



  • 書名:現代漢語名詞謂語句的句法研究
  • 作者:張慶文 
  • ISBN:9787030428318
  • 頁數:219
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16


《現代漢語名詞謂語句的句法研究》運用生成語法學理論,從句法和語義角度對漢語名詞謂語句進行了探討,主要回答以下問題:漢語名詞謂語句是否是漢語特有的語言現象?漢語名詞謂語句與其他類型的謂語句存在哪些共性?漢語名詞謂語句是否遵守普遍語法原則。根據對漢語名詞謂語句的觀察,《現代漢語名詞謂語句的句法研究》提出了“戴維森論元可見性假設”,其核心思想是一個句子如若合法,必須在可能世界(possible world)中找到合適的坐標,亦即錨定點(anchoring point),使句中的戴維森論元得以實現。通過對四種名詞謂語句的深入研究,我們發現漢語的名詞謂語句與動詞謂語句以及屈折性語言中的名詞謂語句一樣,它們在句子的合法性上都遵循“戴維森論元可見性假設”。如果把這一假設看作普遍語法的一部分的話,漢語名詞謂語句無疑是遵守普遍語法的,這一點與所有主謂關係句都無二致。


張慶文,北京語言大學理論語言學文學碩士,香港理工大學語言學哲學博士,現為教育部人文社會科學重點研究基地廣東外語外貿大學外國語言學及套用語言學研究中心教授、專職研究員。主要從事生成語言學理論研究,研究興趣為句法學、句法學一語義學界面、現代漢語語法、方言語法,主要研究方向為述謂理論、量化理論、名詞短語、題元理論等。曾在《外語教學與研究》、《現代外語》、《當代語言學》、《世界漢語教學》、《漢語學報》、《語言暨語言學》、International Journal of Chinese Linguistics等國內外期刊發表論文多篇。


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Prelirrunaries
1.1.1 The Davidsonian event theory: The theorehcal framework
1.1.2 The Davidsonian argument and predication in Chinese: Issuesto be solved
1.2 Nominalpredicationin this study
1.2.1 Previous studies on predicate nominals
1.2.2 Nominal predicahon construchons to be discussed in this study
1.3 Nominal predication in Mandarin Chinese and the funchon of the copula
1.3.1 Predicate nominals in Mandarin Chinese
1.3.2 The function of the copula
1.4 The visibility of the Davidsonian argument
1.4.1 Neo-Davidsoruan theory & the Davidsonian argument visibility hypothesis
1.4.2 The copula as an eventuality predicate
1.4 ,3 Nominalpredicahon under discussion as a reduced copular construction
1.4.4 The visibility of the Davidsonian argument: The possibilihes
1.5 The syntactic configuration of nominaj predication
1.5.1 The studies on the syntactic representation of the Davidsonian argument
1.5.2 The syntactic structure of nominal predication
1.6 The outline
Chapter 2 Temporals/Locatives and Nominal Predication
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Predicate nominals in the copulaless nominal predicate construction
2.3 Temporal/locative nominal predicates
2.4 Restrictions on the predicahve temporal/locative nominals
2.4.1 The restriction on the relative temporal/locative nominalpredicates
2.4.2 The restriction on the clause initial nominals
2.5 The analysis on the restrictions
2.5.1 AgainstMa(1991)
2.5.2 The distinction between absolute and relahve temporals/locatives
2.5.3 The status of the clause initial temporal/Locative nominals
2.6 The syntactlic structure of the temporal/Jocative predicahve construction
2.6.1 Relative temporals/locatives asimpliat PPs
2.6.2 The syntax of time arguments/time adverbs: Demirdache & Uribe-Etxebarria
2.6.3 The syntax of the temporal/locative nominal predicahve construchon
2.7 Thepredictions
2.7.1 Nominals with a spatio-temporal argument as eligible predicates
2.7.2 Time-related adverbs and nominalpredicates
2.7.3 Durative phrases and nominal predicahon
2.7.4 Temporalparhcles
2.8 The summary
Chapter 3 Modified Nonunals and Nominal Predication
Chapter 4 The Predicative Possessive Nonunal Construction
Chapter 5 The Left Periphery of the Nonunal Predicative Construction
Chapter 6 NominaIPredicationin Clunese: Conclusion and Remarks


