- 作者:劉慶昌 編
- ISBN:9787811175653
- 頁數:439
- 定價:98.00元
- 出版時間:2008-10
《甘薯可持續生產技術與糧食能源安全:第三屆中日韓甘薯學術討論會論文集(英文版)》主要內容:Sweetpotato is an important food, forage,industrial raw material crop, and today it is es-pecially attached importance as a new energy resource crop. China,Japan,and Korea arethe world's main producers of sweetpotato,and the three countries have led the world inmany aspects of this crop such as breeding, cultivation, biotechnology, and processing.Thus,China-Japan-Korea Workshop on Sweetpotato is held at two-year intervals to ex-change the research results and experiences and to promote the research and production ofthis crop.