

王顯福,副教授/碩士生導師,蘇州大學優秀青年學者,主要從事電化學能源存儲器件及電催化的研究,近些年在國際著名期刊總計發表SCI論文60余篇,論文總計被引用4000余次,論文總H因子為34。其中以第一作者或通訊作者在Chemical Society Reviews, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Nano, Nano Energy, Small等國際知名期刊發表SCI論文20余篇,影響因子大於10的有11篇,6篇入選ESI Highly Cited papers5篇被選為封面論文。主持國家自然科學基金、江蘇省自然科學基金等項目6項。



1. 中國科協青年人才托舉工程(2018-2020);
2. 中國材料研究學會科技進步一等獎 (排名2)
3. 湖北省優秀博士學位論文;
4. 蘇州市高等院校、科研院所緊缺高層次人才;


1. 無機二維納米材料
Inorganic two-dimensional nanomaterials
2. 表界面科學
Surface/interface science
3. 能源存儲器件
Energy storage devices
4. 電催化


1. Xianfu Wang,Yu Chen,Oliver G. Schmidt,Chenglin Yan*,Engineered nanomembranes for smart energy storage devices,Chemical Society Reviews, 2016, 45, 1308-1330.
2. XianfuWang, Yiming Xie, KaiTang, Chao Wang, Chenglin Yan, Redox Chemistry of Molybdenum Trioxide for Ultrafast Hydrogen-Ion Storage,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2018, 57, 11569-11573.
3.Kai Tang,Xianfu Wang*, Qun Li, Chenglin Yan*,HighEdge Selectivity ofin-situElectrochemical Pt-deposition onEdge-richLayeredWS2Nanosheets,Advanced Materials,2018,1704779.
4.Qun Li,Xianfu Wang*, Kai Tang, Mengfan Wang, Chao Wang, Chenglin Yan*, Electronic Modulation of Electrocatalytically Active Center of Cu7S4Nanodisks by Cobalt-doping for Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction,ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 12230-12239.
5. Xianfu Wang, Bin Liu,Rong Liu, Qiufan Wang, Xiaojuan Hou,DiChen*, Rongming Wang*and Guozhen Shen*, Fiber-BasedFlexibleAll-Solid-State Asymmetric Supercapacitors for Integrated Photodetecting System,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2014,53,1849-1853.
6. Xianfu Wang,Xihong Lu, Bin Liu,Di Chen, Yexiang Tong*, and Guozhen Shen*, FlexibleEnergy Storage Devices: Design Consideration and Recent Progress,Advanced Materials, 2014,26, 4763-4782.
7. Xianfu Wang, Bin Liu, Qiufan Wang, Weifeng Song, Xiaojuan Hou, Yi-bing Cheng and Guozhen Shen*,Three-dimensional hierarchical GeSe2nanostructures for high performance flexible all-solid-state supercapacitors,Advanced Materials, 2013, 25, 1479-1486.
8. Xianfu Wang, Weifeng Song, Bin Liu, Gui Chen, Di Chen, Chongwu Zhou and Guozhen Shen*,High-performance organic-inorganic hybrid photodetectors based on P3HT:CdSe nanowires heterojunction on rigidand flexible substrates,Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 9, 1202-1209.
9. Xianfu Wang, and Guozhen Shen*, Intercalation pseudo-capacitive TiNb2O7@ carbon electrode for high-performance lithium ion hybrid electrochemical supercapacitors with ultrahigh energy density,Nano Energy, 2015, 15, 104-115.
10. Xianfu Wang,Kai Jiang* and Guozhen Shen*,Flexible fiber energy storage and integrated devices: recent progress and perspectives,Materials Today, 2015, 18, 265-272.


