- 書名:生物信息學中的數學方法引論
- 作者:(澳)伊薩耶夫
- ISBN:9787030313812
- 定價:¥78.00
- 出版社:科學出版社
- 出版時間:2011-6-1
- 開本:16開
This book looks at the mathematical foundations of the models currently in use. This is crucial for the correct interpretation of the outputs of the models. A bioinformatician should be able not only to use software packages, but also to know the mathematics behind these packages. From this point of view, mathematics departments throughout the world have a major role to play in bioinformatics education by teaching courses on the mathematical foundations of the subject. Based on the courses taught by the author the book combines several topics in biological sequence analysis with mathematical and statistical material required for such analysis.
part i sequence analysis
1 introduction: biological sequences
2 sequence alignment
2.1 sequence similarity
2.2 dynamic programming: global alignment
2.3 dynamic programming: local alignment
2.4 alignment with affine gap model
2.5 heuristic alignment algorithms
2.5.1 fasta
2.5.2 blast
2.6 significance of scores
2.7 multiple alignment
2.7.1 msa
2.7.2 progressive alignment