編號 | AMS-88-02 |
拉丁菌名 | Streptomyces griseus subsp. birdislandensis n. subsp. |
中文菌名 | 產紅螺旋體 |
定名人 | 劉聿太 白文響 王大耜 |
Nomencla | Feng Qingping |
發表文章 | 從豆製品廢水厭氧發酵液分離的一個螺旋體新種 |
Article | A New Subspecies of Streptomyces griseus |
作者 | 劉聿太 白文響 王大耜 |
Author | Feng Qingping |
作者單位 | 中國科學院微 生物研究所細菌分類學實驗室沼氣發酵組, 北京 100080 |
摘要 | 用 Hungate厭氧技術, 從豆製品廢水厭氧發酵液分離到一株 厭氧生長, 細胞柔軟, 活躍運動, 產紅色素的螺狀細菌. 能發酵多種碳水化合物, 主要產物是乙酸鹽,乙醇, H2和 CO2. 生長要求酵母膏, 可利用NH4Cl和蛋白腖為氮源生長 . 不要求NaCl. 最適生長溫度為30-35'C. DNA的G + C含 量為49mol%. 按照<<伯傑氏細菌學手冊>>(1984年版) , 此菌屬於螺旋體屬中的一個新種, 命名為產紅螺旋體 (Spirochaeta rhodogenes n. sp.). |
Abstract | A strain of Streptomyces "3205" was isclated from mud samples of Bird island. Its morphological, cultural characteristics and physiologicalproperties as well as antimicrobial spectrum were studied. It is nearto Streptomyces griseus as described in the literature, but there aresome significant differences between the two strains. Therefore, it was considered to be a new subspecies and named Streptomyces griseus subsp. birdislandensis n. subsp. |
關鍵字 | 螺旋體, 厭氧菌, 產紅螺旋體 |
Key | |
期刊 | 微生物學報 28(2):97-101, 1988. |
Publication | Acta Microbiologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 28(1):pp.82-84, 1988. |
分享省市 | 北京市海淀區 |
Place | Gangcha County, Qinghai Province, China |
採集地 | 中國科學院微生物研究所細菌 分類學實驗室沼氣組厭氧發酵裝置沼氣發酵液 |
Environment | The actinomycetes isolated from bottom mud, it collected from Bird Isoland at Qianghai Lake. |
海撥高度 | |
生態環境 | 沼氣厭氧發酵裝置 |
寄主 | 沼氣發酵液 |
Habitat | subfrigid zone upland climate semi-salt water lake |
Host | the bottom mud of semi-salt water lake |
採集人 | 劉聿太 白文響 |
Isolation Person | Feng Qingping |
採集時間 | |
保存單位 | 中國科學院微生物研究所細菌分類學實驗室沼氣發酵組, 北京 100080 |
Preservation Unit | Department of Biology, University of Lanzhou, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu Province, China |
描述 | |
等模式 | |
Speciman No. | No.3205 |
全文 | |
Note | The strain producing antibiotics, it inhibited more Gram-positive bacteria and Gram-negative bacteria shcu asSarcina, Bcaillus thuringiensis, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli etc. |