
Lesson Nine Asking for L/C Amendment
Lesson Ten Asking for Extension of an L/C
Practice Ⅵ
Chapter Ⅶ Insurance
Lesson Eleven Request for Broader Coverage
Practice Ⅶ
Supplement On Insurance
Chapter Ⅷ Shipment
Lesson Twelve (A)Asking for Earlier Delivery
(B)A Reply
Lesson Thirteen Shipping Advice
Practice Ⅷ
Chapter Ⅸ Payment Terms(Non—L/C Payment)
Lesson Fourteen (A)Proposing to Change Payment Terms
(B)T/T Payment
(C)Reply from the Buyer
Practice Ⅸ
Chapter Ⅹ Complaints,Claims and Adjustments
Lesson Fifteen(A)Claim for Inferior Quality
(B)A Reply to the Claim
(C)Asking for Prompt Settlement
(D)Settlement of the Claim
Practice Ⅹ


