

圖書信息,目 錄,內容簡介,


【作者】:馮 彥 主編
【ISBN】: 9787566303943
【開本/紙張】:185mm×260mm /

目 錄

Unit 1
People of Science
Page 1
A. The Most Original Mind
A. Reading comprehension
B. Dealing with key words
Description of a Person
1. English-Chinese
2. Chinese-English
B. Thomas Hunt Morgan at Columbia University
A. Discussion questions
B. Explain the italicized parts
C. The Giant on Wheels
Questions on the text
Unit 2
Nuclear Power
Page 23
A. 2011 Japan Nuclear Crisis
A. Reading comprehension
B. Dealing with key words
Development by Comparison and Contrast
1. English-Chinese
2. Chinese-English
B. Chernobyl’s Lessons for Japan
A. Discussion questions
B. Explain the italicized parts
C. How Merkel Decided to End Nuclear Power
Questions on the text
Unit 3
Cars of Tomorrow
Page 47
A. Automation in Cars
A. Reading comprehension
B. Dealing with key words
Development by Process Analysis
1. English-Chinese
2. Chinese-English
B. Smart Car, but “Big, in the City”
A. Discussion questions
B. Explain the italicized parts
C. The Super Car
Questions on the text
Unit 4
Page 69
A. Opening Doors on the Way to a Personal Robot
A. Reading comprehension
B. Dealing with key words
Development by Causal Analysis
1. English-Chinese
2. Chinese-English
B. Flexible and Fearless, Seeking Rescue Work
A. Discussion questions
B. Explain the italicized parts
C. Does a Robot Have Feelings?
Questions on the text
Unit 5
VoIP New Phone
Page 91
A. Residential VoIP Phone Service
A. Reading comprehension
B. Dealing with key words
Writing an
1. English-Chinese
2. Chinese-English
B. VoIP Phone and VoIP Reviews
A. Discussion questions
B. Explain the italicized parts
C. The New Smartphone
Questions on the text
Unit 6
Wind Energy
Page 111
A. Our Life with DeKalb Wind Turbines
A. Reading comprehension
B. Dealing with key words
Writing a Personal Story
1. English-Chinese
2. Chinese-English
B. My Personal Experience Living in a Wind Farm
A. Discussion questions
B. Explain the italicized parts
C. Becoming a Wind Farmer
Questions on the text
Unit 7
Light Waves
Page 129
A. Light (I)
A. Reading comprehension
B. Dealing with key words
Writing a Résumé
1. English-Chinese
2. Chinese-English
B. Light (II)
A. Discussion questions
B. Explain the italicized parts
C. Optical Tricks
Questions on the text
Unit 8
Page 151
A. Nanotechnology
A. Reading comprehension
B. Dealing with key words
Exposition of an Object
1. English-Chinese
2. Chinese-English
B. The Meaning of Nanotechnology
A. Discussion questions
B. Explain the italicized parts
C. The Applications of Nanotechnology
Questions on the text
Unit 9
Science and Weather
Page 173
A. The USA, a Land of Tornadoes
A. Reading comprehension
B. Dealing with key words
A Speech
1. English-Chinese
2. Chinese-English
B. Weather Forecast and Its Service for Beijing Olympic Games
A. Discussion questions
B. Explain the italicized parts
C. New NASA Technology Helps Forecast Severe Weather
Questions on the text
Unit 10
Remote Controls
Page 195
A. The History of Remote Control
A. Reading comprehension
B. Dealing with key words
Exposition of a Diagram
1. English-Chinese
2. Chinese-English
B. The Best Universal Remote
A. Discussion questions
B. Explain the italicized parts
C. The Wrist Remote
Questions on the text
Key to Exercises




