



  • 中文名:環球天下教育·英語口語高級飛躍
  • 出版社:安徽科技術出版社
  • 頁數:302 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • 作者:張淑芳 黃欣
  • 出版日期:2013年9月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787533761387




Unit 1 College Life菁菁校園
Warming—Up Words熱身辭彙
Scene 1 The First Day入學第一天
Scene 2 Attending a Seminar參加研討會
Scene 3 In the Library相遇圖書館
Scene 4 l Need to Find a Job!我得找份兼職!
Scene 5 The Education of Classical Movies經典影像觀摩
Let’S Discuss Ⅰ 自由辯論1
Let’S Discuss Ⅱ 自由辯論2
A Step Further Studying in the U.S.A.留學美國
Unit 2 Entertainment娛樂大家來
Warming—Up Words熱身辭彙。
Scene 1 An Interesting Camping Trip——Come again 露營有趣,再來一次
Scene 2 Planning a Party,Becoming a Star化裝舞會,變身明星
Scene 4 Coming Back from Fieldwork實習歸來,戀戀不捨
Scene 5 The Education of Classical Movies經典影像觀摩
Let’S Discuss Ⅰ 自由辯論1
Let’S Discuss Ⅱ 自由辯論2
A Step Further Masquerade化裝舞會
Unit 3 Shop Till You Drop購物到腿軟
Warming—Up Words熱身辭彙
Scene 1 Shop Till You Drop購物到腿軟
Scene 2 l’d Like to Have a Refund Please我想把它退了
Scene 3 We Can Take Cash or Credit Card我們接受現金和信用卡支付
Scene 4 We Need to Redecorate我們想重新裝修
Scene 5 The Education of Classical Movies經典影像觀摩
Let’S Discuss Ⅰ 自由辯論1
Let’S Discuss Ⅱ 自由辯論2
AStep Further Shopping with Me一起購物吧
Unit 4 Enjoy a Variety of Festivals喜氣洋洋過佳節
Warming—UD Words熱身辭彙
Scene 1 Festivals and Traditions:“How Deeply Do You Love Me”節日和傳統:“你愛我有多深”
Scene 2 Christmas Season聖誕佳節
Scene 3 You Make a Nice Couple佳偶天成
Scene 4 Who Can Tell?萬物復甦,你知幾分?
Scene 5 The Education of Classical Movies經典影像觀摩
Let,S Discuss Ⅰ 自由辯論1
Let,s Discuss Ⅱ 自由辯論2
A Step Further Western Festivals西方主要節日
Unit 5 Virtual World虛擬世界
Warming.UD Words熱身辭彙
Scene 1 Digital Divide數字鴻溝
Scene 2 Fun with Shopping Online快樂的網購
Scene 3 So.This Is a Blog這就是部落格
Scene 4 It Could Be Someone Dodgy它可能是個大壞蛋
Scene 5 The Education of Classical Movies經典影像觀摩
Let’S Discuss Ⅰ 自由辯論1
Let’S Discuss Ⅱ 自由辯論2
A Step Further Fashion Icon網路達人
Unit 6 Beauty Salon and Make—up美麗沙龍
Warming.UD Words熱身辭彙
Scene 1 Variety Girl百變女郎
Scene 2 Give Your Skin a Breath!讓你的皮膚透透氣吧!
Scene 3 Metrosexual城市魅男
Scene 4 Be Beautiful!美麗一起來!
Scene 5 The Education of Classical Movies經典影像觀摩
Let’S Discuss Ⅰ 自由辯論1
Let’S Discuss Ⅱ 自由辯論2
A Step Further Make a Beauty美女出爐記
Unit 7 Marriage and Family婚姻家庭
Warming—Up Words熱身辭彙
Scene 1 Big News大喜訊
Scene 2 We Will Have a Church Wedding!我們想舉行教堂婚禮!
Scene 3 The Happiest Day最幸福的日子
Scene 4 MarriageAgreement結婚協定v
Scene 5 The Education of Classical Movies經典影像觀摩—
Let’S Discuss l自由辯論1
Let’S Discuss Ⅱ 自由辯論2
A Step Further Traditional Wedding Vows傳統婚禮誓詞
Unit 8 Sports and Games運動大舞台
Warming—Up Words熱身辭彙
Scene 1 Sports and Entertainment——the Same Family運動和娛樂,本是同根生
Scene 2 Spirit of Competition——the Eternal Theme競爭——永恆的主題
Scene 322 Millionaires and Their Football22名百萬富翁和足球的故事
Scene 4 Magic—l Should Have a Try!神奇——我也來!
Scene 5 The Education of Classical Movies經典影像觀摩
Let’S Discuss Ⅰ 自由辯論1
Let’S Discuss Ⅱ 自由辯論2
AStep Further Various Games五彩繽紛的體育項目
Unit 9 Job Hunting面試求職
Warming—Up Words熱身辭彙
Scene 1 We Need to Dress Up Your Curriculum Vitae我們得包裝一下你的簡歷
Scene 2 Mayrbe I Just Should Go Around也許我得四處找機會
Scene 3 You’ve Got the Job你被錄用了
Scene 4 Everyone Is Changing His Job人人都在想著跳槽
Scene 5 The Education of Classical Movies經典影像觀摩
Let’S Discuss l自由辯論1
Let’S Discuss Ⅱ 自由辯論2
A Step Further Jobs,Jobs,Where Is My Job?工作在哪裡?
Unit 10 Health關愛健康
Warming—UD Words熱身辭彙
Scene 1 Are You I mpatient?——You Can Leave!等得著急?——可以走啊!
Scene 2 My Teeth Are So Dear!我昂貴的牙齒啊!
SceRe 3 Green Tea and Y0ga—_the ShoRcut to Health綠茶和瑜珈——現代營養快線
Scene 4 My Eyes Hurt!眼睛好酸痛!
Scene 5 The Education of Classical Movies經典影像觀摩
Let’S Discuss Ⅰ 自由辯論1
Let’S Discuss Ⅱ 自由辯論2
A Step Further Common Expressions for Seeing a Doctor看病就醫日常用語
Unit 11 Friendship Forever友誼萬歲
Warming.UD Words熱身辭彙
Scene 1 I,ve Got Hollow Legs,Too!我也很能吃!
Scene 2 Personal Charm and Bosom Buddy展個人魅力,結知心朋友
Scene 3 A Real Trip Down Memory Lane回憶之旅
Scene 4 A Lingering Impression憶往昔
Scene 5 The Education of Classical Movies經典影像觀摩
Let’S Discuss Ⅰ 自由辯論1
Let,S Discuss Ⅱ 自由辯論2
AStep Further Auld Lang Syne友誼地久天長
Unit 12 Financial Life金融生活
Warming—Up Words熱身辭彙
Scene 1 Poor Beggar可憐的傢伙
Scene 2 l Want a House我想有個家
Scene 3 When America Sneezes,the Rest of the World Catches a Cold美國打噴嚏,世界患感冒
Scene 4 Graduation=Unemployment?畢業=失業?
Scene 5 The Education of Classical Movies經典影像觀摩
Let’S Discuss Ⅰ 自由辯論1
Let’S Discuss Ⅱ 自由辯論2
AStep Further Get Familiarwith Banking了解銀行
Unit 13 Media and Advertisement媒體廣告
Warming—Up Words熱身辭彙
Scene 1 It Can Be a Good Wayto Get Headlines!這可是一個登頭條的好機會!
Scene 2 It's a Multimedia Society眼花繚亂的媒體
Scene 3 The Media Has Always Been Used as a Political Tool媒體總是被用做政治工具
Scene 4 We Have Several Options!我們有多種選擇!
Scene 5 The Education of Classical Movies經典影像觀摩
Let’S Discuss Ⅰ 自由辯論1
Let’S Discuss Ⅱ 自由辯論2
AStep Further VariousAds形式多樣的廣告
Unit 14 Exhibition博眾家之彩
Warming—Up Words熱身辭彙
Scene 1 Anti—climax——No!虎頭蛇尾——不!
Scene 2 Unveil a New Product新產品來了
Scene 3 The World of Flowers百花齊放春滿園
Scene 4 Natural and Harmonious Scene自然和諧圖
Scene 5 The Education of Classical Movies經典影像觀摩
Let’S Discuss Ⅰ 自由辯論1
Let’S Discuss Ⅱ 自由辯論2
A Step Further Communication Expert輕鬆周旋於展會
Unit 15 Art and Music音美世界
Warrning—Up Words熱身辭彙
Scene 1 HereWeAre atthe Gallery!我們總算到了博物館了!
Scene 2 I Can’t Appreciate Modern Art令人費解的現代藝術
Scene 3 l Love Live Music我喜歡現場聽音樂
Scene 4 It's Just There in the Background若隱若現的背景音樂
Scene 5 The Education of Classical Movies經典影像觀摩
Let’S Discuss Ⅰ 自由辯論1
Let’S Discuss Ⅱ 自由辯論2
A Step Further Art Schooling of Modernism現代主義美術流派
Unit 16 Multicultural World 多元文化
Warming—Up Words熱身辭彙
Scene 1 Live and Let Live相互關愛,共享生命
scene 2 Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness整潔近於美德
Scene 3 You and Me你和我
Scene 4 To Err Is Human人非聖賢,孰能無過
Scene 5 The Education of Classical Movies經典影像觀摩
Let’S Discuss Ⅰ 自由辯論1
Let’S Discuss Ⅱ 自由辯論2
AStep Further GiftTaboos in Different Cultures送禮禁忌


