

田軒,男,漢族。現任清華大學五道口金融學院副院長、金融學講席教授,第十四屆全國人大代表、教育部“長江學者”特聘教授(2016)、獲國家傑出青年基金、復旦管理學傑出貢獻獎,北京市卓越青年科學家,兼任清華大學學術委員會委員、國家金融研究院副院長,國家自科基金委管理學部諮詢委員會委員、中國財富50人論壇理事、中國金融40人論壇特邀成員和中國全球經濟治理50人論壇成員,曾兼任深交所創業板第一屆上市委員會委員與併購重組委委員、中國證監會第六屆上市公司併購重組委委員和世界銀行諮詢專家。加入清華大學前在美國印第安納大學凱利商學院執教,獲聘終身正教授和Mary Jane Geyer Cain講席教授研究員。

主要研究領域為公司金融、企業創新和風險投資。成果多發表在Journal of Finance,Journal of Financial Economics和Review of Financial Studies等學術期刊上。主持國家自然科學基金委重大項目課題。論文累計100餘次位列全球前1%高影響力論文。谷歌學術引用12000餘次。應邀出席李強總理主持召開的經濟形勢座談會並發言。

擔任Journal of Corporate Finance聯席主編、Management Science、Journal of Banking and Finance、China Economic Review和《管理科學學報》等期刊副主編。兩次獲得清華大學“良師益友”獎,2018年獲得清華大學“青年教師教學優秀獎”,2020年獲得“中國商學院十大最受歡迎教授”稱號,主講的《公司金融》2019年和2022年入選清華大學研究生“精品課程”。


  • 中文名:田軒
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校北京大學華盛頓大學波士頓學院
  • 學位/學歷:波士頓學院金融學博士
  • 職務:清華大學五道口金融學院副院長
  • 學術代表作:《創新的資本邏輯》
  • 主要成就:中國管理學青年獎
  • 職稱:教授
人物經歷,教育背景,工作經歷,擔任職務,社會兼職,期刊主編,研究領域,學術論文,英文論文,中文論文,綜述論文及章節,主要成就,出版圖書,專著譯著,榮譽獎項,會議演講,教學經歷,授課,客座教授,博士學位論文委員會主席 ,博士後,博士學位論文委員會委員,博士論文開題審查委員會外部成員,教學助理,校內外服務,期刊評審,



2008 波士頓學院 金融學 博士學位
2003 華盛頓大學 經濟學 碩士學位
2001 北京大學 經濟學 學士學位


  • 清華大學
2014 至今 清華大學五道口金融學院金融學講席教授,博士生導師
2018 至今 清華大學五道口金融學院副院長,學術委員會主任
2017 至今 教育部“長江學者”特聘教授
2021 至今 清華大學學術委員會委員
2021 至今 清華大學國家金融研究院副院長
2021 至今 清華大學智庫中心管委會委員
2023 至今 清華大學國家治理研究院管委會委員
  • 美國印第安納大學
2008 - 2016 美國印第安納大學凱利商學院,教授(終身教職)、副教授(終身教職)、助理教授



2023-2028 第十四屆全國人大代表
2023 至今 國家自科基金委管理學部第九屆專家諮詢委員會委員
2020-2023 深交所第一屆創業板併購重組委員會委員
2021-2023 深交所第一屆創業板上市委員會委員
2016-2019 證監會上市公司併購重組委員會委員


2022– 至今 顧問主編,中國會計與財務研究
2021– 至今 主編,公司金融期刊
2020– 至今 編委會成員, 會計評論
2019– 2022 執行主編,中國會計與金融評論
2014 – 至今 副主編,管理科學
2018 – 至今 副主編,金融穩定期刊
2017 – 至今 副主編,中國經濟評論
2014 – 2019副主編,國際金融評論
2018 – 至今 主編,亞太金融研究期刊
2018 – 2020副主編, 公司金融期刊
2016 – 2017主編,亞太金融研究期刊創業金融與技術創新專刊
2016 – 2017聯席主編,國際金融評論創業金融與技術創新專刊
2015 – 至今 副主編,銀行與金融期刊
2015 – 2018副主編,金融評論
2015 – 2018副主編,亞洲泛太平洋金融期刊
2013 – 2018副主編,亞太金融研究期刊





[1] “The Causes and Consequences of Venture Capital Stage Financing,” 2011, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 101 (1), 132-159.
  • Winner of Jensen Prize (2nd place) for the best paper published in 2011 in the areas of Corporate Finance and Organizations in Journal of Financial Economics
[2] “The Role of Venture Capital Syndication in Value Creation for Entrepreneurial Firms,” 2012, Review of Finance, Vol. 16 (1), 245-283.
[3] “Preparing the Equity Market for Adverse Corporate Events: A Theoretical Analysis of Firms Cutting Dividends,” 2012, (with Thomas Chemmanur), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 47 (5), 993-972.
[4] “The Dark Side of Analyst Coverage: The Case of Innovation,”, 2013, (with Jie He)Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 109 (3), 856-878.
[5] “Tolerance for Failure and Corporate Innovation,” 2014, (with Tracy Wang),Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 27 (1), 211-255.
[6] “Financial Development and Innovation: Cross Country Evidence,” 2014, (with Po-Hsuan Hsu and Yan Xu), Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 112 (1), 16-135.
[7] “Communicating Private Information to the Equity Market before a Dividend Cut: An Empirical Analysis,” 2014, (with Thomas Chemmanur), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 49(5-6), 1167-1199.
[8] “Corporate Venture Capital, Value Creation, and Innovation,” 2014, (with Thomas Chemmanur and Elena Loutskina), Review of Financial Studies 27, 2434-2473
[9] “Does Stock Liquidity Enhance or Impede Firm Innovation?” , 2014, (with Vivian Fang and Sheri Tice), Journal of Finance, Vol. 69 (5), 2085-2125.
[10] “Does Banking Competition Affect Innovation?”, 2015,(with Jess Cornaggia, Yifei Mao, and Brian Wolfe), Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 115 (1), 189-209.
[11] “Disciplining Delegated Monitors: When Venture Capitalists Fail to Prevent Fraud by Their IPO Firms”, 2016, (with Gregory Udell and Xiaoyun Yu), Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 61 (2-3), 526-544.
[12] “Location, Proximity, and M&A Transactions,” 2016, (with Ye Cai and Han Xia), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 25 (3), 688-719
[13] “Do Unions Affect Innovation?”, 2017, (with Daniel Bradley and Incheol Kim), Management Science, Vol. 63 (7), 2251-2271.
[14] “How do Foreign Institutional Investors Enhance Firm Innovation?” , 2017, (with Luong Hoang Luong, Fariborz Moshirina, Lily Nguyen, and Bohui Zhang),Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 52 (4), 1449-1490
[15] “What Affects Innovation More: Policy or Policy Uncertainty?”, 2017, (with Utpal Bhattacharya, Po-Hsuan Hsu, and Yan Xu), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 52 (5), 1861-1901.
[16] “Bank Interventions and Firm Innovation: Evidence from Debt Covenant Violations,” (with Yuqi Gu and Connie Mao), 2017,Journal of Law and EconomicsVol. 60 (4). 637-671
[17] “Accessibility and Materialization of Firm Innovation,” (with Ning Jia), 2018, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 48 (1), 515-541.
[18] “Do Antitakeover Provisions Spur Corporate Innovation? A Regression Discontinuity Analysis,” (with Thomas Chemmanur), 2018, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 53 (2), 1-32.
[19] “How Does Hedge Fund Activism Reshape Corporate Innovation?” , 2018, (with Alon Brav, Wei Jiang, and Song Ma), Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 130 (2), 237-264
[20] “Corporate Innovation along the Supply Chain,”, 2019, (with Yongqiang Chu and Wenyu Wang), Management Science,65(6), 2445–2466.
[21] “The Real Effect of Privatization: Evidence from China’s Split Share Structure Reform,” (with Yongxian Tan, Xinde Zhang, and Hailong Zhao), 2020, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 64 (3), 1-23
[22] “Asymmetric Cost Behavior and Dividend Policy,” (with Jie He, Huan Yang, and Luo Zuo),2020, Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 58 (4), 989-1021
[23]“Peer Monitoring, Syndication, and the Dynamics of Venture Capital Interactions: Theory and Evidence,”(with Onur Bayar and Thomas Chemmanur), 2020 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 55 (6), 1875-1914
[24] “Financial Reporting Frequency and Corporate Innovation,” (with Renhui Fu, Arthur Kraft,Huai Zhang, and Luo Zuo), 2020, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.63 (3), 501-530
[25]“Stock Market Liberalization and Innovation,” (with Fariborz Moshirian, BohuiZhang, Wenrui Zhang), 2021, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol.139 (3), 985-1014
[26] “Hard Marriage with Heavy Burdens: Organized Labor as Takeover Deterrents,” (withWenyu Wang), 2021, Review of Corporate Finance Studies, Vol. 10 (2), 306-346.
[27]“ How Does Human Capital Matter? Evidence from Venture Capital,” (with Lifeng Gu, Ruidi Huang, and Yifei Mao), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 57 (6), 2063-2094.
[28] “Human-Robot Interaction: When Investors Adjust the Usage of Robo-Advisors in Peer-to-PeerLending” (with Ruyi Ge, Li Liao, and Eric Zheng), 2021,Information Systems Research, Vol 32 (3), 675-1097.
[29] “Does Customer-base Structure Influence Managerial Risk-taking Incentives?” (with Jie Chen, Xunhua Su, and Bin Xu), Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 143 (1), 462-483.
[30] “Patent Quality, Firm Value, and Investor Underreaction: Evidence from Patent Examiner Busyness” (with Tao Shu and Xintong Zhan), Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 143 (3), 1043-1069.
[31]“Do Place-based Programs Affect Local Innovation and Entrepreneurship?” (with Jiajie Xu), Review of Finance, Vol. 26 (3), 595-635.
[32]“Do Venture Capital Investors Learn from Public Markets?” (with Bibo Liu), Management Science, Vol. 68 (10), 7274-7297.
[33]“The Role of Human Capital: Evidence from Corporate Innovation,” (with Tong Liuand Yifei Mao), Journal of EmpiricalFinance, 2023, Vol. 74, 1-20.
[34] “Do Short SellersAffect Corporate Innovation? Evidence from a Policy Experiment,” (with Jie He and Xiao Ren), Review of Corporate Finance Studies,forthcoming.
[35] “The Real Effects of Shadow Banking: Evidence from China,” (with Guoqian Tu and Yichu Wang),ManagementScience, forthcoming.
[36] “Does Political UncertaintyAffect Venture Capital?” (with Yichu Wang and Kailei Ye), Review of Corporate Finance Studies, forthcoming.
[37] "The role of human capital: Evidence from corporate innovation" (with Tong Liu and Yifei Mao), Journal of Empirical Finance, 2023,Vol.74.


[38] “股權激勵計畫能促進企業技術創新么?” (與孟清揚合作), 2018, 南開管理評論(3), 176-190
[39] “金融科技與分析師市場” (與丁娜、金婧合作), 2020, 經濟研究(9), 74-89
[40] “常態化防疫”階段我國經濟現狀與基於科技的應對之策” (與陳卓、劉碧波合作), 2020,中國科學基金(6), 724-732
[41] “網際網路技術普及下的金融市場與創新:基於全球視角下的檢驗” (與黃兆君合作), 2021,計量經濟學報(3), 541-559
[42] “推進共同富裕的金融邏輯與路徑研究”(與丁娜合作),2023,四川大學學報(哲學社會科學版)(246), 71-79
[43]“ 供應鏈金融與企業效率升級——來自上市公司公告與地方政策檔案的雙重證據”(與成程、徐照宣合作),2023,金融研究(6),132-149
[45] “數字足跡與違約預測:基於消費信貸的證據“(與胡俊、李強、曾勇、劉嵩合作),管理科學學報,錄用待刊


[46] “Finance and Corporate Innovation: A Survey,” (with Jack He), Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies,47 (2), 165-212
[47] “China’s Venture Capital Market,” (with Zhaojun Huang), 2020, in The Handbook of China’s Financial System, Edited by Marlene Amstad, Guofeng Sun, and Wei Xiong, Princeton Press
[48] “Institutions and Innovation: A Review of Recent Literature,” (with Jie He), Annual Review of Financial Economics, forthcoming
[49] Stage Financing in Venture Capital,” (with Zhaojun Huang), 2023, in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Private Equity, Edited by Douglas Cumming and Benjamin Hammer, Springer



  • 沒有更多了


《創新的資本邏輯》,北京大學出版社, 2018
“Finance and Corporate Innovation: Advancing Innovation from Sustainable Growth: Implications for Asia,” (與 Bihong Huang and Bohui Zhang共同編著) , 2020, Edward Elgar Press
《風險投資,一部美國歷史》(作者:Tom Nicholas, 哈佛大學), 中信出版社,2020
風險投資史》(塞巴斯蒂安·馬拉比著), 浙江教育出版社,2022
《不完美的理性人: 公司金融通識課》, 機械工業出版社, 2023.


上海市第十六屆哲學社會科學優秀成果獎學科學術優秀成果獎論文類二等獎, 2023
the Bureau van Dijk ( Moody’s Analytics) 公司金融領域最佳論文獎,2023 Australian 銀行與金融會議, 2023
2023科睿唯安全球高被引科學家, 2023
愛思唯爾2021中國高被引學者, 2022
2021年中國十大最受尊敬商學院教授,《世界企業家雜誌》, 2022
清華大學研究生精品課程(《公司金融》), 2022
詹森最佳論文獎 Jensen Prize (一等獎) in Journal of Financial Economics, 2019
Korean Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. Outstanding Paper Award in the 14th International Conference on Asian-Pacific Financial Markets, 2019
清華大學研究生精品課程(《公司金融》), 2019
國家傑出青年, 2018
卓越青年科學家, 2018
Korean Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. Outstanding Paper Award in the 13th International Conference on Asian-Pacific Financial Markets, 2018
第十六屆“良師益友”獎,清華大學, 2018
Samsung Securities Co., Ltd. Outstanding Paper Award in the 12th International Conference on Asian-Pacific Financial Markets, 2017
教育部“長江學者”特聘教授, 2016
“學術新人”獎,清華大學, 2015
第十五屆“良師益友”獎,清華大學, 2016
Best Paper Award in the Delaware Corporate Governance Symposium, 2016
Honorable Mention, IRRC Institute Research Award, 2015
Kelley School of Business Research Excellence Award, 2015
Semifinalist for Best Paper Award in Asian FMA Annual Meetings, 2015
Kelley School of Business Research Excellence Award, 2014
Jensen Prize (2nd place) for the best paper published in 2011 in the areas of Corporate Finance and Organizations in Journal of Financial Economics, 2012
Kelley School of Business Research Excellence Award, 2012
Best Paper Award in Financial Institutions & Markets at FMA Annual Meetings, 2012
Semifinalist for Best Paper Award in Financial Institutions & Markets at FMA Annual Meetings, 2013
Semifinalist for Best Paper Award in Corporate Finance at FMA Annual Meetings, 2012
Semifinalist for Best Paper Award in Corporate Finance at FMA Annual Meetings, 2011
Semifinalist for Best Paper Award in Financial Institutions & Markets at FMA Annual Meetings, 2011
Indiana University CIBER Faculty Research Grant, 2011-2012
Nominated for the Trustee Teaching Awards at Indiana University, 2010
NBER Entrepreneurship Research Boot Camp Participant, NBER, 2008
McGraw-Hill/Irwin Best Corporate Finance Paper Award at Southern Finance Association Meetings, 2007
Best Doctoral Student Paper Award at Southwestern Finance Association Meetings, 2007
Doctoral Student Consortium Participant, Financial Management Association, 2007
Graduate Student Fellowship, Department of Finance, Boston College, 2003-2008
University Fellowship, Department of Economics, University of Washington, 2001-2003
Outstanding Student Fellowship, Beijing (Peking) University, 1997, Ranked the 3rd out of more than 15,000 high school students in Beijing in China’s National University Entrance Examination


2023: Fudan Management Academic Forum,Fudan University
2nd China Finance FrontierResearch Forum, Nankai University
1st China Corporate FinanceSummer Forum, Nankai University
China Entrepreneurs Forum (Tianjin)
The 7 International Conference on Fintech and Regulation (Virtual)
The 10 China Annual Meetings of Investment (Virtual)
The Greater China Area Finance Conference (Virtual)
The 8 “Jingshi” Scholar Forum (Beijing), Tsinghua University and Peking University
Asian Financial Management Meetings Doctoral Consortium (Virtual)
Digital Innovation and Financial Access for Enterprises (Virtual)
Fintech, Innovation, and Risk Management Summer Research Boot Camp (Virtual)
Annual Meetings of China Journal of Accounting Research
4China Accounting and Finance Conference (Virtual)
Advanced Research Institute at University of Mucus Forum (Virtual)
China Finance andAccounting Scholar Forum (Virtual)
Summer Research Boot Camp on CorporateFinance and Financial Intermediation (postponed)
15 International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets Doctoral Consortium
10th Asia Pacific Innovation Conference
China Accounting and Financial Innovation Forum
Summer Research Boot Camp on Corporate Finance and Financial Intermediation
Research Symposium on Accounting and Finance
14th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets Doctoral Consortium
CAFM Conference, Seoul, Korea
Summer Research Boot Camp on Corporate Finance and Financial Intermediation, Tsinghua University and Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Ph.D. Forum, Australian Banking and Finance Conference, Sydney Australia
Inaugural Conference on Venture Capital for Chinese Young Scholars, East China University of Science and Technology
China Finance Review International Conference, Shanghai Jiaotong University
The 14th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Dalian
Summer Research Boot Camp on EntrepreneurialFinance and Financial Intermediation,Tsinghua University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and University of International Business and Economics
Conference on the Macroeconomy of China and the World, Fudan University
International Finance and Monetary Policy Conference, Nottingham University (Ningbo)
SummerResearch Boot Camp on Entrepreneurial Finance and Financial Intermediation, Tsinghua University and Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Summer ResearchBoot Camp, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Conference on Chinese Capital Markets, Peking University
Research Camp for Young Scholars, TsinghuaUniversity and Peking University, Beijing China
CEAR/Finance Department Symposium at the Georgia StateUniversity 2014:
HKUST Entrepreneurship and FinanceConference, Hong Kong, China
Tsinghua International Corporate Governance Conference,Beijing, China
Canadian Conference on Economics of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Kingston, Canada



  • 公司金融(碩士),清華大學,2014秋-2023
  • 高級金融前沿問題 (博士),清華大學,2015秋-2018, 2020春-2024
  • 全球私募股權市場 (MBA, EMBA, 高管教育),清華大學, 2015春-2023, 2015秋-2023
  • 公司金融(MBA,高管教育),清華大學,2016春,2018-2023, 2016秋-2023
  • 公司治理(高管教育),清華大學,2016春秋,2017春
  • 金融學研究方法(MBA, 高管教育),清華大學,2014秋,2021秋-2023
  • 企業財務戰略與公司治理, 印第安納大學,2008-2011秋季,2013-2014春季
  • 中級公司金融,印第安納大學,2008年秋季
  • 金融學基礎 ,波士頓學院,2007年秋季
  • 初級個體經濟學,華盛頓大學,2002年夏季


  • 印第安納大學,公司金融博士研討會


  • 王一出(金融學,寧波諾丁漢,2023)
  • 於毅 (高級經理,中信集團,2022)
  • 崔東琪 (國家安全部,2022)
  • 劉春蕊 (金融學,對外經濟貿易大學,2021)
  • 錢佳琪 (金融學,國家發展改革委員會,2021)
  • 李理(金融學,方正證券,2021)
  • 楊元辰 (金融學,IMF經濟學家,2020)
  • 隗瑋 (金融學,芝加哥大學博士後,2020)
  • 李響 (金融學,赴美攻讀金融學博士,2019)
  • 趙文慶(金融學,廣發基金管理有限公司,2019)
  • 丁娜(金融學,中央財經大學,2018)
  • 孟清揚 (金融學,華夏基金,2018)
  • Yifei Mao (金融學,康奈爾大學,2015)
  • Brian Wolfe(金融學,紐約州立大學布法羅分校,2014)


  • 張鏵兮 (在研)
  • 黃志宏 (在研)
  • 劉晨冉(在研)
  • 何超(業界)
  • 彭雲峰(上海交通大學)
  • 周政達(業界)
  • 吳聖金(中共廣東省委黨校)


  • Kenneth Weakley (金融學,印第安納大學,2014)
  • Bader Alhashel (金融學,科威特大學,2012)
  • Alexander Borisov (金融學,辛辛那提大學,2012)
  • Daniel S. Kim (金融學,中國北京大學,2012)
  • Eun Seok Han(經濟學,韓國POSCO研究院,2011)


  • Gabby Wang (Accounting,Indiana University, 2013)
  • Kailei Ye (Finance, University of North Carolina atChapel Hill, 2020)
  • Jiajie Xu (Finance, Boston College, 2022)
  • Xiang Li (Finance, Boston College, 2024)


  • 2005-2007 波士頓大學,高級公司金融研討會(博士生課程),公司金融研討會(博士生課程),高級公司金融(MBA課程), 金融經濟計量學(MBA課程),金融學基礎(本科課程)
  • 2002-2003 華盛頓大學,個體經濟學入門(本科課程)


歐洲管理與技術學院學術委員會委員, 2023-至今
Coordinator,Asia/Pacific Financial Management Association Ph.D. Consortium, 2018
諮詢專家,世界銀行, 2017
AdvisoryBoard Member, FMA Survey & Synthesis Series, 2016-2018
Finance Department Doctoral Committee, Kelley School of Business, 2013 – 2014
Finance Department Seminar Series Coordinator, Kelley School of Business, 2011 – 2013
Finance Department Undergraduate Committee, Kelley School of Business, 2010 – 2011;2013 – 2014
Judge for Kelley Global Scholar Case Competition, Kelley School of Business, 2014
Undergraduate Policy Committee, Kelley School of Business, 2013 – 2014
Research Policy Committee, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, 2012 – 2013
Honors Program Committee, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, 2011 – 2012


  • American Economic Review, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Management Science, The Accounting Review, Review of Finance, Review of Corporate Finance Studies, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Business Venturing, China Economic Review, Economics Letters, Financial Management, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Finance Research Letters, European Economic Review, European Financial Management, Financial Review, Journal of Legal Studies, Journal of Economics and Business, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Financial Review, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Corporate Governance: An International Review, International Business Review, China Finance Review
•評審聯合主席:中國金融學術年會( CFRC) (2024、2023、2022)
•大會聯合主席:RFS-PBCSFConference on Entrepreneurial Finance and Innovation Around the World (2015)
•評審委員會和會議主席:中國金融國際年會CICF (2023、2022、2021、2020、2019、2018、2017、2016、2014、2013)
•評審委員會成員: GSU-RFSFinTech Conference (2023)
•評審委員會成員: SummerInstitute of Finance (2023、2022、2021、2020、2019、2018、2017)
•評審委員會成員: NorthernFinance Association Meetings (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019)
•評審委員會成員:中國金融科技研討會 (2024、2023、2022、2021、2019)
•評審委員會成員:中國金融學者研討會 (2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018)
•獎項評審委員會成員: 成思危獎(2023、2021、2018)
•評審委員會成員,分會主席: 中國金融學術年會(CFRC)(2021、2019、2018、2017、2016)
•”Entrepreneurial Finance”書籍提綱審稿人,Gary Gibbons, Robert Hisrich, 和 Carlos Silva著,SAGE 出版社(2012)
•評審委員會:東部金融協會會議(2008, 2007)
•”Venture Capital and Private EquityContracting: An International Perspective”審稿人,Douglas Cumming、Sophia Johan著,Elsevier出版社(2008年出版)
•項目委員會成員: Southern Finance Association年會(2007)
•FinanceDepartment Doctoral Committee, 凱利商學院, 2013 – 2014
•FinanceDepartment Seminar Series Coordinator, 凱利商學院, 2011 – 2013
•FinanceDepartment Undergraduate Committee, 凱利商學院, 2010 – 2011; 2013 – 2014
•Judge forKelley Global Scholar Case Competition, 凱利商學院, 2014
•UndergraduatePolicy Committee, 凱利商學院, 2013 – 2014
•ResearchPolicy Committee, 凱利商學院, 印第安納大學, 2012 – 2013
•HonorsProgram Committee, 凱利商學院, 印第安納大學, 2011 – 2012


