



  • 中文名:田家宇
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生日期:1979年
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:膜法水處理理論與技術
  • 職務:博士生導師
  • 任職院校:哈爾濱工業大學環境學院
  • 職稱:副教授


2013.04- 哈爾濱工業大學 博士生導師
2012.12- 哈爾濱工業大學 副教授
2010.10-2011.12 德國柏林工業大學 洪堡學者
2009.12-2012.12 哈爾濱工業大學 講師
1999年-2003年,蘇州科技學院給水排水工程專業, 獲工學學士學位






Water Research, Journal of Membrane Science, Chemical Engineering Journal, Desalination等國際期刊審稿人。


1. Yan Sun, Jiayu Tian*, Zhiwei Zhao, Wenxin Shi,Dongmei Liu, Fuyi Cui*. Membrane fouling of forward osmosis (FO) membrane formunicipal wastewater treatment: A comparison between direct FO and OMBR. WaterResearch, 2016, 104: 330-339.
2. XinyuZhang, Jiayu Tian*, Zhijun Ren,Wenxin Shi, Zhongbiao Zhang, Yongpeng Xu, Shanshan Gao, Fuyi Cui*. High performance thin-film composite(TFC) forward osmosis (FO) membrane fabricated on novel hydrophilicdisulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone) multiblock copolymer/polysulfonesubstrate. Journal of Membrane Science, 2016, 520: 529-539.
3. WeiguangSun, Jun Nan*, Jia Xing, Jiayu Tian*.Identifying the major fluorescent components responsible for ultrafiltrationmembrane fouling in different water sources. Journal of Environmental Sciences,2016, 45: 215-223.
4. WeiguangSun, Jun Nan*, Jia Xing, Jiayu Tian*.Influence and mechanism of different molecular weight organic molecules innatural water on ultrafiltration membrane fouling reversibility. RSC Advances,2016, 6: 83456-83465.
5. Jiayu Tian, Huarong Yu, Yiwei Shen,Wenxin Shi*, Dongmei Liu, Shanshan Gao, Fuyi Cui*. Identification ofirreversible UF membrane foulants by fluorescence excitation–emission matrixcoupled with parallel factor analysis. Desalination And Water Treatment,
6. Ruijun Zhang,Shuili Yu*, Wenxin Shi*, Jiayu Tian,Limei Jin, Bing Zhang, Li Li, Zhiqiang Zhang. Optimization of a membranecleaning strategy for advanced treatment of polymer flooding produced water bynanofiltration. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(34): 28844-28853.
7. XinxinJiang, Yixing Yuan, Fang Ma, Jiayu Tian,Yu Wang. Enhanced biological phosphorus removal by granular sludge inanaerobic/aerobic/anoxic SBR during start-up period. Desalination and Water Treatment,2016, 57(13): 5760-5771.
8. WeiguangSun, Jun Nan*, Meng Yao, Jia Xing, JiayuTian. Effect of aluminum speciation on fouling mechanisms bypre-coagulation/ultrafiltration process with different NOM fractions. EnvironmentalScience and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(17): 17459–17473.
1. PenghuiShao, Jiayu Tian*,Borui Liu, Wenxin Shi, Shanshan Gao, Yali Song, Mei Ling, Fuyi Cui*.Morphology-tunable ultra,ne metal oxide nanostructures uniformly grown ongraphene and their applications in the photo-Fenton system. Nanoscale,2015, 7: 14254-14263.
2. PenghuiShao, Jiayu Tian*,Wenxin Shi, Shanshan Gao, Fuyi Cui*. Eco-friendly one-pot synthesis ofultradispersed TiO2 nanocrystals/graphene nanocomposites with highphotocatalytic activity for dye degradation. Journal of MaterialsChemistry A, 2015, 3(39): 19913-19919.
3. YaliSong, Penghui Shao, Jiayu Tian*,Wenxin Shi, Shanshan Gao, Jingyao Qi, , Xiaoju Yan, Fuyi Cui*. One-stephydrothermal synthesis of ZnO hollow nanospheres uniformly grown on graphenefor enhanced photocatalytic performance. Ceramics International, 2016, 42(1,Part B): 2074–2078.
4. Penghui Shao, Jiayu Tian*,Zhiwei Zhao, Wenxin Shi, Shanshan Gao, Fuyi Cui*. Amorphous TiO2 doped withcarbon for visible light photodegradation of rhodamine B and 4-chlorophenol. AppliedSurface Science, 324: 35-43, 2015.
1. ShanshanGao, Zhiwei Zhao, Yongpeng Xu, JiayuTian*, Hong Qi, Wei Lin, Fuyi Cui*. Oxidation ofsulfamethoxazole (SMX) by chlorine, ozone and permanganate—A comparative study. Journalof Hazardous Materials, 2014, 274: 258-269.
1. Jia-yu Tian*,Mathias Ernst, Fuyi Cui, Martin Jekel. Correlations of relevantmembrane foulants with UF membrane fouling in different waters. WaterResearch, 2013, 47(3): 1218-1228.
2. Jia-yu Tian*,Mathias Ernst, Fuyi Cui, Martin Jekel. Effect of particle size andconcentration on the synergistic UF membrane fouling by particles and NOMfractions. Journal of Membrane Science,2013, 446: 1-9.
3. Jia-yu Tian*,Mathias Ernst, Fuyi Cui, Martin Jekel. Effect of different cations on UFmembrane fouling by NOM fractions. Chemical Engineering Journal,2013, 223: 547-555.
4. Jia-yu Tian*,Mathias Ernst, Fuyi Cui, Martin Jekel. KMnO4 pre-oxidation combinedwith FeCl3 coagulation for UF membrane fouling control. Desalination,2013, 320: 40-48.
5. Zheng-ShuangHan, Jia-Yu Tian,Heng Liang, Jun Ma, Hua-Rong Yu, Kai Li, AnDing, Gui-Bai Li. Measuring the activity of heterotrophicmicroorganism in membrane bioreactor for drinking water treatment. BioresourceTechnology, 2013, 130: 136-143.
1. FangshuQu, Heng Liang, Jiayu Tian,Huarong Yu, Zhonglin Chen, Guibai Li. Ultrafiltration (UF) membranefouling caused by cyanobateria: Fouling effects of cells and extracellularorganics matter (EOM). Desalination, 2012, 293:30-37.
1. Zhi-huiPan, Jia-yu Tian*,Guo-ren Xu, Jun-jing Li, Gui-bai Li. Characteristics ofadsorbents made from biological, chemical and hybrid sludges and their effecton organics removal in wastewater treatment. Water Research,2011, 45(2): 819-827.
2. YanZhang, Jiayu Tian,Jun Nan, ShanShan Gao, Heng Liang, Meilian Wang, Guibai Li. Effect ofPAC addition on immersed ultrafiltration for the treatment of algal-rich water. Journalof Hazardous Materials, 2011, 186(2-3): 1415-1424.
3. YanZhang, Jiayu Tian,Heng Liang, Jun Nan, Zhonglin Chen, Guibai Li. Chemical cleaning offouled PVC membrane during ultrafiltration of algal-rich water. Journalof Environmental Sciences, 2011, 23(4): 529-536.
1. Jia-yu Tian*,Zhong-lin Chen, Yan-ling Yang, Heng Liang, Jun Nan, Gui-bai Li.Consecutive chemical cleaning of fouled PVC membrane using NaOH and ethanolduring ultrafiltration of river water. Water Research, 2010, 44(1):59-68.
2. Jia-yu Tian*, Zhong-linChen, Jun Nan, Heng Liang, Gui-bai Li. Integrative membranecoagulation adsorption bioreactor (MCABR) for enhanced organic matter removalin drinking water treatment. Journal of Membrane Science,2010, 352(1-2): 205-212.
3. Jia-yu Tian*,Yong-peng Xu, Zhong-lin Chen, Jun Nan, Gui-bai Li. Air bubbling foralleviating membrane fouling of immersed hollow-fiber membrane forultrafiltration of river water. Desalination, 2010, 260(1-3):225-230.
4.Shanshan Gao*, Jixian Yang, Jiayu Tian,Fang Ma, Gang Tu, Maoan Du. Electro-coagulation–flotation process for algaeremoval. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010,177(1-3): 336-343.
5.Shanshan Gao*, Maoan Du, Jiayu Tian,Jianyu Yang, Jixian Yang, Fang Ma, Jun Nan. Effects of chloride ions onelectro-coagulation-flotation process with aluminum electrodes for algaeremoval. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 182(1-3):827-834
6. HengLiang*, Jun Nan, Xinxin Zhang, Zhonglin Chen, Jiayu Tian, Guibai Li. A novel on-line optical method for algaemeasurement. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2010 85(10):1413–1418.
1. Jia-yu Tian*,Zhong-lin Chen, Yan-ling Yang, Heng Liang, Jun Nan, Zhao-zhi Wang, Gui-bai Li.Hybrid process of BAC and sMBR for treating polluted raw water. BioresourceTechnology, 2009, 100 (24): 6243-6249.
2. Jia-yu Tian*, HengLiang, Jun Nan, Yan-ling Yang, Shi-jie You, Gui-bai Li. Submerged membranebioreactor (sMBR) for the treatment of contaminated raw water. ChemicalEngineering Journal, 2009, 148(2-3): 296-305.
3. J.Y. Tian*, Z.L. Chen,H. Liang, X. Li, Z.Z. Wang, G.B. Li. Comparison of biological activated carbon(BAC) and membrane bioreactor (MBR) for pollutants removal in drinking watertreatment. Water Science and Technology, 2009, 60(6):1515-1523.
4. HengLiang, Jia Y Tian,Wen J He, Hong D Han, Zhong L Chen, Gui B Li. Combined preoxidation bypermanganate and chlorine in enhancing the treatment of surface water. Journalof Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2009, 84(8):1229-1233.
5. H. Liang*,Gong, W. -J. Gong, Z. -L. Chen, J. -Y. Tian,L. Qi, G. -B. Li. Effect of chemical preoxidation coupled with in-linecoagulation as a pretreatment to ultrafiltration for algae fouling control. Desalinationand Water Treatment, 2009, 9(1-3): 241-245.
6. Lei Yang,Zhonglin Chen*, Jimin Shen, Zhenzhen Xu, Heng Liang, Jiayu Tian, Yue Ben, Xu Zhai, Wenxin Shi, Guibai Li. Reinvestigationof the Nitrosamine-Formation Mechanism during Ozonation. Environmental Science &Technology, 2009, 43(14): 5481–5487
7. Jia-yu Tian*, HengLiang, Yan-ling Yang, Sen Tian, Gui-bai Li. Membrane adsorption bioreactor(MABR) for treating slightly polluted surface water supplies: As compared tomembrane bioreactor (MBR). Journal of Membrane Science,2008, 325(1): 262-270
8. Jia-yu Tian*, HengLiang, Xing Li, Shi-jie You, Sen Tian, Gui-bai Li. Membrane coagulationbioreactor (MCBR) for drinking water treatment. Water Research,2008, 42(14): 3910-3920.
1. 潘志輝, 張朝升, 田家宇, 黃彬, 李圭白. 污泥基吸附劑強化MBR工藝污水處理效能. 水處理技術,2016, 42(3): 84-88.
2. 張劍橋, 馬軍, 遲惠中, 田家宇, 梁恆, 宋陽. 基於壓力衰減的超濾膜急性與慢性物理破損評價. 哈爾濱工業大學學報, 2016, 48(2): 33-37.
3. 高珊珊, 趙竟博, 田家宇*, 姜欣欣, 崔福義. 化學改性對活性炭吸附磺胺甲惡唑和布洛芬的影響. 環境工程學報, 2015, 9(10): 4650-4654.
4. 曾軍, 耿婷婷, 區良益, 田家宇*, 許方獻, 陳杰, 何贊端, 江聖輝. 混凝/半沉澱-超濾組合工藝中超濾運行條件最佳化的中試研究. 給水排水,41(3): 21-25, 2015.
5. 謝義忠, 段宇浩, 馮綺瀾, 田家宇*, 江聖輝, 趙志偉, 陳杰, 楊文杰, 陳偉培. 超濾與混凝沉澱單元短流程適配的中試研究. 工業水處理, 2015, 35(5): 19-22.
6. 徐勇鵬, 王媛, 田家宇, 王冬, 崔鵬, 陶輝. 水處理工藝中氟喹諾酮類物質分布的檢測. 哈爾濱工業大學學報, 46(6): 25-29, 2014.
7. 潘志輝, 張朝升, 田家宇, 趙晴, 李圭白.CEPT-MBR處理污水效能與膜污染控制效果. 中國給水排水, 30(3): 19-21, 2014.
8. 潘志輝, 張朝升, 田家宇, 趙晴, 李圭白. 化學污泥基吸附劑在污水處理中的套用研究. 給水排水, 40(7): 142-145, 2014.
9. 田家宇, 徐勇鵬, 張艷, 潘志輝, 韓正雙, 李圭白. 浸沒式MBR工藝應對飲用水源氨氮衝擊負荷的效能. 北京工業大學學報, 38(4): 636-640, 2012.
10. 李凱, 田家宇, 葉挺進, 王培寧, 韓正雙, 陳杰, 李圭白. 混凝沉澱-浸沒式超濾膜處理北江水中試研究. 哈爾濱工業大學學報, 44(2): 38-42, 2012.
11. 韓正雙, 田家宇, 陳杰, 李凱, 朱春偉, 李圭白. 膜-吸附生物反應器處理東江水的中試研究. 哈爾濱工業大學學報, 44(2): 33-37, 2012.
12. 田家宇, 徐勇鵬, 張艷, 潘志輝, 韓正雙, 李圭白. 污泥停留時間對SMBR 淨化受污染水源水的影響. 哈爾濱工業大學學報, 43(8): 35-38, 2011.
13. 潘志輝, 田家宇, 梁恆, 李君敬, 李圭白. 兩種污泥基吸附劑套用於污水處理的比較研究.中國給水排水, 27(13): 89-91, 2011.
14. 田家宇, 徐勇鵬, 潘志輝, 蘆澍, 李圭白. 膜吸附生物反應器(MABR)用於飲用水去除有機物. 哈爾濱工業大學學報, 42(10): 1568-1571, 2010.
15. 王兆之, 田家宇, 梁恆, 陳忠林, 林明利, 李圭白. 粉末活性炭吸附水中苯的熱力學研究. 哈爾濱工業大學學報, 42(12): 1892-1897, 2010.
16. 齊魯, 田家宇, 梁恆, 陳忠林, 南軍, 李星, 李圭白. 粉末活性炭/污泥回流工藝強化膜前預處理的研究. 中國給水排水,26(7): 50-53, 2010.
17. 李圭白, 田家宇, 齊魯. 第三代城市飲用水淨化工藝及超濾的零污染通量. 給水排水,36(8): 11-15, 2010.
18 潘志輝, 梁恆, 田家宇, 陳忠林, 李圭白. 混合污泥製備吸附劑回用於污水處理研究. 哈爾濱工業大學學報, 42(6): 845-848, 2010.
19. 田家宇, 張宇, 施雪華, 陳杰, 李星, 田森, 李圭白. 超濾膜/混凝生物反應器去除飲用水中有機物的效能. 中國給水排水. 25(5): 20-23, 2009.
20. 田家宇, 楊艷玲, 南軍, 梁恆, 李圭白. 膜生物反應器用於飲用水處理的啟動特性. 北京工業大學學報, 35(12): 1680-1684, 2009.
21. 田家宇, 陳忠林, 梁恆, 王威, 李圭白. 斜發沸石替代石英石強化生物過濾除污染性能. 哈爾濱工業大學學報, 40(4): 571-575, 2008.
22. 田家宇, 梁恆, 李星, 田森, 李圭白. 一體化超濾-膜混凝吸附生物反應器飲用水除污染效能. 給水排水, 34(8): 17-21, 2008.
23. 楊威, 田家宇, 李圭白. 生物活性濾池除氨氮的影響因素. 化工學報,59(9): 2316-2321, 2008.
1. 田家宇, 邵鵬輝, 時文歆, 高珊珊, 崔福義. 一種調控α-Fe2O3/石墨烯複合材料形貌的方法.
2. 田家宇, 徐勇鵬, 高珊珊, 南軍, 陳杰, 崔福義. 一種電混凝-電氣浮/浸沒式超濾集成化飲用水深度處理裝置.
3. 田家宇, 趙竟博, 高珊珊, 宮瑞, 崔福義. 去除自來水中微量醫藥品的活性炭和超濾膜組合裝置及其去除自來水中微量醫藥品的方法.
4. 田家宇, 高珊珊, 馮綺瀾, 段宇浩, 崔福義. 一種平流沉澱/浸沒式超濾一體化水處理裝置. 專利授權號:201310298090.2.
5. 江聖輝, 田家宇, 馮綺瀾, 段宇浩. 一種水處理裝置.
6. 潘志輝,田家宇,李圭白. 化學生物混合污泥吸附劑的製備方法及其回用於污水處理的方法. 專利授權號:201010182797.3.
7. 李圭白, 田家宇, 楊艷玲, 李星, 梁恆, 陳杰. 一種飲用水深度淨化方法和裝置.
8. 李圭白, 田家宇, 梁恆, 李星, 陳杰. 超濾膜混凝/吸附/生物反應器一體化水深度處理方法及其裝置.
9. 徐勇鵬, 崔福義, 時文歆, 田家宇, 瀋吉敏, 齊宏, 趙晟鋅. 水中懸浮顆粒物上痕量吡哌酸萃取富集和定量的方法.
10. 高偉, 梁恆, 南軍, 田家宇, 韓梅, 瞿芳術, 李圭白. 用於飲用水生產的膜生物反應器及方法.
11. 李圭白, 高偉, 梁恆, 韓梅, 田家宇, 陳忠林, 瞿芳術, 韓正雙. 以曝氣和低頻超音波強化膜混凝反應分離裝置及其生產飲用水的方法.
12. 梁恆,楊艷玲,馮玉傑,陳忠林,田家宇,李圭白. 一種濃縮預處理用於水體綜合毒性檢測的方法.
13. 瞿芳術, 梁恆, 李圭白, 周斌珍, 紀洪傑, 田家宇, 周莎莎. 一種集澄清、氣浮和超濾於一體的水處理裝置..
14. 李圭白, 瞿芳術, 梁恆, 周斌珍, 紀洪傑, 田家宇, 高偉. 帶有V型排水槽的超濾膜池




