瑪伊特·施瓦茲(Maite Schwartz),1979年8月29日出生於美國德克薩斯州達拉斯,是一位演員,因出演電影《愛情與靈藥》為人所知。
- 中文名:瑪伊特·施瓦茲
- 外文名:Maite Schwartz
- 出生地:美國德克薩斯州達拉斯
- 出生日期:1979年8月29日
- 職業:演員
- 代表作品:《愛情與靈藥》
2013年出演電影《In Lieu of Flowers》。
2013/I In Lieu of Flowers------Kelly
2012 Bun in Another Oven (Short) ----------Mindy
2012 Project: S.E.R.A. (Short) -----------Newscaster
2012 Hand of God (TV Movie) ------Sarah
2011/I Away
2011 Starf*ckers (Video short) ------Tegan
2011 Lovelives (TV Movie) -----------Robin
2010 Crazy/Sexy/Awkward (Video short) ----------Ashley (as Maïté Schwartz)
2010 Half-Dragon Sanchez ----------Elaine / Helen
2010 Love & Other Drugs 愛情與靈藥-------Texas
2008 Red Balloon (Short) -----------Natalie
2008 On Courage (Short) ----------Jane
2007 South of Pico 碧可南部--------Susan
2005 House of Grimm 格林之家
2005 Frostbite 冰凍豪情(Video) --------Gash (as Maïté Schwartz)
1999 Out of Courage 2: Out for Vengeance (Short) --------Agent Sexton
2014 NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (Season 11, Episode 23) ----Inspctor Isabel Chablis
2014 Gang Related 黑白道(出演2集) --------Lindsey Manning
2012 Rizzoli & Isles 妙女神探(Season 3, Episode 5) ----Celia Jaffe
2011 Community 廢柴聯盟(Season 2, Episode 15) ---------Mariah
2011 House M.D. 豪斯醫生(Season 7, Episode 10) ---Bree
2010 CSI: NY (Season 7, Episode 6) -----Allison
2010 Hawaii Five-0 天堂執法者 (Season 1, Episode 4) ---------Dana Thorpe
2010 Melissa & Joey 御姐奶爸(Season 1, Episode 3) ----------Liz
2010 Southland 南城警事 (Season 2, Episode 3) ------Stella Holmes
2009 Supernatural 邪惡力量(Season 4, Episode 14) -------Dr. Cara Roberts
2008 The Mentalist超感神探 (Season 1, Episode 6) -------Jessica Meier-Cardeira
2008 CSI: Miami (Season 7, Episode 4) -------Kaylee Westmore
2008 How I Met Your Mother 老爸老媽浪漫史(Season 3, Episode 14) -------Holly
2008 Quarterlife (第一季1到6) ------Lisa
2007 Medium 靈媒緝兇(Season 3, Episode 7) ----Janet
2006 Dexter 嗜血法醫(Season 1, Episode 11) ------Reporter
2005 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Season 6, Episode 2) ---Kate
2005 The Inside 重案疑雲 (Season 1, Episode 11) ------Vickie Armstrong
2004 Gilmore Girls 吉爾莫女孩(Season 4, Episode 20) -----Good Looking Girl
2003 Strong Medicine (Season 4, Episode 2) -------Marisa
2001 Thieves (Season 1, Episode 8) -------Jewelry Clerk