



  • 軟體名稱:瑜伽背痛
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:16.32MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.0及以上
時代音樂呈現出“瑜伽背部疼痛”。如果背部疼痛,你感覺情緒低落,也不要鬱悶了,你並不孤單。事實上,它是最常見的醫學問題之一。幾乎80%的人在其一生中至少有一次遭受背部疼痛。這是更常見,通常發生在城市,因為城市生活方式和缺乏鍛鍊和腰背痛的第一次進攻,30和40歲之間。 一旦你有背部疼痛,不會去容易,因為有很多動作在你的日常工作,把不必要的壓力,你的背部。治本是可能的,只有當你努力加強你的背部肌肉和充足的休息。 只有永遠的補救措施是瑜伽的精神和身體的紀律,冥想,身體姿勢和呼吸技巧的組合。 Times Music presents "Yoga For Back Pain". If back pain has you feeling low, don't be depressed, you're not alone. In fact it is one of the most common medical problems. Almost eighty percent of the people suffer from back pain at least once in their lifetime. It is more common in cities because of the urban lifestyle and lack of exercise and the first attack of low back pain normally occurs between the ages of thirty and forty. Once you have back pain, it doesn't go easily as there are lots of movements during your daily routine that put unnecessary pressure on your back. Permanent cure is possible only if you make efforts to strengthen your back muscles and take ample rest. The only permanent remedy is yoga a combination of mental and physical discipline that integrates meditation, body postures and breathing techniques.


