


  • 中文名:田勇
  • 國籍:中國
  • 學位:博士
  • 性別:男


中科院生物物理所蛋白質科學平台首席技術專家,生物物理研究所動物實驗中心主任;中國科學院核酸生物學重點實驗室,交叉科學所重點實驗室,創新課題組組長(兼),2009年入選中國科學院百人計畫,2014年以來以通訊作者身份在Nature Immunology (IF=20), Journal of Experimental Medicine (IF=14)等國際頂級學術刊物上發表多篇研究論文。


2002-2008,美國ST JUDE兒童研究醫院博士後
2009-今, 中國科學院生物物理研究所研究員




1. Xia P, Ye B, Wang S, Zhu X, Du Y, Xiong Z,Tian Y*, Fan Z*. Glutamylation of the DNA sensor cGAS regulates its binding and synthase activity in antiviral immunity. Nat Immunol. 2016 Feb 1. doi: 10.1038/ni.3356.
2. Wang Y, He L, Du Y, Zhu P, Huang G, Luo J, Yan X, Ye B, Li C, Xia P, Zhang G, Tian Y, Chen R, Fan Z. The long noncoding RNA lncTCF7 promotes self-renewal of human liver cancer stem cells through activation of Wnt signaling.Cell Stem Cell. 2015 Apr 2;16(4):413-25. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2015.03.003.
3. Chen J, Hao L, Li C, Ye B, Du Y, Zhang H, Long B, Zhu P, Liu B, Yang L, Li P, Tian Y*, Fan Z*. The endoplasmic reticulum adaptor protein ERAdP initiates NK cell activation via the Ubc13-mediated NF-κB pathway. J Immunol. 2015 Feb 1;194(3):1292-303. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1402593.
4. Ye B, Li C, Yang Z, Wang Y, Hao J, Wang L, Li Y, Du Y, Hao L, Liu B, Wang S, Xia P, Huang G, Sun L,Tian Y*, Fan Z*. Cytosolic carboxypeptidase CCP6 is required for megakaryopoiesis by modulating Mad2 polyglutamylation. J Exp Med. 2014 Nov 17;211(12):2439-54. doi: 10.1084/jem.20141123.
5. Zhu X, Xu Y, Yu S, Lu L, Ding M, Cheng J, Song G, Gao X, Yao L, Fan D, Meng S, Zhang X, Hu S, Tian Y. An efficient genotyping method for genome-modified animals and human cells generated with CRISPR/Cas9 system.Sci Rep. 2014 Sep 19;4:6420. doi: 10.1038/srep06420.
6. Li G, Ci W, Karmakar S, Chen K, Dhar R, Fan Z, Guo Z, Zhang J, Ke Y, Wang L, Zhuang M, Hu S, Li X, Zhou L, Li X, Calabrese MF, Watson ER, Prasad SM, Rinker-Schaeffer C, Eggener SE, Stricker T,Tian Y, Schulman BA, Liu J, White KP. SPOP promotes tumorigenesis by acting as a key regulatory hub in kidney cancer. Cancer Cell. 2014 Apr 14;25(4):455-68. doi: 10.1016/j.ccr.2014.02.007.
7. Han J, Li J, Jia W, Yao L, Li X, Jiang L*,Tian Y*. Photothermal therapy of cancer cells using novel hollow gold nanoflowers. Int J Nanomedicine. 2014 Jan 16;9:517-26. doi: 10.2147/IJN.S55800.
8. Zhang Q, Wu J, Wu R, Ma J, Du G, Jiao R,Tian Y, Zheng Z, Yuan Z. DJ-1 promotes the proteasomal degradation of Fis1: implications of DJ-1 in neuronal protection. Biochem J. 2012 Oct 15;447(2):261-9.
9. Winter H, Rüttiger L, Müller M, Kuhn S, Brandt N, Zimmermann U, Hirt B, Bress A, Sausbier M, Conscience A, Flamant F, Tian Y, Zuo J, Pfister M, Ruth P, L wenheim H, Samarut J, Engel J, Knipper M. Deafness in TRbeta mutants is caused by malformation of the tectorial membrane.J Neurosci. 2009 Feb 25;29(8):2581-7.
10. Tian Y, Pate C, Andreolotti A, Wang L, Tuomanen E, Boyd K, Claro E and Jackowski S. Cytokine Secretion Requires Phosphatidylcholine Synthesis.J Cell Biol. 2008 Jun;181(6):945-57.
11. Gunter C, Frank M, Tian Y, Murti KG, Rehg JE, Jackowski S. Probucol therapy overcomes the reproductive defect in CTP: phosphocholinecytidylyltransferase beta2 knockout mice. BiochimBiophysActa. 2007 Jul;1771(7):845-52.
12. Gao J, Maison SF, Wu X, Hirose K, Jones SM, Bayazitov I, Tian Y, Mittleman G, Matthews DB, Zakharenko SS, Liberman MC, Zuo J. Orphan glutamate receptor delta1 subunit required for high-frequency hearing. Mol Cell Biol. 2007 Jun;27(12):4500-12.
13. Tian Y, Zhou R, Rehg JE, Jackowski S. Role of phosphocholinecytidylyltransferase alpha in lung development.Mol Cell Biol. 2007 Feb;27(3):975-82.
14.Tian Y, Jackson P, Gunter C, Wang J, Rock CO, JackowskiS.Placental thrombosis and spontaneous fetal death in mice deficient in ethanolamine kinase 2. J Biol Chem. 2006 Sep 22;281(38):28438-49.
15. Chow LM, Tian Y, Weber T, Corbett M, Zuo J, Baker SJ. Inducible Crerecombinase activity in mouse cerebellar granule cell precursors and inner ear hair cells.Dev Dyn. 2006 Nov;235(11):2991-8.
16. Tian Y, James S, Zuo J, Fritzsch B, Beisel KW. Conditional and inducible gene recombineering in the mouse inner ear.Brain Res. 2006 May 26;1091(1):243-54.
17. Tian Y, Li M, Fritzsch B, Zuo J. Creation of a transgenic mouse for hair-cell gene targeting by using a modified bacterial artificial chromosome containing Prestin. Dev Dyn. 2004 Sep; 231(1): 199-203.
18. Li M*,Tian Y*, Fritzsch B, Gao J, Wu X, Zuo J. Inner hair cell Cre-expressing transgenic mouse.Genesis. 2004 Jul; 39(3): 173-7. (Co-first author)
19. Tian Y, Breedveld GJ, Huang S, Oostra BA, Heutink P, Lo WH. Characterization of ZNF333, a novel double KRAB domain containing zinc finger gene on human chromosome 19p13.1. BiochimBiophysActa. 2002 Aug 19; 1577(1): 121-5.
20. Zhao H*, Tian Y*, Breedveld G, Huang S, Zou Y, Y J, Chai J, Li H, Li M, Oostra BA, Lo WH, Heutink P. Postaxial polydactyly type A/B (PAP-A/B) is linked to chromosome 19p13.1-13.2 in a Chinese kindred.Eur J Hum Genet. 2002 Mar; 10(3): 162-6.
21. Tian Y, Zhao H, Chen J, Liu Y, Li M, Yang T, Luo H, Huang S. Cloning of a novel zinc finger gene ZNF333 and its expression analysis. Basic Medical Sciences and Clinics. 2002; 22(3): 232-235 (In Chinese)
22. Tian Y, Huang S. Current advances in genetic analysis of hereditary spastic paraplegia.Foreign Medical Sciences. 2000; 23 (4): 182-185 (In Chinese)


