


  • 中文名:王震波
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1981年2月
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學
  • 學科:發育生物學


姓名: 王震波
學科: 發育生物學
通訊地址: 北京市朝陽區北辰西路1號院五號
中國科學院動物研究所 計畫生育生殖生物學國家重點實驗室
更多信息: 受精生物學研究組


2013年1月 - 現在,中國科學院動物研究所,副研究員。
2012年7月 - 2012年12月,中國科學院動物研究所,助理研究員。
2010年7月 - 2012年6月,中國科學院動物研究所,博士後。
2004年9月 - 2010年7月,中國科學院動物研究所計畫生育生殖生物學國家重點實驗室獲發育生物學博士學位。
2006年6月 - 2008年6月, 加拿大渥太華大學健康研究所,訪問研究生。
2000年9月 - 2004年7月, 中國農業大學生物學院,獲理學學士學位。








Ma XS, Lin F, Wang ZW, Hu MW, Huang L, Meng TG, Jiang ZZ, Schatten H, Wang ZB#, Sun QY# (2016). Geminin Deletion in Mouse Oocytes Results in Impaired Embryo Development and Reduced Fertility. Mol Biol Cell
Jiang ZZ, Hu MW, Ma XS, Schatten H, Fan HY, Wang ZB#, Sun QY# (2015). LKB1 acts as a critical gatekeeper of ovarian primordial follicle pool. Oncotarget
Hu MW*, Wang ZB*, Teng Y*, Jiang ZZ, Ma XS, Hou N, Cheng X, Schatten H, Xu X, Yang X, Sun QY(2015). Loss of protein phosphatase 6 in oocytes causes failure of meiosis II exit and impaired female fertility
Liang QX, Zhang QH, Qi ST, Wang ZW, Hu MW, Ma XS, Zhu MS, Schatten H, Wang ZB#, Sun QY#(2015). Deletion of Mylk1 in oocytes causes delayed morula-to-blastocyst transition and reduced fertility without affecting folliculogenesis and oocyte maturation in mice
Hu MW*, Wang ZB*, Jiang ZZ, Qi ST, Huang L, Liang QX, Schatten H, Sun QY(2014). Scaffold Subunit Aalpha of PP2A Is Essential for Female Meiosis and Fertility
Jiang ZZ*, Hu MW*, Wang ZB*, Huang L, Lin F, Qi ST, Ouyang YC, Fan HY, Schatten H, Mak TW, Sun QY(2014). Survivin is essential for fertile egg production and female fertility in mice
Wang ZB, Jiang ZZ, Zhang QH, Hu MW, Huang L, Ou XH, Guo L, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Brakebusch C, Schatten H, Sun QY(2013).Specific deletion of Cdc42 does not affect meiotic spindle organization/migration and homologous chromosome segregation, but disrupts polarity establishment and cytokinesis in mouse oocyte
Qiao J*, Wang ZB*, Feng HL*, Miao YL, Wang Q, Yu Y, Wei YC, Yan J, Wang WH, Shen W, Sun SC, Schatten H, Sun QY(2014). The root of reduced fertility in aged women and possible therapentic options: Current status and future perspects
Huang L*, Wang ZB*, Jiang ZZ, Hu MW, Lin F, Zhang QH, Luo YB, Hou Y, Zhao Y, Fan HY, Schatten H, Sun QY(2013). Specific disruption of Tsc1 in ovarian granulosa cells promotes ovulation and causes progressive accumulation of corpora lutea
Wang ZB, Schatten H, Sun QY (2011).Why is Chromosome Segregation Error in Oocytes Increased With Maternal Aging
Wang ZB, Ou XH, Tong JS, Li S, Wei L, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Sun QY (2010). The SUMO pathway functions in mouse oocyte maturation
Wang L*,Wang ZB*, Zhang X, Harris GF, Baltz JM, Sun QY, Liu XJ (2008). Brefeldin A disrupts asymmetric spindle positioning in mouse oocytes
Xu ZY, Ma XS, Qi ST, Wang ZB, Guo L, Schatten H, Sun QY, Sun YP (2015). Cep55 regulates spindle organization and cell cycle progression in meiotic oocyte
Liu SZ, Wei ZF, Meng XQ, Han XY, Cheng D, Zhong T, Zhang TL, Wang ZB (2015). Exposure to Aroclor-1254 impairs spindle assembly during mouse oocyte maturation
Wang F, Zhang L, Duan X, Zhang GL, Wang ZB, Wang Q, Xiong B, Sun SC (2015). RhoA-mediated FMNL1 regulates GM130 for actin assembly and phosphorylates MAPK for spindle formation in mouse oocyte meiosis
Zhang T, Zhou Y, Qi ST, Wang ZB, Qian WP, Ouyang YC, Shen W, Schatten H, Sun QY(2015). Nuf2 is required for chromosome segregation during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation
Qi ST, Wang ZB, Huang L, Liang LF, Xian YX, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Sun QY, Wang WH(2015).Casein kinase 1 (α, δ and ε) localize at the spindle poles, but may not be essential for mammalian oocyte meiotic progression
Zhu L, Han CS, Cao ZL, Wang ZB, Han RG, Wang B, Sun QY(2015). Confocal Microscopic Analysis of the Spindle and Chromosome Configurations of in vitro-Matured Oocytes from Different Types of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Patients
Chen L, Ge ZJ, Wang ZB, Sun T, Ouyang YC, Sun QY, Sun YP (2014). TGN38 is required for the metaphase I/anaphase I transition and asymmetric cell division during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation
Lin F, Ma XS, Wang ZB, Wang ZW, Luo YB, Huang L, Jiang ZZ, Hu MW, Schatten H, Sun QY (2014). Different fates of oocytes with DNA double-strand breaks in vitro and in vivo
Ma JY, Zhao K, OuYang YC, Wang ZB, Luo YB, Hou Y, Schatten H, Shen W, Sun QY(2014). Exogenous thymine DNA glycosylase regulates epigenetic modifications and meiotic cell cycle progression of mouse oocytes
Yu XJ, Yi Z, Gao Z, Qin D, Zhai Y, Chen X, Ou-Yang Y, Wang ZB, Zheng P, Zhu MS, Wang H, Sun QY, Dean J, Li L (2014). The subcortical maternal complex controls symmetric division of mouse zygotes by regulating F-actin dynamics
Wang F, Zhang L, Zhang GL, Wang ZB, Cui XS, Kim NH, Sun SC(2014).WASH complex regulates Arp2/3 complex for actin-based polar body extrusion in mouse oocytes
Wang QC, Liu J, Wang ZB, Zhang Y, Duan X, Cui XS, Kim NH, Sun SC (2014).Dynamin 2 regulates actin-mediated spindle migration in mouse oocytes
Zhang T, Zhang GL, Ma JY, Qi ST, Wang ZB, Wang ZW, Luo YB, Jiang ZZ, Schatten H, Sun QY(2014). Effects of DNA damage and short-term spindle disruption on oocyte meiotic maturation
Duan X, Liu J, Dai XX, Liu HL, Cui XS, Kim NH, Wang ZB, Wang Q, Sun SC (2014). Rho-GTPase effector ROCK phosphorylates cofilin in actin-meditated cytokinesis during mouse oocyte meiosis
Liu J, Wang QC, Cui XS, Wang ZB, Kim NH, Sun SC(2013).MKlp2 inhibitor paprotrain affects polar body extrusion during mouse oocyte maturation
Wang ZW, Ma XS, Ma JY, Luo YB, Lin F, Wang ZB, Fan HY, Schatten H, Sun QY(2013). Laser microbeam-induced DNA damage inhibits cell division in fertilized eggs and early embryos
Luo SM, Ge ZJ, Wang ZW, Jiang ZZ, Wang ZB, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Schatten H, Sun QY (2013). Unique insights into maternal mitochondrial inheritance in mice
Ma JY, Ou Yang YC, Wang ZW, Wang ZB, Jiang ZZ, Luo SM, Hou Y, Liu ZH, Schatten H, Sun QY(2013). The effects of DNA double-strand breaks on mouse oocyte meiotic maturation
Ma JY, Ou-Yang YC, Luo YB, Wang ZB, Hou Y, Han ZM, Liu Z, Schatten H, Sun QY(2013). Cyclin O regulates germinal vesicle breakdown in mouse oocytes
Qi ST, Wang ZB, Ouyang YC, Zhang QH, Hu MW, Huang X, Ge Z, Guo L, Wang YP, Hou Y, Schatten H, Sun QY(2013). Overexpression of SETβ, a protein localizing to centromeres, causes precocious separation of chromatids during the first meiosis of mouse oocytes
Li S, Ou XH, Wei L, Wang ZB, Zhang QH, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Schatten H, Sun QY(2012). Septin 7 is required for orderly meiosis in mouse oocytes
Ou XH, Li S, Wang ZB, Li M, Quan S, Xing F, Guo L, Chao SB, Chen Z, Liang XW, Hou Y, Schatten H, Sun QY(2012). Maternal insulin resistance causes oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in mouse oocytes
Chen L, Chao SB, Wang ZB, Qi ST, Zhu XL, Yang SW, Yang CR, Zhang QH, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Schatten H, Sun QY(2012). Checkpoint kinase 1 is essential for meiotic cell cycle regulation in mouse oocytes
Hu MW, Wang ZB, Schatten H, Sun QY(2012). New understandings on folliculogenesis/ oogenesis regulation in mouse as revealed by conditional knockout
Zhang QH, Qi ST, Wang ZB, Yang CR, Wei YW, Chen L, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Schatten H, Sun QY (2012).Localization and function of the Ska complex during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation
Chao SB, Guo L, Ou XH, Luo SM, Wang ZB, Schatten H, Gao GL, Sun QY (2012).Heated spermatozoa: effects on embryonic development and epigenetics
Zhu J, Qi ST, Wang YP, Wang ZB, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Schatten H, Sun QY(2011).Septin1 is required for spindle assembly and chromosome congression in mouse oocytes
Wei Y, Multi S, Yang CR, Ma J, Zhang QH, Wang ZB, Li M, Wei L, Ge ZJ, Zhang CH, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Schatten H, Sun QY(2011).Spindle assembly checkpoint regulates mitotic cell cycle progression during preimplantation embryo development
Huang X, Wang HL, Qi ST, Wang ZB, Tong JS, Zhang QH, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Schatten H, Qi ZQ, Sun QY (2011).DYNLT3 Is Required for Chromosome Alignment During Mouse Oocyte Meiotic Maturation
Zhang CH, Wang ZB, Quan S, Huang X, Tong JS, Ma JY, Guo L, Wei YC, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Xing FQ, Sun QY (2011).GM130, a cis-Golgi protein, regulates meiotic spindle assembly and asymmetric division in mouse oocyte
Leblanc J, Zhang X, McKee D, Wang ZB, Li R, Ma C, Sun QY, Liu XJ (2011).The Small GTPase Cdc42 Promotes Membrane Protrusion during Polar Body Emission via ARP2-Nucleated Actin Polymerization
Sun SC, Wang ZB, Xu YN, Lee SE, Cui XS, Kim NH (2011). Arp2/3 complex regulates asymmetric division and cytokinesis in mouse oocytes
Huang X, Tong JS, Wang ZB, Yang CR, Qi ST, Guo L, Ouyang YC, Quan S, Sun QY, Qi ZQ, Huang RX, Wang HL (2011).JNK2 Participates in Spindle Assembly during Mouse Oocyte Meiotic Maturation
Tong JS, Zhang QH, Wang ZB, Li S, Yang CR, Fu XQ, Hou Y, Wang ZY, Sheng J, Sun QY (2010).ER-α36, a novel variant of ER-α, mediates estrogen-stimulated proliferation of endometrial carcinoma cells via the PKCδ/ERK pathway
Ou XH, Li S, Xu BZ, Wang ZB, Quan S, Li M, Zhang QH, Ouyang YC, Schatten H, Xing FQ, Sun QY (2010).P38α MAPK is a MTOC-associated protein regulating spindle assembly, spindle length and accurate chromosome segregation during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation
Li S, Ou XH, Wang ZB, Xiong B, Tong JS, Wei L, Li M, Yuan J, Ouyang YC, Hou Y, Schatten H, Sun QY (2010).ERK3 Is Required for Metaphase-Anaphase Transition in Mouse Oocyte Meiosis
Li M, Li S, Yuan J, Wang ZB, Sun SC, Schatten H, Sun QY (2009).Bub3 is a spindle assembly checkpoint protein regulating chromosome segregation during mouse oocyte meiosis
Lin SL, Yan LY, Liang XW, Wang ZB, Wang ZY, Qiao J, Schatten H, Sun QY (2009). A novel variant of ER-alpha, ER-alpha36 mediates testosterone-stimulated ERK and Akt activation in endometrial cancer Hec1A cells
Ola SL, Ai JS, Liu JH, Wang Q, Wang ZB, Chen DY, Sun QY (2008).Effects of gonadotrophins, growth hormone and activin A on enzymatically isolated follicle growth, oocyte chromatin organization and steroid secretion


