[01] | Aifang Xu, Xiaonan Feng, Ye Tian, "Revealing, characterizing, and detecting crowdsourcing spammers: a case study in community Q&A", to appear in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM'15, 2015. |
[02] | Yang Zhao, Ye Tian, Yong Liu, "Extracting viewer interests for automated bookmarking in video-on-demand services", Frontiers of Computer Science, accepted. |
[03] | Jiaxin Cao, Chuanxiong Guo, Guohan Lu, Yongqiang Xiong, Yixin Zheng, Yongguang Zhang, Yibo Zhu, Chen Chen, Ye Tian, "Datacast: a scalable and efficient reliable group data delivery service for data centers", IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Communications, 31(12), pp. 2632-2645, Dec. 2013. |
[04] | Ye Tian, Ratan Dey, Yong Liu, Keith W. Ross, "Topology mapping and geolocating for China's Internet", IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 24(9), pp. 1908-1917, Sep. 2013. |
[05] | Ye Tian, Ratan Dey, Yong Liu, Keith W. Ross, "China's Internet: topology mapping and geolocating", in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM'12, Orlando, FL, USA, Mar. 2012. |
[06] | Prithula Dhungel, Keith W. Ross, Moritz Steiner, Ye Tian, Xiaojun Hei, "Xunlei: peer-assisted download acceleration on a massive scale", in Proc. of Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM'12), Vienna, Austria, Mar. 2012. |
[07] | Ye Tian, Bangchuan Liu, Zhenhua He, "PopCap: popularity oriented proxy caching for peer-assisted Internet on-demand video streaming services", Frontiers of Computer Science, 4(4), pp. 500-515, Dec. 2010. |
[08] | Ye Tian, Hong Shen, Kam-Wing Ng, "Improving reliability for application-layer multicast overlays", IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 21(8), pp. 1103-1116, Aug. 2010. |
[09] | Ye Tian, Jiang Li, "Modeling contacts and mobility for wireless mobile networks", in Proc. of International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC'10), LNCS 6406, Xi'an, China, Oct. 2010. |
[10] | Jing Yuan, Guang-Zhong Sun, Ye Tian, Guoliang Chen, Zhi Liu, "Selective-NRA algorithms for top-k queries", in Proc. of APweb/Waim'09, LNCS 5446, Suzhou, China, Apr. 2009. |
[11] | Di Wu, Ye Tian, Kam-Wing Ng, "Resilient and efficient load balancing in distributed hash tables", Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 32(1), pp. 45-60, 2009. |
[12] | Di Wu, Ye Tian, Kam-Wing Ng, Anwitaman Datta, "Stochastic analysis of the interplay between object maintenance and churn", Computer Communications, 31(2), pp. 220-239, 2008. |
[13] | Ye Tian, Di Wu, Kam-Wing Ng. "On distributed rating systems for peer-to-peer networks", The Computer Journal, 52(2), pp. 162-180, 2008. |
[14] | Ye Tian, Di Wu, Kam-Wing Ng, "A novel caching mechanism for peer-to-peer based media-on-demand streaming", Journal of System Architecture, 54(1-2), pp. 55-69, 2008. |
[15] | Ye Tian, Di Wu, Guang-Zhong Sun, Kam-Wing Ng, "Improving stability for peer-to-peer multicast overlays by active measurements", Journal of System Architecture, 54(1-2), pp. 305-323, 2008. |
[16] | Ye Tian, Di Wu, Kam-Wing Ng, "Performance analysis and improvement for bittorrent-like file sharing systems", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 19(13), pp. 1811-1835, 2007. |
[17] | Di Wu, Ye Tian, Kam-Wing Ng, "An analytical study on optimizing the lookup performance of distributed hash table systems under churn", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 19(4), pp. 543-569, 2007. |
[18] | Di Wu, Ye Tian, Kam-Wing Ng, "On the effectiveness of migration-based load balancing strategies in DHT systems", in Proc. of International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN'06), Arlington, VA, USA, Oct. 2006. |
[19] | Di Wu, Ye Tian, Kam-Wing Ng, "Analytical study on improving DHT lookup performance under churn", in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P'06), Cambridge, UK, Sep. 2006. |
[20] | Di Wu, Ye Tian, Kam-Wing Ng, "Roogle: supporting efficient high-dimensional range queries in P2P systems", in Proc. of European Conference on Parallel Processing (Euro-Par'06), LNCS 4128, Dresden, Germany, Aug. 2006. |
[21] | Ye Tian, Di Wu, Kam-Wing Ng, "Analyzing multiple file downloading in bittorrent", in Proc. of International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP'06), Columbus, OH, USA, Aug. 2006. |
[22] | Ye Tian, Di Wu, Kam-Wing Ng, "Modeling, analysis and improvement for bittorrent-like file sharing networks", in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM'06, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2006. |
[23] | Di Wu, Ye Tian, Kam-Wing Ng, "Achieving resilient and efficient load balancing in DHT-based P2P systems", in Proc. of IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN'06), Tampa, FL, USA, Nov. 2006. |