



  • 書名:現代質量工程專業英語
  • 作者:楊承先李煥良
  • ISBN:9787512100558
  • 定價:23.00元
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社,北京交通大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2010年03月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開




第1篇 基礎篇
第1章 專業英語基礎知識
1.1 文體結構和特點
1.2 語言表達方式
第2章 專業英語語法基礎
2.1 動詞不定式
2.2 分詞
2.3 過去分詞
2.4 動名詞
2.5 被動語態
2.6 同位語和插入語
2.7 從句的語法特徵
第2篇 閱讀篇
第3章 專業英語閱讀概論
3.1 閱讀要求
3.2 閱讀方法
第4章 專業英語閱讀技巧
4.1 獲取主題思想
4.2 獲取細節信息
4.3 領悟意境詞義
4.4 弄清文中的指代關係
4.5 把握文中的對比邏輯關係
4.6 把握文中描述的位置關係
4.7 兩種快速閱讀方法
第3篇 翻譯篇
第5章 專業英語翻譯的標準與過程
5.1 翻譯的標準
5.2 翻譯的過程
第6章 專業英語翻譯的方法與技巧
6.1 詞的增減翻譯法
6.2 詞,陸轉譯
6.3 句子成分的轉譯
6.4 被動語態的翻譯
6.5 it結構的翻譯
6.6 專業術語的翻譯
6.7 從句的翻譯
6.8 長句的翻譯
6.9 否定結構的翻譯
第4篇 套用篇
Chapter 7 Quality Management Standards
7.1 Intensive Reading
Lesson 1 Introduction to ISO 9000 Series Standards
Lesson 2 Quality Management Principles
Lesson 3 Understanding ' Design Control' —— the Clause 4 4 of ISO 9001
Lesson 4 Documentation Requirements of ISO 9000:2000
7.2 Extensive Reading
Lesson 1 The Progress of Quality Engineering
Lesson 2 Analysis of Quality Costs
Chapter 8 Quality Management System
8.1 Intensive Reading
Lesson 1 The Requirements of Establishing Quality Management System
Lesson 2 The Control of Design and Development in Quality Management System
Lesson 3 The Control of Production Process in Quality Management System
Lesson 4 Implementation of Quality Management System
8.2 Extensive Reading
Lesson 1 Quality is the Life of Product
Lesson 2 Philip B Crosby
Chapter 9 The Audit of Quality Management System
9.1 Intensive Reading
Lesson 1 Introduction to the Audit of Quality Management System
Lesson 2 The Types of Quality System Audit
Lesson 3 Planning and Implementation of Quality System Audit
Lesson 4 The Responsibility, Conclusion and Follow-up of Quality System Audit
9.2 Extensive Reading'
Lesson 1 Management of Quality Costs
Lesson 2 W Edwards Deming
Chapter 10 Control of Inspection, Measuring and Test Process
10.1 Intensive Reading
Lesson 1 Control of Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment
Lesson 2 The Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices
Lesson 3 Selection of Measuring Instruments
Lesson 4 Introduction to the Measuring Tools
10.2 Extensive Reading
Lesson 1 Inspection and Quality Control
Lesson 2 Joseph M Juran
Chapter 11 Quality Control Technology
11.1 Intensive Reading
Lesson 1 Quality Function Deployment
Lesson 2 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Lesson 3 The Technique of Flowchart
Lesson 4 The Technique of Relationship Diagram
11.2 Extensive Reading
Lesson 1 Defect Classification
Lesson 2 Introduction to Seven Kinds of Quality Control Tools
Chapter 12 Statistical Proeess Control of Quality
12.1 Intensive Reading
Lesson 1 Acceptance Sampling by Numbers
Lesson 2 Variables Sampling Plan
Lesson 3 Process Capability Analysis
Lesson 4 The Technique of Control Chart
12.2 Extensive Reading
Lesson 1 Cause-and-Effect Diagram
Lesson 2 Six Sigma Project
Chapter 13 Computer-Aided Quality Control
13.1 Intensive Reading
Lesson 1 Quality Information System
Lesson 2 The Application of Computer Technology to Quality Cot
Lesson 3 CAPP (Computer_Aided Process Planning) Technology
Lesson 4 The Future Trends of Computer-Aided Quality Control
13.2 Extensive Reading
Lesson 1 Nondestructive Testing
Lesson 2 Walter A Shewhart
附錄A 課文練習參考答案


