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  • 中文名:王龍龍
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:山東濰坊
  • 畢業院校山東農業大學、華中農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:豆科植物-根瘤菌共生固氮


2010年09月 至 2014年07月山東農業大學生物科學專業 學士
2014年09月 至 2019年12月華中農業大學微生物學專業 博士 (碩博連讀)
2020年01月 至 2023年07月華中農業大學博士後
2023年08月 至今 安徽農業大學特任教授


主持,安徽農業大學引進人才科研啟動項目,在研,2023 - 2028。


† Co-first author; *corresponding author
【1】 Longlong Wang, Tao Tian, Jianjun Liang, Runhui Li, Xian Xin, Yongmei Qi, Yumiao Zhou, Qiuling Fan, Guogui Ning, Manuel Becana, and Deqiang Duanmu*. A transcription factor of the NAC family regulates nitrate-induced legume nodule senescence, New Phytologist, (2023), 238: 2113-2129. 【相關報導】New Phytologist |華中農業大學端木德強課題組揭示硝酸鹽誘導根瘤衰老的新機制
【2】 Longlong Wang, Yu Zhou, Runhui Li, Jianjun Liang, Tao Tian, Jie Ji, Runzhou Chen, Yumiao Zhou, Qiuling Fan, Guogui Ning, Robert M Larkin, Manuel Becana, and Deqiang Duanmu*. Single cell-type transcriptome profiling reveals genes that promote nitrogen fixation in the infected and uninfected cells of legume nodules, Plant Biotechnology Journal, (2022), 20: 616-618. 【相關報導】PBJ | 華中農大端木德強團隊通過單細胞測序解析豆科植物根瘤固氮的調控網路
【3】 Longlong Wang, Maria Carmen Rubio, Xian Xin, Baoli Zhang, Qiuling Fan, Qiang Wang, Guogui Ning, Manuel Becana, and Deqiang Duanmu*. CRISPR/Cas9 knockout of leghemoglobin genes in Lotus japonicus uncovers their synergistic roles in symbiotic nitrogen fixation, New Phytologist, (2019), 224: 818-832. 【相關報導】New Phytologist | 華中農大端木德強團隊利用CRISPR/Cas9 技術揭示豆血紅蛋白調控根瘤高效固氮的分子機制
【4】 Longlong Wang*, Jianjun Liang, Yu Zhou, Tao Tian, Baoli Zhang, and Deqiang Duanmu*. Molecular Characterization of Carbonic Anhydrase Genes in Lotus japonicus and Their Potential Roles in Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, (2021), 22: 7766.
【5】 Longlong Wang, Longxiang Wang, Yu Zhou, and Deqiang Duanmu*. Use of CRISPR/Cas9 for Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation Research in Legumes, Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science, (2017), 149: 187-213.
【6】 Yu Zhou, Longlong Wang, Maria Carmen Rubio, Carmen Pérez-Rontomé, Yumiao Zhou, Yongmei Qi, Tao Tian, Weiqing Zhang, Qiuling Fan, Manuel Becana and Deqiang Duanmu* Heme catabolism mediated by heme oxygenase in uninfected interstitial cells enables efficient symbiotic nitrogen fixation in Lotus japonicus nodules, New Phytologist, (2023), 239: 1969-2006.【相關報導】New Phytologist | 華中農業大學端木德強課題組揭示固氮根瘤中血紅素分解代謝的新機制
【7】 Longxiang Wang, Longlong Wang, Qian Tan, Qiuling Fan, Hui Zhu, Zonglie Hong, Zhongming Zhang*, and Deqiang Duanmu*. Efficient Inactivation of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation Related Genes in Lotus japonicus Using CRISPR-Cas9, Frontiers in Plant Science, (2016), 7: 1333.
【8】 Samuel Minguillón, Ángela Román, Carmen Pérez-Rontomé, Longlong Wang, Ping Xu, Jeremy D Murray, Deqiang Duanmu, Maria C Rubio* and Manuel Becana*. Dynamics of of Lotus japonicus hemoglobins during nodule development, nitrate response, and dark stress, Journal of Experimental Botany, (2023), doi: 10.1093/jxb/erad455.
【9】 Jie Ji, Chunyang Zhang, Zhongfeng Sun, Longlong Wang, Deqiang Duanmu*, and Qiuling Fan*. Genome Editing in Cowpea Vigna unguiculata Using CRISPR-Cas9, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, (2019), 20: 2471.
【10】 Irene Villar, Maria C Rubio, Laura Calvo-Begueria, Carmen Pérez-Rontomé, Estibaliz Larrainzar, Michael T Wilson, Niels Sandal, Luis A Mur, Longlong Wang, Brandon Reeder, Deqiang Duanmu, Toshiki Uchiumi, Jens Stougaard, and Manuel Becana*. Three classes of hemoglobins are required for optimal vegetative and reproductive growth of Lotus japonicus: genetic and biochemical characterization of LjGlb2-1, Journal of Experimental Botany, (2021), 72: 7778–7791.


2014年 山東農業大學優秀本科畢業論文
2014年 山東省優秀本科畢業生
2019年 華中農業大學-博士研究生-國家獎學金
2019年 華中農業大學-學術希望之星
2019年 華中農業大學-優秀博士學位論文


