



  • 書名:環球天下教育:英語口語初級入門
  • 出版社:安徽科技術出版社
  • 頁數:398頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:卓爾英才
  • 作者:張淑芳 孫緋
  • 出版日期:2013年9月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787533761363




Chapter 1 Conversation Basics 打開話匣子
01.Greetings and responses問候與回答
02.Start a conversation with a stranger讓陌生人開口
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Chapter 2 Communication Techniques 溝通技巧
01.When you are not SUre about the meaning of others不確定對方的意思
02.To make sure other people can understand what you say確認對方了解你的意思
03.To show others you understand what they say表示理解對方的意思
04.To change the topic of your talk politely禮貌地改變話題
05.How to interrupt others怎樣插入他人談話
06.How to give an end to a conversation結束談話
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Chapter 3 Stating Your Opinions說出自己的想法
01.To agree with others表示同意或贊成別人
02.TO disagree with others表示不同意
03.TO express your opinion directly直截了當地陳述個人觀點
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Chapter 4 Describing Moods and Feelings表達情緒和感受
01.To show happiness and satisfaction表示愉悅和滿意
02.T0 show displeasure表示不悅
03。T0 show surprise表示驚訝
04.To show sympathy表示同情與安慰
05.To express apology and forgiveness表達歉意和諒解
06.T0 express thankfulness表示感謝
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Chapter 5 Getting to Know More About People閒聊有講究
01.Introduction and self-introduction介紹與自我介紹
02.T0 show friendliness表示友好
03.Asking for mothedand and hometown詢問國籍和家鄉
04.TaIking about yourself談論自己
05.TaIking about hobbies談論愛好
06.Talking about sports談論運動健身
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Chapter 6 On the Phone 打電話
01.Expressions on the phone打電話用語
02.Something wrong with the¨ne線路有問題
03.DiaI Ihe wrong number打錯電話
04.Leave a message留言
05.Public phone公用電話
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Chapter 7 Getting Dressed 穿衣打扮
01.Clothing forfour seasons四季服飾
03.Have a haircut理髮
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Chapter 8 Eating Outside 外出就餐
01.Whatto eat and where去哪裡,吃什麼
02.In a restaurant在飯店
03.Pay the bill結賬
04.In a fast-food restaurant在快餐店
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Chapter 9 Daily Life at Home 居家生活
01.In the living room在客廳
02.In the bedroom在臥室
03.In the bathroom在浴室
04.Using the toilet使用廁所
05.In the kitchen在廚房
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Chapter 10 School Life 學校生活
01.1n class在課堂上
02.In the library在圖書館
03.Taking exams考試
04.Campus life校園生活
05.Out-of-class activities課外活動
06.Using the computer使用電腦
07.In the post office在郵局
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Chapter 11 Transportation交通出行
03.Private cars私家車
04.Take a taxi計程車
05.In the train station火車站
06.Atthe airport在機場
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Chapter 12 Go Shopping逛街購物
01.Buying clothes選購衣服
02.Buy other products購買其他物品
03.Bargain for prices討價還價
04.Exchange or return something退貨換貨
05.In the supermarket在超市
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Chapter 13 Sports 體育運動
01.Di仟erent kinds ofsports各種不同的運動
02.On the water在水上
04.Sports centre健身中心
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Chapter 14 Falling III 生病
01.Feeling uncomfortable感覺不舒服
02.Catching a cold感冒
03.In the hospital在醫院
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Chapter 15 Entertainment休閒娛樂
01.Go to the movies看電影
03.In the bar在酒吧
04.At a party參加派對
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Chapter 16 Go Traveling on Holiday旅行度假
01.Go traveling去旅行
02.In a travel agency在旅行社
03.Places ofhistoric interest名勝古蹟
04.Natural scenery自然風光
05.Althe seaside在海邊
06.Gofora picnic去野餐
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Chapter 17 Your Hometown and Families你的家鄉和家人
01.Descnbe your hometown描述你的家鄉
02.TaIking aboutyourfamilies談論你的家人
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Chapter 18 Interests and Hobbies興趣與愛好
01.Different interests and hobbies不同的興趣愛好
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Chapter 19 Muics 音樂
01.Different types of music不同種類的音樂
02.Classical music古典音樂
03.Pop music流行音樂
04.Rock music搖滾樂·j
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Chapter 20 What Do You Do 你的職業
01.Different kinds ofjobs不同的職業
02.TaIking about yourjobs談論你的工作
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Chapter 21 Festivals and Customs節日與風俗
01.Traditional Chinese’festivals中國傳統節日
02.Westem festivals西方節日
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