



  • 中文名:申立銀
  • 外文名:Shen L Y
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:四川省蒼溪縣龍王鎮
  • 出生日期:1959年11月20日
  • 職業:教授 博導
  • 畢業院校:英國里丁大學


1990/01-1991/04 英國里丁大學建設管理系 博士後研究
1986/06-1990/04 英國里丁大學建設管理系 博士
1985/09-1986/06 北京外語學院北京語言學院 留學生外語培訓
1983/09-1984/08 哈爾濱工業大學管理工程系 教師進修班證書
1978/09-1982/07 重慶建築工程學院機電系 工學學士。
1998/09-2002/08,香港理工大學,建設與房地產學系,副教授 (系學術委員會主席);
2002/09-2012/08,香港理工大學,建設與房地產學系,教授 (副系主任,系學術委員會主席);
2012/07-至 今,重慶大學,建設管理與房地產學院,特聘教授 (副院長)。


美國土木工程師學會(ASCE) 會員




Founding President, The Chinese Research Institute of Construction Management (創會主席,中華建設管理研究會)
Chief Editor (Founding Editor), International Journal of Construction Management, 主編 (創刊主編),《建設管理國際學報》(英文)
訪問教授,香港理工大學,香港 (2012-2015)
編委, 《工程組織與管理國際學報》(IJPOM),2007.10-
編委, 《澳大利亞建設經濟與建築國際學報》(AJCEB),2010-
理事, 重慶交通大學大學發展理事會(2009-2013)
主任, 可持續建設與風險管理研究中心,重慶交通大學,2009-2012.
國際項目專家, 聯合國開發計畫署"中國可持續土地整理項目"(2001.5)
外部評審專家, 澳大利亞研究理事會(ARC)(2014-)
外部評審專家, 香港研究資助局(RGC)(2015-)
教育部長江學者計畫線上評審專家(2007,2008,2009, 2010)
中央組織部 青年拔尖人才計畫線上評審專家(2012)


1. 申立銀,葉堃暉,鄧小鵬.建築業企業競爭力[M]. 中國建築工業出版社, 2006.
2. 趙振寧,申立銀. 中國建築業企業:國際競爭力﹒柔性策略與案例分析[M]. 中國建築工業出版社,2009.
3. Yin Yi Lin and Shen L Y (2002) Comparative studies on project cost management between China Mainland and Hong Kong, Nan Kai University Press, China, pp.330, 7-310-01643-2.
4. Shen L Y, Zeng S X, Wang F and Ge C B (1999) Management for Real Estate Building Project, China Planning Publications, ISBN 7-80058-734-7, pp.276.
5. Shen L Y & Xu Chong Lu (1997) Construction Procurement Management and Practice in China Mainland and Hong Kong Tianjin University Press, Tianjin, China, ISBN 7-5618-0973-5, pp.186 (The publication is based on the studies from one of my RGC projects 'Procurement Practice in China').
6. Shen L Y, Chan H W, Xu C L (1999) Construction Tendering and Contract Administration in China Mainland and Hong Kong Tianjin University Press, Tianjin, China, ISBN 7-5618-1023-7, pp.167 (The publication is based on the studies from the RGC projects 'Procurement Practice in China').
7. Shen L Y & Yu M X (1996) Risks in Real Estate Market Tianjin University Press, Tianjin, China, ISBN 7-5618-0855-0 (This book is based on the research studies 'Risk Management in the Chinese Real Estate Market'), pp.247.
1. Liyin Shen and Liudan Jiao, Bei He and Lanchun Li (2014) "Evaluation on the Utility Efficiency of Metro Infrastructure Projects in China from Sustainable Development Perspective", 2014, International Journal of Project Management (SCI)
2. Liyin Shen and Jingyang Zhou (2014) "Application of a hybrid Entropy-McKinsey Matrix method in evaluating sustainable urbanization: A China Case", Cities (SSCI)
3. Liyin Shen and Jingyang Zhou (2014) "Examining the effectiveness of indicators for guiding sustainable urbanization in China", Habitat International (SCI)
4. Shen L Y, Hongping Yuan and Xiangfei Kong (2013) "Paradoxical phenomenon in urban renewal practices: promotion of sustainable construction versus buildings' short lifespan" International Journal of Strategic Property Management (SSCI indexed), 17(4), 377-389.
5. SHEN L Y, OCHOA J J, ZHANG X L, and Peng Y (2013) "Experience Mining for Decision Making on Implementing Sustainable Urbanization – An Innovative Approach" Automation in Construction, 29, 40-49 (SCI indexed)
6. L Y Shen, Vivian W Y Tam and L Zhang (2012) "Modelling Gaseous Emissions from Energy Consumption during Building Life Cycle", Surveying & Built Environment, Vol.22, No.1, 61-73
7. Li-yin SHEN, Wei-Sheng Lu, Yi Peng and Shi-Jie Jiang (2011) "Critical Assessment indicators for measuring benefits of rural infrastructure investment in China", Journal of Infrastructure Systesm, ASCE, Vol.17, No.4, 176-183 (SCI index).
8. Shen L Y, Jiang Shijie and H P Yuan (2011) "Critical Indicators for Assessing the Contribution of Infrastructure Projects to Coordinated Urban-rural Development in China", Habitat International, 36(2), 237-246. (SSCI index)
9. Liyin SHEN, Yi Peng, Xiaoling Zhang and Yuzhe Wu (2012) "An alternative model for evaluating sustainable urbanization, Cities, 29(1), 32-39. (SSCI index)
10. L.Y. Shen and Mona N. Shah (2011) "The Practice of Sustainable Construction Standards: A comparative study of China (PRC) and India", Journal of National Repute (Udyog Pragati), Vol. 35, No.2. April-June, 11-21.
11. Li-yin Shen, Yuzhe Wu and Xiaoling Zhang (2011) "Key Assessment Indicators (KAIs) for the Sustainability of Infrastructure Projects", Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, June, Vol.137, No.6, 441-451. (SCI index)
12. Li-yin Shen, Vivian W. Y. Tam, ChengShuang Sun and Xiaoling Zhang (2011) "Development of an information exchange model for attaining sustainability", International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol.10, No.2, 153-168.
13. L Y Shen, J Jorge Ochoa, Mona N Shah and X L Zhang (2011) "The Application of Urban Sustainability Indicators – A Comparison between Various Practices", Habitat International, 35, 17-29. (SSCI index)
14. Li-yin Shen, Vivian W. Y. Tam, Leona Tam and Ying-bo Ji (2010) "Project Feasibility Study: the Key to Successful Implementation of Sustainable Construction Practice", Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.18, Issue 3, 254-259. (SCI, EI index)
15. Li-yin Shen, Vivian W. Y. Tam, Leona Tam and Ying-bo Ji (2010) "Project Feasibility Study: the Key to Successful Implementation of Sustainable Construction Practice", Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.18, Issue 3, 254-259. (SCI, EI index)
1.申立銀,吳德華. 建築企業環境表現評價系統(C-EPSS)層套AHP計算模型[J]. 高等建築教育,2002,04:65-73.
2.申立銀,向黨. 槓桿收購對國有建築企業競爭力的影響[J]. 土木工程學報,2003,03:84-89+104.
3.申立銀,吳德華,張遠林. 國有企業資產證券化操作的主要參數分析[J]. 建築經濟,1999,06:3-6.
4.申立銀. 城市規劃與房地產投資風險[J]. 北京規劃建設,1998,04:51-52.
5.申立銀 ,張紅. 香港多層大廈的法制管理[J]. 中國房地產,1997,05:77-79.
6.申立銀 ,張紅. 香港地產業資本的國籍結構[J]. 中外房地產導報,1997,13:35-36.
7.申立銀,俞明軒. 房地產組合投資的風險分散原理[J]. 建築管理現代化,1996,04:18-19.
8.申立銀,俞明軒. 房地產業結構及其影響因素[J]. 北京房地產,1995,03:45-46.
9.申立銀,俞明軒,朱岩. 香港樓宇按揭的風險探討[J]. 北京房地產,1995,07:41-42.
10.申立銀,俞明軒. 香港樓宇按揭對樓市的影響[J]. 中外房地產導報,1995,19:9-10.
11.黃志玉,申立銀. 綠色生態住宅小區評價對提高住宅節能的影響分析[J]. 西南師範大學學報(自然科學版),2012,07:80-84.
12.孫成雙,申立銀. 基於信息流分析的建設項目可持續性研究[J]. 土木工程學報,2012,S2:316-320.
13.蔣時節,申立銀,彭毅,楊建偉. 農村基礎設施投資效益評價的關鍵指標遴選[J]. 農業工程學報,2010,09:1-7.
14.鮑海君,申立銀,吳宇哲. 基礎設施BOT(build-operate-transter)項目特許權期決策的Bargaining博弈模型[J]. 浙江大學學報(理學版),2010,02:160-165.
15.甘琳,申立銀,傅鴻源. 基於可持續發展的基礎設施項目評價指標體系的研究[J]. 土木工程學報,2009,11:133-138.


1) Project Leader (2010-2012), 'Investigation on the relationships of competition intensity with sustainability performance in construction industry'
2) Project Leader (2008 – 2010), 'An index system for evaluating coordinated development of infrastructure in urban and rural areas: a case study of Chongqing Municipality'
3) Project Leader (1998 – 2000), 'Strategic Studies on the Sustainable Development of Construction Industry'
4) Project Leader (2001-2003), 'Project Environmental Management Information'
5) Project Leader (2009 – 2011), 'Establishing a knowledge system for sustainable urbanization research (KSSUR)'
6) Project Leader (2008 – 2010), 'An IT support system for assessing and communicating project sustainability'
7) Project Leader (2008 – 2009), 'Strategies for mitigating emissions in construction towards sustainable development goals'
8) Project Leader (2008 – 2009), 'Measuring Green Innovation Performance Contributing Contractors' Competitiveness'
9) Project Leader (2007 – 2009), 'Assessing the contributions from implementing sustainable environmental practice to maintaining and improving contractors' competitiveness in densely populated cities'
10) Project Leader (2006 – 2008), "A Study to the Method for Assessing the Contribution of Construction Project to Sustainable Development Across Project Life Cycle"
11) Project Leader (2006 – 2008), 'Establishing an information flow mapping model within project team for enabling effective implementation of sustainable construction practice across project life cycle'
12) Project Leader (2005 – 2007), 'Establishing a sustainability-performance factor-checklist for evaluating construction project'
13) Project Leader (2003-2004), 'Evaluation of Risk Management in Implementing Public Sector Projects' (HK$80,000) (A/C: A-PE22).
14) Project Leader (2002-2003), 'Mechanism for analyzing the impacts of China's WTO entry to the development of construction and real estate in China Mainland and Hong Kong'
15) Project Leader (2000-2002), 'The development of key performance indicators to measure both the level and the rate of process improvement in managing construction projects in China'
16) Project Leader (1999-2001), 'Strategic study for sustainable construction in China Mainland and Hong Kong
17) Project Leader (1997-1998), 'Computer-based risk appraisal system for construction and real estate projects'
18) Project Leader (1996-1998), 'Comparative Study of Legal Control on Project Development between China and Hong Kong'
19) Project Leader (1996), 'Simulation Method for Predicting Real Estate Market'
20) Project Leader (1995-1997), 'China's Procurement Systems under Socialist Market Economy'
21) Project Leader (1995-1996), 'The feasibility study of using B.O.T system in China'
22) Project Leader (1994-1995), 'Risk Management in Chinese Real Estate Market'
23) Project Leader (1993-1995), 'The relation between productivity and management policies within construction companies'
24) Project Leader (1992-1993), 'A study into tendering opportunities for overseas contractors in China' 。
1) Sustainable construction and urban development。


