甘楊蘭,女,1984年1月生,博士,副教授,碩士生導師。2009年9月-2011年9月,作為國家公派留學聯培博士生,在美國華盛頓大學(Washington University in St. Louis)計算機科學系章偉雄教授實驗室學習和從事科研工作。2012年9月起,進入東華大學計算機科學與技術學院。
- 中文名:甘楊蘭
- 職稱:副教授
近三年,主要研究方向為數據挖掘、機器學習和生物信息。已經在國內外重要學術期刊和會議上發表論文26篇(包括SCI論文12篇)。其中,以第一作者和通信作者發表的論文有14篇。發表論文的期刊包括Knowledge-Based Systems (IF=3.325)、Bioinformatics (IF=5.766)、BMC Bioinformatics (IF=2.44)、IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (IF=1.61)、Neurocomputing (IF=2.392)、Soft Computing (IF=1.630)以及Applied Intelligence (IF=1.215)等。
起止日期 | 項目來源 | 承擔角色 |
2014.9-2016.12 | 國家自然科學基金(青年)項目 | 項目負責人 |
2013.10-2016.9 | 上海自然科學基金(青年)項目 | 項目負責人 |
2014.1-2015.12 | 上海市“晨光計畫”人才項目 | 項目負責人 |
2016.1-2018.12 | 中央高校專項資金(重點)項目 | 項目負責人 |
2013.1-2015.12 | 中央高校專項資金(自由探索)項目 | 項目負責人 |
2013.6-2016.5 | 上海高校青年教師培養資助計畫 | 項目負責人 |
2013.1-2014.12 | 上海市智慧型信息處理重點實驗室開放課題 | 項目負責人 |
2013.1-2013.12 | 東華大學青年教師科研資助項目 | 項目負責人 |
Yun Lu*, Yanglan Gan*, Jihong Guan, Shuigeng Zhou. An integrative analysis of nucleosomeoccupancy and positioning using diversesequence dependent properties. Neurocomputing, 2016, 206(19):35-41.(SCI, IF=2.39, 共同第一作者)
Yanglan Gan, Han Tao, Guobing Zou, Cairong Yan, Jihong Guan. Dynamic epigenetic mode analysis using spatial temporal clustering. BMC Bioinformatics, 2016, in press. (SCI, IF=2.44)
Yanglan Gan, Guobing Zou, Jihong Guan, Guangwei Xu. A novel wavelet-based approach for predicting nucleosome positions using DNAstructural information. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2014, 11(4): 638-647.(SCI, IF=1.61)
Yanglan Gan, Jihong Guan, Shuigeng Zhou, Weixiong Zhang. Identifying cis-regulatory elements and modules using conditional randomfields.IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2014, 11(1):73-82. (SCI, IF=1.61)
Yanglan Gan, Jihong Guan, Shuigeng Zhou. A pattern-based nearest neighbor search approach for promoter prediction using DNA structuralprofiles. Bioinformatics, 2009, 25(16): 2006-2012. (SCI, IF=5.77)
Yanglan Gan, Jihong Guan, Shuigeng Zhou. A comparison study on feature selection of DNA structural properties for promoter prediction. BMC Bioinformatics, 2012, 13(4):1-12. (SCI, IF=2.44)
Yanglan Gan, Jihong Guan, Shuigeng Zhou, Weixiong Zhang. Structural features based genome-wide characterization and prediction ofnucleosome organization. BMC Bioinformatics, 2012, 13(49): 1-15. (SCI, IF=2.44)
Guobing Zou, Yanglan Gan*, Yixin Chen, Bofeng Zhang. Dynamic composition of Web services using efficient planners in large-scale service repository. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2014, 62: 98-112. (SCI, IF=3.325, 通信作者)
Guobing Zou, Yanglan Gan*, Yixin Chen, Bofeng Zhang, Ruoyun Huang, You Xu, Yang Xiang. Towards automated choreography of Web services using planning in large scale service repositories. Applied Intelligence, 2014,41(2): 383-404.(SCI, EI, IF=1.215, 通信作者)
Sen Niu, Guobing Zou*, Yanglan Gan*, Zhimin Zhou, Bofeng Zhang. Uncertain Composition of Web Services via Non-deterministic Planning.Journal of Internet Technology, 2016, Accepted. (SCI, IF=0.533, 通信作者)
Guobing Zou, Yanglan Gan*, Sen Niu, Mei Zhao, Bofeng Zhang. Towards optimal discovery of Web services for multiple QoS constraints and preferences. International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, 2014, 9(3): 277-299.(EI, 通信作者)
Sen Niu, Guobing Zou*, Yanglan Gan*, Zhimin Zhou, Bofeng Zhang. UCLAO* and BHUC: Two novel planning algorithms for uncertain Web service composition. In Proc. of 13th IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC), 2016, pp. 531-538. (EI, 通信作者)
Yanglan Gan, Jihong Guan, Hao Wang, A fast subspace clustering algorithm based on pattern similarity. In Proc. of 4th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD), 2007. (EI)
甘楊蘭,趙梅,牛森,鄒國兵. 基於雲仿真環境數據挖掘的服務分類方法, 計算機仿真, 2014, 31(10): 460-465.