

《生物醫藥納米技術:方法與操作》是2014年科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是赫斯特(Sarah J.Hurst)。


  • 中文名:生物醫藥納米技術:方法與操作
  • 外文名:Biomedical Nanotechnology Methods and Protocols
  • 作者:赫斯特(Sarah J.Hurst)
  • 語言:簡體中文, 英語
  • 出版時間:2014年7月1日
  • 出版社科學出版社
  • 頁數:433 頁
  • ISBN:9787030414267 
  • 開本:5 開
  • 類型醫學




  • 封面
  • 生物醫藥納米技術:方法與操作
  • 內容簡介
  • 《納米科學與技術》叢書編委會
  • 《納米科學與技術》叢書序
  • Preface
  • Contributors
  • 1 Biomedical Nanotechnology Sarah J.Hurst
  • Part IUsing Nanomaterials in Sensing, Imaging, and Therapeutics
  • 2 Multiplexed Detection of Oligonucleotideswith Biobarcoded Gold Nanoparticle Probes Jae-Seung Lee
  • 3 Molecular Detection of Biomarkers and Cells UsingMagnetic Nanoparticles and Diagnostic MagneticResonance Jered B.Haun , Tae-Jong Yoon , Hakho Lee , and Ralph Weissleder
  • 4 Real-Time Quantum Dot Tracking of Single Proteins Jerry C.Chang and Sandra J.Rosenthal
  • 5 Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in AdvancedImaging and NanotherapeuticsTijana Rajh , Nada M.Dimitrijevic , and Elena A.Rozhkova
  • 6 Surface Modifi cation and Biomolecule Immobilizationon Polymer Spheres for Biosensing ApplicationsChris R.Taitt , Lisa C.Shriver-Lake , George P.Anderson ,and Frances S.Ligler
  • 7 Multivalent Conjugation of Peptides, Proteins,and DNA to Semiconductor Quantum DotsDuane E.Prasuhn , Kimihiro Susumu , and Igor L.Medintz
  • 8 A Single SnO 2 Nanowire-Based MicroelectrodeJun Zhou , Yaguang Wei , Qin Kuang , and Zhong Lin Wang
  • 9 Biosensing Using Nanoelectromechanical SystemsAshish Yeri and Di Gao
  • 10Nano “Fly Paper”Technology for the Capture of CirculatingTumor CellsShutao Wang , Gwen E.Owens , and Hsian-Rong Tseng
  • 11 Polymeric Nanoparticles for Photodynamic TherapyYong-Eun Koo Lee and Raoul Kopelman
  • 12 Hydrogel Templates for the Fabrication of HomogeneousPolymer MicroparticlesGhanashyam Acharya , Matthew McDermott , Soo Jung Shin ,Haesun Park , and Kinam Park
  • 13 Antibacterial Application of Engineered BacteriophageNanomedicines: Antibody-Targeted, ChloramphenicolProdrug Loaded Bacteriophages for Inhibitingthe Growth of Staphylococcus aureus BacteriaLilach Vaks and Itai Benhar
  • 14 Viruses as Nanomaterials for Drug DeliveryDustin Lockney , Stefan Franzen , and Steven Lommel
  • 15 Applications of Carbon Nanotubes in Biomedical StudiesHongwei Liao , Bhavna Paratala , Balaji Sitharaman , and Yuhuang Wang
  • 16 Electrospun Nanofi brous Scaffolds for EngineeringSoft Connective TissuesRoshan James , Udaya S.Toti , Cato T.Laurencin ,and Sangamesh G.Kumbar
  • 17 Peptide Amphiphiles and Porous Biodegradable Scaffoldsfor Tissue Regeneration in the Brain and Spinal CordRutledge G.Ellis-Behnke and Gerald E.Schneider
  • 18 Computational Simulations of the Interaction of LipidMembranes with DNA-Functionalized Gold NanoparticlesOne-Sun Lee and George C.Schatz
Part IITranslating Nanoscience and Technologyfrom the Lab to the Clinic
  • 19 Cytotoxic Assessment of Carbon Nanotube Interactionwith Cell CulturesHanene Ali-Boucetta , Khuloud T.Al-Jamal , and Kostas Kostarelos
  • 20 Nanoparticle Toxicology: Measurements of PulmonaryHazard Effects Following Exposures to NanoparticlesChristie M.Sayes , Kenneth L.Reed , and David B.Warheit
  • 21 Nanoparticle Therapeutics: FDA Approval, Clinical Trials,Regulatory Pathways, and Case StudyAaron C.Eifl er and C.Shad Thaxton
  • 22 Legislating the Laboratory? Promotion and Precautionin a Nanomaterials CompanyRobin Phelps and Erik Fisher
  • 23 Navigating the Patent Landscapes for Nanotechnology:English Gardens or Tangled Grounds?Douglas J.Sylvester and Diana M.Bowman
  • 24 Scientifi c Entrepreneurship in the Materialsand Life Science IndustriesJose Amado Dinglasan , Darren J.Anderson , and Keith Thomas
  • 25 Applying the Marketing Mix (5 Ps) to BionanotechnologyMichael S.Tomczyk
  • 26 Managing the “Known Unknowns”: Theranostic CancerNanomedicine and Informed ConsentFabrice Jotterand and Archie A.Alexander


